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TCVN 5896:2012 ISO 9431:1990 Construction drawings - Spaces for drawing and for text, and title
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TCVN 5896:2012

TCVN 5896:2012 ISO 9431:1990 Construction drawings – Spaces for drawing and for text, and title


TCVN 5896:2012 replaces TCVN 5896:1995 (ISO 9431:1990).

TCVN 5896:2012 is completely equivalent to ISO 9431:1990.

TCVN 5896:2012 was converted from TCVN 5896:1995 (ISO 9431:1990) according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 69 of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations and Point b), Clause 1, Article 6 of the Government’s Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP dated August 1, 2007 detailing the implementation of some articles of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations.

TCVN 5896:2012 was compiled by the Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning – Ministry of Construction, proposed by the Ministry of Construction, appraised by the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, and announced by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

1. Scope

This standard specifies requirements related to the arrangement, layout and content of the sections for drawing figures, lettering and title blocks on construction drawings.

2. Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 3098 – 1, Technical drawings- Lettering – Part 1: Currently used characters;

ISO 7200 :19841), Technical drawings – Title blocks.

3. General arrangement

A drawing is principally divided into the following sections:

– The figure drawing area (See Clause 4);

– The lettering area (See Clause 5);

– The title block (See ISO 7200).

4. Figure drawing area

Figures in a drawing shall be arranged in rows and columns. A figure considered to be the main one shall be placed at the top left corner of the drawing or of a group of figures. If possible, after finishing the drawing of figures, the drawing sheet should be folded to A4 size.

5. Lettering area
5.1. General provisions

5.1.1. On a drawing, the lettering area includes all the information necessary for the clear understanding of the content of the drawing (See 5.2), excluding the annotations needed to be placed next to the figures in the figure drawing area.

5.1.2. The lettering area is usually placed on the right margin of the drawing (See Figure 1); the width of this section is equal to the width of the title block, maximum 170 mm or minimum 100 mm.

Figure 1 – Arrangement of the lettering area on a drawing

5.1.3. If a figure occupies the entire width of the drawing, the lettering area is placed at the bottom margin of the drawing (See Figure 2); the height of this section is selected as required.

Figure 2 – Arrangement of the lettering area when the figure occupies the entire width of the drawing

5.1.4. The lettering area is divided into columns of appropriate width.

5.2. Information included in the lettering area

5.2.1. The following information is usually included in the lettering area:

– Explanations (See 5.2.2);

– Instructions (See 5.2.3);

– References (See 5.2.5);

– Location drawings (See 5.3);

– Revision table (See 5.4).

5.2.2. In the “Explanations” section, necessary information for reading the drawing is given, such as explanation of special symbols, designations, abbreviations and dimensional units.

5.2.3. In the “Instructions” section, necessary information to complete the content presented on the drawing is given to supplement the information included in the figure drawing area, such as instructions related to materials, processing, surface treatment, assembly position, measurement unit values and combined dimensions.

5.2.4. If several items are presented on the drawing, general instructions shall be placed in the lettering area, while particular instructions shall be placed next to the corresponding figure.

5.2.5. In the “References” section, related drawings and other documents are listed.

5.3. Location drawings

5.3.1. The location drawing shall be placed so that it is still visible after folding the drawing sheet.

5.3.2. As required, the location drawing includes the following drawings:

– Site plan with land plot, north arrow, building, building part… (See Figure 3);

– Building floor plan with land plot and part… (See Figure 4);

– Building cross-section with floor plan, view direction… (See Figure 5).

5.4. Revision table

5.4.1. The revision table is used to record all changes such as corrections, revisions made after initial issue. In addition, any other factors that may affect the validity of the drawing are also recorded in the revision table. The revision table includes the following information:

– The designation of the revision and, if necessary, the number of places revised;

– Details related to the revision;

– Date of revision;

– Signature of the person responsible for the revision.

Figure 3 – Site plan

Figure 4 – Building floor plan

Figure 5 – Building cross-section

5.4.2. The width of the revision table:

a) Equal to the width of the title block if the revision table is placed immediately above the title block;

b) With a minimum width of 100 mm if the revision table is placed to the left of the title block.

The height of each line in the revision table shall comply with the rules given in ISO 3098-1 and shall meet the minimum requirements for baseline spacing.

An example of the arrangement of a revision table is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 – Arrangement of a revision table

5.5. Layout

Examples of the layout of the lettering area on a drawing are shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 – Layout of the lettering area on a drawing

1) Has been replaced