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TCVN 5673:2012 System of building design documents -Water supply and sewerage - Working drawings
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TCVN 5673:2012

TCVN 5673:2012 System of building design documents -Water supply and sewerage – Working drawings


TCVN 5673 : 2012 replaces TCVN 5673 : 1992.

TCVN 5673 : 2012 was converted from TCVN 5673 : 1992 according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 69 of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations and Point b), Clause 1, Article 6 of Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations.

TCVN 5673 : 2012 was compiled by the Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning, proposed by the Ministry of Construction, appraised by the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, and announced by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

1. Scope of application

1.1. This standard stipulates the content and presentation of construction drawing documentation for internal water supply and drainage systems in construction works.

1.2. This standard does not regulate the presentation of construction drawings for water supply and wastewater treatment works, and external pipeline networks of the construction works.

1.3. When preparing the construction drawing documentation for internal water supply and drainage systems, it is necessary to comply with the provisions in this standard and other relevant regulations.

2. Referenced documents

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

TCVN 4036, Construction design documentation system – Pipe symbols on sanitary engineering systems.

TCVN 6077:2012[1]), Drawings of residential and public buildings – Conventional signs for sanitary equipment and appliances.

3. General provisions

3.1. The components of construction drawing documentation for internal water supply and drainage systems include:

  • General data (water sources, technical solutions, technical status of existing networks…);
  • All main drawings of the internal water supply and drainage system (plans, sections, diagrams…);
  • Drawings of non-standardized or non-typical equipment (plans, sections, diagrams…);
  • Equipment, materials list and explanatory notes;
  • Other relevant drawings.

3.2. The symbols shown on the drawings must comply with the provisions in TCVN 4036 and TCVN 6077 : 2012.

  • On the represented pipelines or equipment, the quantity, symbol and sequence number of that pipeline or equipment must be fully indicated.

FOR EXAMPLE: 1C1; 2T1; 1C1-1; CT1-2. In which:

The first number indicates the quantity (for a single pipe, the number may be omitted);

C1: Domestic water supply pipeline (according to TCVN 4036 : 2012);

T1: Domestic drainage pipeline (according to TCVN 4036 : 2012);

T1-2: The 2nd domestic drainage pipeline in the system;

  • Vertical pipes are symbolized as: Ođ

+ In the water supply system: OđC;

+ In the drainage system: OđT.

  • For sanitary fixtures:

+ Water closet: X1, X2…;

+ Washbasin: R1, R2…;

+ Urinal: Ti1, Ti2….

  • The pipe diameter is written at the cut section of the pipe or the reference line.
  • In case the pipe symbol is written on the reference line, the pipe diameter is written below the reference line (See Figure 1).

Figure 1 – Example of how to write pipe diameter

4. General data

4.1. The general data section of the construction drawing documentation for internal water supply and drainage systems includes:

  • Table of contents of the construction drawing documentation (see template no. 1, Appendix A);
  • List of relevant standards, explanatory notes, typical design drawings applied to the construction works, other documents related to the construction documentation;
  • General instructions;
  • Equipment and materials list;
  • Conventional symbols used in the design;
  • Data on water supply, wastewater, rainwater;
  • System characteristics;
  • Construction log book recording the content of changes and corrections to the construction drawings for construction work components.

4.2. Water supply and drainage data are presented according to template no. 2, Appendix A.

When presenting according to the template, attention should be paid to:

+ Present by each system: water supply and drainage;

+ Clearly state the water supply and drainage demand for each object;

FOR EXAMPLE: “Drinking water demand”; “Water demand for production”…

+ For specific cases, it can be taken from the design.

4.3. The general data section of the construction documentation needs to present the following contents:

  • Data and basic indicators for preparing construction documentation (see template no. 3, Appendix A);
  • Design elevation of buildings and structures;
  • Technical characteristics of equipment;
  • Technical requirements for pipeline manufacturing, installation, painting and insulation;
  • Special requirements for fire and explosion hazardous equipment, acid-resistant equipment…

4.4. The equipment and materials list of the water supply and drainage system is prepared according to template no. 4, Appendix A.

  • This list is prepared for each system: water supply and drainage.
  • In each system, it should be listed in the following order:

+ Equipment;

+ Sanitary fixtures;

+ Accessories;

+ Diameter;

+ Materials.

  • It is allowed to make a partial list according to the site elevation, building floor and component (For example: below elevation 0.000; above elevation 0.000)
  • The equipment and materials list uses the legal system of measurement units:

+ Pipeline length m;

+ Parts, components unit, piece;

+ Pipe diameter mm;

+ Waterproofing materials m3, m2 or kg;

+ Coating and protective materials m2;

+ Other materials kg.

5. Drawings of the water supply and drainage system
5.1. Water supply and drainage plan drawings

5.1.1. Internal water supply and drainage plan drawings are presented at the scales specified in Table 1.

Table 1 – Scales for presenting water supply and drainage plan drawings

Drawing typeScale
– Plan1:100; 1:200; 1:500
– Plan of simple works1:50; 1:100
– Plan of details, components1:50; 1:100
– Network node1:20; 1:50
– Equipment structure detail1:2; 1:5; 1:10

5.1.2. Internal water supply plan and drainage plan are presented on separate drawings or on the same drawing (for simple works).

5.1.3. If in the development view, the pipelines are arranged one on top of the other, then on the plan they are represented by parallel lines. The water supply pipe is written on the inside, the drainage pipe is written on the outside.

5.1.4. The system equipment (pumps, water tanks) on the plan are represented in the form of a simple diagram, while other parts are represented according to the provisions in TCVN 6077 : 2012.

5.1.5. The following must be shown on the plan drawing:

  • Axes of building/structure components, distances between buildings (distances between units, components);
  • Structures and equipment with water supply and drainage pipelines installed that affect the construction work;
  • Floor elevation and sanitary area;
  • Linkage dimensions of system equipment such as water inlet pipes, waste outlet pipes, main pipes, vertical pipes, sanitary fixtures, fire hydrants, drainage gutters with the coordinate axis system or structural components;
  • Water supply and drainage pipe diameters;
  • Vertical pipe symbols.

The plan needs to clearly state the room names, fire and explosion safety equipment. The building/structure components are drawn with solid lines.

5.1.6. Drawings must have a title.

FOR EXAMPLE: Floor 1 plan.

When representing a plan section and cross-section in the drawing title, it is necessary to clearly state the boundary axes of that section.

FOR EXAMPLE: Floor 1 plan between axes 1 – 5.

NOTE: When necessary there must be a technical floor plan drawing.

5.2. Spatial diagrams of the water supply and drainage system

5.2.1. The water supply and drainage system diagrams are represented on spatial diagrams (isometric projection) and at the scales specified in Table 2.

Table 2 – Scales for presenting spatial diagrams of water supply and drainage systems

Drawing typeScale
– Diagram of the entire system1:50; 1:100; 1:200
– Diagram of network nodes, clusters1:10; 1:20; 1:50
– For simple works1:50
– Development diagram1:50; 1:100
NOTE: Water supply spatial diagram and drainage spatial diagram are presented separately. For simple buildings/works with uncomplicated water supply and drainage systems, it is allowed to draw a cross-section instead of a spatial diagram.

5.2.2. For overly long pipeline networks and due to the limited drawing paper area, it is allowed to represent the pipeline with discontinuous straight lines. The places where the pipelines are interrupted are marked with lowercase letters to indicate the connection points.

Figure 2 – Example of how to indicate overly long pipeline networks

5.2.3. The following must be shown on the water supply spatial diagram:

  • Water inlet pipe with pipe diameter and pipe elevation at the intersection with the outer wall axis of the building or structure;
  • Pipe axis elevation;
  • Pipeline direction and slope;
  • Pipeline and pipe diameter;
  • Lengths of interrupted pipelines;
  • Reinforcement details;
  • Adjustment devices, valves, fire hydrants, sprinklers;
  • Vertical pipe system and symbols;
  • Measurement, inspection equipment and other components.

5.2.4. The following must be shown on the drainage spatial diagram:

  • Outlet pipe with diameter, slope, pipe length, pipe bottom elevation at the intersection of the pipeline with the outer wall axis of the building/structure.
  • Drainage branch pipe and pipe diameter;
  • Pipe bottom elevation;
  • Pipe direction and slope;
  • Lengths of interrupted pipelines;
  • Reinforcement details;
  • Vertical pipes and symbols; Sanitary fixtures, rainwater inlets, manholes, inspection holes, cleanouts and other components (See illustrations in Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5).
Figure 3 – Water supply and drainage plan of sanitary area No. 6 (floors 2, 3, 4, 5)Figure 4 – Water supply and drainage spatial diagram of sanitary area No. 6

Figure 5 – Section A – A of sanitary area No. 6

6. Equipment structure details

6.1. Plans, sections and diagrams of equipment structure details are presented at the scales specified in Table 3 and are drawn in a simplified schematic form.

Table 3 – Scales for presenting plans, sections and diagrams of equipment structure details

Drawing typeScale
– Plan, section1:50; 1:100
– Equipment node (cluster)1:20
– Detail drawing1:2; 1:5; 1:10
NOTE: When necessary, the drawing should have instructions on reinforcement, positioning and equipment connection methods.

6.2. The following must be shown on the plan and section drawings of equipment structure details:

  • Axes of building/structure components and distances between components;
  • Basic dimensions, elevations, linkage dimensions of equipment with the building/structure axes.

6.3. Pipelines on equipment plan and section drawings are represented by a single line when the pipe diameter is less than or equal to 100 mm; by two lines when the pipe diameter is greater than 100 mm.

6.4. In addition to showing the equipment structure details, the plan and section drawings must also show the building structures and locations for installing and inspecting those equipment.

6.5. Equipment details on the drawings are represented as specified in 5.1.5 and are numbered sequentially for each equipment.

6.6. The equipment and materials list is presented on the drawing and is prepared according to the plan drawing.

NOTE: If the water supply and drainage construction drawing documentation uses standards and typical designs, they must be fully and accurately referenced.

Appendix A (Reference) Template No. 1

Table A.1 – Table of contents of construction drawing documentation for internal water supply and drainage systems

Sheet No.Drawing nameDrawing symbolDrawing content
1Floor 1 water supply planN°1/TSBV– Plan
– Water supply spatial diagram
– Equipment and materials list
2Drainage planN°2/TSBV– Floor 1 drainage plan
– Drainage spatial diagram
– Equipment and materials list
NOTE: TSBV – Total number of drawings

Template No. 2

Table A.2 – Data for water supply demand

No.Name of water consuming objectQuantityNumber of working hours per dayWater supply demand
Water quality requirementPressure requirement of water consuming objectsWater consumption regimeWater flow rate calculated per water consuming object
Taken from domestic water demandTaken from production water demand

Table A.3 – Data for drainage demand

Domestic drainageProduction drainageWastewater characteristicsConcentration of pollutants
Flow regimeNote

Template No. 3

Table A.4 – Basic details in the water supply and drainage construction drawing documentation

Name of water supply and drainage systemPressure requirement kPaCalculated water flowEquipment capacity and electric motor capacity wNote
m3/day-nightm3/hl/sIn case of fire l/s

Template No. 4

Table A.5 – List of equipment and materials of the water supply and drainage system

No.Material nameUnitQuantityNote

[1] TCVN to be issued