TCVN 9256:2012 (Technical product documentation – Vocabulary – Terms relating to technical drawings: General and types of drawings
TCVN 9256:2012 was converted from TCXDVN 340:2005 (ISO 10209-1:1992) in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1, Article 69 of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations and Point a), Clause 1, Article 7 of the Government’s Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP dated August 1, 2007, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations.
TCVN 9256:2012 was compiled by the Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning – Ministry of Construction, proposed by the Ministry of Construction, appraised by the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, and announced by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
1. Scope of application
This standard specifies and defines the terms used in the preparation of technical documentation including technical drawings.
2. General terms
2.1. Chart/ graph
A figure represented by a graph, usually within a coordinate system, showing the relationship between two or more variable systems.
2.2. Cut/ sectional view
A cross-section showing the cut portion surrounded by an outline.
2.3. Detail
A drawing representation of a structural detail or a part of a structural detail or an assembly, usually drawn to a larger scale to provide necessary information.
2.4. Diagram
A drawing in which graphical symbols are used to indicate the functions of components in a system and their relationships.
2.5. Elevation
A view on a plane perpendicular to the ground.
2.6. Item
A component, element, part, or physical feature of an object represented on a drawing.
2.7. Nomogram
A chart from which approximate values of one or more variables can be determined without calculation.
2.8. Plan
A view or section on a horizontal plane, viewed from above.
2.9. Section
A representation of the outlines of an object lying in one or more cutting planes.
2.10. Sketch
A freehand preliminary drawing, not to scale.
2.11. Technical drawing/ drawing
A drawing conveying technical information in pictorial form, in compliance with agreed rules and to scale.
2.12. View
An orthographic projection showing the visible part of an object and, if necessary, its hidden lines.
3. Types of drawings
3.1. As-built drawing/ record drawing
A drawing used to record the details of a construction project after completion.
3.2. Assembly drawing
A drawing showing the relative positions and/or shapes of a highly aggregated set of parts in an assembled configuration.
Note: For lower-level aggregations, see 3.22.
3.3. Block plan
A drawing identifying the building site and locating the outlines of the building in relation to town planning or similar documents.
3.4. Component drawing
A drawing describing an individual component, which includes all information necessary to define that component.
3.5. Component range drawing
A drawing showing dimensions, reference system (component type and component number), and performance requirement data for a range of components of a particular type.
3.6. Detail drawing
A drawing showing parts of a structure or a component, usually enlarged, and including characteristic information on shape, construction or assembly and connections.
3.7. Draft drawing/ preliminary drawing
A drawing forming the basis for the selection of a final solution and/or for discussion between parties involved.
3.8. General arrangement drawing
A drawing showing the layout of a building, including the location of the building, reference systems for the items, and dimensions.
3.9. General assembly drawing
An assembly drawing showing all the groups and parts of the completed product.
3.10. Installation drawing
A drawing showing the general shape of an item and the information necessary to install that item into assemblies and related items.
3.11. Interface drawing
A drawing showing the information for the assembly and mating of two related parts regarding dimensions, geometrical limitations, performance and test requirements.
3.12. Item list
A complete listing of the items of an assembly (or sub-assembly) or of the parts detailed in a drawing.
3.13. Layout drawing
A drawing showing the locations of building sites, structures, buildings, spaces, parts, assemblies, or components.
3.14. Original drawing
A drawing showing current or approved data or information, and incorporating the latest revisions.
3.15. Outline drawing
A drawing showing the outer contours, overall dimensions and general configuration of an object, used to define requirements for packaging, transportation and installation.
3.16. Part drawing
A drawing showing a single (non-reducible) part and including all information necessary to define that single part.
3.17. Partial arrangement drawing
A drawing showing a limited portion of a general arrangement drawing, usually enlarged and providing additional information.
3.18. Pattern drawing
A drawing showing a pattern made of wood, metal, or other materials, into which molding material is rammed to form the mold.
3.19. Production drawing
A drawing, usually derived from design data, showing all information necessary for manufacture.
3.20. Tabular drawing
A drawing showing parts of similar shape but with different features.
3.21. Site plan
A drawing showing the positions of buildings in relation to location points, entrances, and the overall layout of the building site. The drawing also includes information on utilities, road systems, and landscaping.
3.22. Sub-assembly drawing
An assembly drawing at a lower structural level showing only a limited number of groups and parts.