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TCVN 6085:2012 ISO 7437:1990 Technical drawings - Construction drawings - General rules for execution of drawingsforPrefabricated structural components
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TCVN 6085:2012

TCVN 6085:2012 ISO 7437:1990 Technical drawings – Construction drawings – General rules for execution of drawingsforPrefabricated structural components


TCVN 6085:2012 replaces TCVN 6085:1995 (ISO 7437:1990).

TCVN 6085:2012 is identical to ISO 7437:1990.

TCVN 6085:2012 was converted from TCVN 6085:1995 (ISO 7437:1990) in accordance with Clause 1, Article 69 of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations and Point a), Clause 1, Article 7 of the Government’s Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP of August 1, 2007 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations.

TCVN 6085:2012 was drafted by the Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning – Ministry of Construction, proposed by the Ministry of Construction, appraised by the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, and promulgated by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

1. Scope

1.1. This standard specifies the general principles for preparing working drawings for prefabricated structures.

1.2. Documentation for prefabricated structures consists of drawings, technical specifications and schedules. This standard applies only to the drawings.

NOTE: The technical specifications and schedules may be prepared as separate documents or added directly to the drawings.

2. Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

TCVN 8_, Technical drawings – General principles of presentation;_

TCVN 6084: 20121), Construction drawings – Simplified representation of concrete reinforcement;

TCVN 7285 : 2003, Technical product documentation – Sizes and layout of drawing sheets.

TCVN 7286 : 2003, Technical drawings – Scales;

TCVN 9260: 20121), Construction drawings – Indication of limit deviations.

3. Preparation of working drawings

3.1. General provisions

3.1.1. Working drawings for prefabricated structures (with and without formwork) shall clearly show the shape and component parts of the structure. These parts shall include all dimensions and information necessary for manufacture, inspection and packaging, such as:

a) Names of the components;

b) Reinforcement;

c) Surface finish requirements;

d) Embedded parts, holes, recesses and grooves;

e) Formwork release accessories;

f) Safety devices for erection, handling, transport and storage requirements.

3.1.2. The drawings shall be presented in compliance with the relevant regulations.

3.1.3. The size and layout of drawings shall comply with the provisions of TCVN 7285:2003.

3.1.4. Drawing scales shall be in accordance with TCVN 7286:2003, as follows:

a) Principal views and sections: 1/50; 1/20; 1/10;

b) Detail drawings: 1/20; 1/10; 1/5; 1/2; 1/1.

3.1.5. Views and sections shall be presented and symbols used in accordance with the provisions in TCVN 8.

3.1.6. Dimensions should be taken from a common datum. Round holes and openings shall be dimensioned on their diameters, rectangular holes and openings on the sides.

3.1.7. General tolerances are specified in the technical specifications. Where it is necessary to specify special tolerances, these shall be indicated directly on the relevant drawing in accordance with the provisions in TCVN 9260:2012.

3.2. Presentation of working drawings

3.2.1. The names of the structural components shall be clearly indicated on the drawing and specified in the title block. If there are several structural components on one drawing, the names shall be placed directly adjacent to the main representation of the respective structural component.

3.2.2. When marks are required on the structure for orientation and location purposes, the marking locations shall be in accordance with the instructions in Figure 1.

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 1 – Example of presentation of marking positions on detail drawing

3.3. Reinforcement of components

The reinforcement of components shall be presented in accordance with the provisions of TCVN 6084:2012.

3.4. Surface finish requirements

Requirements for surface finish are specified in the technical specifications. The boundary line of a surface requiring special treatment is indicated on the drawing by a thick chain line as shown in Figure 2.

Dimensions in millimetres

Key: A is the reference point according to the technical specifications

Figure 2 – Example of presentation of surface finished parts

3.5. Embedded parts

Embedded parts shall be accurately represented on the drawing. Where necessary, detail drawings shall be provided or reference made to technical specifications, catalogue numbers and types.

3.6. Formwork release accessories

3.6.1. Accessories which affect the shape of the structure shall be shown and fully dimensioned on the drawing.

3.6.2. Other accessories used for formwork release or to protect the structure are specified in the technical specifications.

3.7. Safety devices for erection, packaging, transport and storage

3.7.1. The positions of lifting hooks, lifting eyes or supports which are incorporated in the structure shall be shown on the drawing, an example of a simplified representation of a component on a small scale drawing is shown in Figure 3. The position and range of this position shall be presented and fully dimensioned with tolerances (see 3.1.7).

3.7.2. Where it is necessary to mark lifting positions and dunnage on the component, the method of marking shall be explained on the drawing or in the technical specifications.

3.7.3. Transport and storage requirements are specified in the technical specifications.

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 3 – Example of lifting hook position indication

1) TCVN to be published