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TCVN 5577:2012 Cinemas - Design Standard
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TCVN 5577:2012

TCVN 5577:2012 Cinemas – Design Standard



TCVN 5577:2012 replaces TCVN 5577:1991.

TCVN 5577:2012 was converted from TCVN 5577:1991 as per Clause 1, Article 69 of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations and Item b), Clause 1, Article 6 of Decree 127/2007/ND-CP dated 01/8/2007 of the Government detailing the implementation of some articles of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations.

TCVN 5577:2012 was compiled by the Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning – Ministry of Construction, proposed by the Ministry of Construction, appraised by the General Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality, and promulgated by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

1. Scope of application

This standard applies to the design of new construction or renovation of cinemas used for screening 35 mm, 16 mm films, using digital projectors, HD on standard screens, pseudo-wide screens, and wide screens.


1) Cinemas screening other types of films shall be designed according to a separate Construction Investment Report and may refer to this standard.

2) In this standard, “Cinemas” are referred to as “Theatres”.

3) Theatres, cinema complexes, screening rooms built in commercial, service, entertainment complexes may refer to this standard.

2. Referenced documents

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

TCVN 2622:1995, Fire protection for buildings and structures – Design requirements.

TCVN 5687:2010, Ventilation and air conditioning – Design standards.

TCVN 7958:2008, Protection of construction works – Termite control for new construction works.

TCVN 9385:20122), Protection against lightning for buildings – Design, inspection and maintenance guidelines for the system.

3. General regulations

3.1. The scale of the theatre is calculated by the number of seats in the auditorium, specified from 200 to 1,000 seats.


1) Theatres with an auditorium of more than 1,000 seats shall be designed according to a separate Construction Investment Report and comply with the technical regulations of this standard.

2) At district and town levels, theatres with a scale from 100 to 300 seats are allowed to be constructed.

3.2. The scale of the theatre must be suitable to the population size and film screening needs of the area it serves.

3.3. The theatre is designed with construction grades I and II according to regulations on classification and grading of civil, industrial works and urban technical infrastructure [1].


1) Theatres with high requirements, designed at special construction grades must have a separate approved Construction Investment Report.

2) Theatres built at the district level with a scale from 100 to 300 seats can be built at construction grade III.

3.4. When designing theatres, in addition to the provisions in this standard, it is also necessary to comply with other relevant regulations.

NOTE: When designing theatres, it is necessary to consider the accessibility and usability needs of people with disabilities. Design requirements are taken according to relevant regulations [2].

3.5. The use of wooden structures in the construction must have anti-termite solutions. Design requirements comply with the provisions in TCVN 7958:2008.

4. Requirements for construction land and master planning

4.1. The theatre construction land must ensure:

  • Compliance with the planning of cities, towns and townships, convenient for audiences to travel and use public transport;
  • Far from noise sources or places with highly polluted environments such as airports, train stations, chemical plants, etc.;
  • Having sufficient area to arrange infrastructure buildings, roads, trees, parking and generator placement.

4.2. The theatre must be built at least 8 m from the red line, have a courtyard for the audience to wait before viewing, the courtyard area is calculated from 0.15 m2 to 0.20 m2 per audience member.

4.3. The area of construction land depends on the scale of the theatre and is specified as follows:

  • From 200 seats to 600 seats: 0.2 ha to 0.4 ha;
  • From 600 seats to 1,000 seats: 0.4 ha to 0.6 ha.


1) When constructing a theatre within a park or green area, the land area may be reduced by 20%.

2) Bicycles, cars, and motorbikes can be parked in public parking lots outside the theatre premises.

3) Ensure that there are roads for fire trucks and firefighting vehicles to quickly access the building in case of incidents.

4) The above standards do not apply in the case the theatre is arranged in a public service complex.

5. Construction content and design solutions
5.1. General requirements

5.1.1. The dimensions of the layout parts, space and structure of the theatre must comply with the provisions of the unified modular system.

5.1.2. The theatre includes the following parts:

a) Audience part:

  • Auditorium (including small stage, balcony);
  • Waiting room (including refreshment counter);
  • Lobby (including ticket sales, telephone, luggage storage);
  • Audience toilet area.

NOTE: For cinema complexes built as entertainment complexes or intermingled in supermarkets and shopping centers, it is necessary to consider the relationship between the building parts.

b) Projection part:

  • Projection room (with space for film rewinding and spare projectors);
  • Voiceover room;
  • Rest room for projection staff;
  • Toilet area.

c) Administration part:

  • Theatre manager’s room;
  • Office, reception room;
  • Accounting and cashier’s room;
  • Electrical panel room;
  • Computer room, advertising printing;
  • Storage;
  • Staff toilet area.


1) When the theatre has an air-conditioning system or mechanical ventilation, the composition and area of the rooms for technical equipment installation are designed according to a separate Construction Investment Report.

2) The diagram of the theatre’s operation chain arrangement is referenced in Appendix A.

5.2. Requirements for designing building parts

5.2.1. Auditorium The area of the auditorium (including small stage, balcony, aisles) is calculated from 0.8 m2 to 1.0 m2 per seat and the volume from 4.5 m3 to 6.0 m3 per seat. The technical parameters of the auditorium, screen, clear vision conditions and seating arrangement are specified in Table 1 and see Figure 1. The slope of the auditorium floor and balcony steps depends on the seating arrangement and sight lines of the audience, when calculating refer to Appendix C.

Table 1 – Technical parameters of the auditorium

Symbol of parameters according to Figure 1Meaning of parameterValue of parameterNote
DCalculated length of the auditorium (from the screen to the last row of seats on the axis of the auditorium), m N: number of seats.
The length of the auditorium does not exceed 45 m.
– Oval shape1.3√N
– Rectangular shape1.1√N
– Trapezoidal shape0.95√N
MRadius of the sphere limiting the seating area0.92√NThe center of the sphere is located on the screen at a distance G.
BEffective width of the curved screen (calculated by the arc), m Width change is allowed up to: + 5% and – 10%, according to the focal length of the projector lens
BRBGBT– Wide screen, m
– Pseudo-wide screen, m
– Standard screen, m
0.43 D
0.34 D
0.25 D
HEffective height of the screen, m HR; HG; HT must be equal. The image center of the projected film types must coincide.
HR– Wide screenMR: 2,39
HG– Pseudo-wide screenMG: 1,85
HT– Standard screenMT: 1,37
RRadius of curvature of the screen, mD
GDistance from the screen to the backrest of the front row (along the axis of the room), m:
– Wide screen, not less than
– Standard or pseudo-wide screen, not less than

0.6 BR

0.44 BT
PProjection distance from the center of the screen to the projector lens, m, not less than0.75 D 
jInclination angle of the optical axis of the projector relative to the perpendicular at the center of the screen:  
jrOn the horizontal plane, not exceeding 
 – On the vertical plane:  
jB+ When projecting from top to bottom, not exceeding 
jH+ When projecting from bottom to top, not exceeding 
aAngle formed by the perpendicular at the center of the screen with the boundary line of the seating area.- In the horizontal plane:  
+ When aB ≤ 6°, not exceeding45°
+ When aB > 6°, not exceeding40°
 – In the vertical plane:  
aB+ Angle higher than the perpendicular at the center of the screen, not exceeding30°For auditoriums with balconies and in each specific case, aH is allowed to not exceed 2°.
aH+ Angle lower than the perpendicular at the center of the screen in the theatre, not exceeding20° 
CElevation of sight lines of the person sitting in the rear row compared to the person sitting in the front row to the bottom edge of the screen, m0.12Calculated height from the floor to the eyes of the audience sitting on chairs is 1.2 m
C: Cross-section of the seating area, see Appendix C
IDistance from the sight line to the top edge of the screen of the audience sitting in the last row to the protruding structure of the balcony, not less than, m0.3 
KDistance from the projection beam to the protruding structural part of the auditorium, not less than, m0.6 
XDistance from the bottom of the projection beam to the auditorium floor, not less than, m1.9 
C1Clearance height of the audience area above the balcony, not less than, m3.0Measured at the clearance height of the last row
C2Clearance height of the audience area below the balcony, not less than, m3.0Measured at the clearance height of the balcony edge
EDepth of the audience area under the balcony, not exceeding0.5 C1 
TSpace behind the screen (distance between the screen and the sound insulation plane of the wall behind the screen), mFrom 1.2 to 1.5When arranging 1 loudspeaker behind the screen, it is allowed to reduce the space behind the screen from 0.1 m to 0.2 m.
1) In case the auditorium is located in a building using many functions, the above parameters are allowed to change, but not exceeding ± 20%.
2) It is allowed to change the display area of the screen in width for wide screens, both width and height for large-size screens.

(Please refer to the original Vietnamese table for the technical parameters and notes, as it contains symbols and figures that are difficult to reproduce in plain text.)

a) Longitudinal section of the auditorium

b) Floor plan of the auditorium

Figure 1 – Auditorium parameters The dimensions of the seats in the auditorium are specified:

  • Seat width: from 45 cm to 50 cm (center distance between two armrests);
  • Seat depth: from 45 cm to 50 cm.
  • Distance between two rows: from 0.90 m to 1.05 m (distance between two backrests) The number of continuous seats in a row must not exceed the provisions in Table 2.

Table 2 – Maximum number of seats in a continuous row

Theatre fire resistance gradeMaximum number of seats in 1 row, seat
One end has aisleTwo ends have aisles
Grade I, II, III2550 The distance and width of the aisle between two rows of seats are specified in Table 3.

Table 3 – Distance and width of the aisle between two rows of seats

Number of seats in a rowMinimum distance between two rows of seats mAisle width between two rows of seats m
One end has aisleTwo ends have aisles
Up to 12Up to 250.800.40
From 13 to 20From 26 to 400.85from 0.4 to 0.45
From 21 to 25From 41 to 500.900.50 The seats in the auditorium are attached to each other in rows and fixed to the floor. The sound design for the auditorium must determine:

a) Reasonable floor plan and cross-sectional shape by analyzing sound reflection at different points in the room.

b) Conditions to ensure the best reverberation time, selecting sound-absorbing materials and reasonable structures.

c) Conditions to ensure sound insulation for the auditorium to avoid being affected by outside noise and noise generated by internal technical equipment. The best reverberation time for the auditorium is determined by the chart in Figure 2 with two frequencies of 125 Hz and 512 Hz with an allowable error not exceeding ± 10%.

NOTE: The sound absorption of the auditorium can be determined according to the chart in Figure 2 and the calculation methods in Appendix D of this standard.

a- Allowable tolerance for the best reverberation timeb- Best reverberation time according to sound formats

Figure 2 – Best reverberation time according to auditorium volume and image format

Figure 2 – Auditorium volume (m³) When designing the sound for the auditorium, it is necessary to determine the geometric lines of the first reflected sound arriving late compared to the sound directly emitted by the longitudinal section of the auditorium if the ceiling is flat and by the cross-section in the case of a curved ceiling. The late arrival time of the sound line from the direct sound by the speaker to the first-order reflected sound lines must be less than the hearing threshold of sound separation less than or equal to 50 ms. The difference in sound levels at different points in the room must not exceed 6 dBA to 8 dBA. The shape of the ceiling and wall surfaces of the auditorium near the screen must ensure the transmission of the first useful reflected sounds to the entire seating area, and is determined by drawing the reflected lines. Nothing should be placed in front of the screen to obstruct the emitted sound waves. The arrangement of speakers behind the screen in the auditorium must ensure a height from 1/3 to 2/3 of the screen height.

5.2.2. Waiting room, lobby The waiting room in the theatre must be arranged in direct connection with the auditorium and lobby. The waiting room area is calculated according to the scale of the theatre and is specified in Table 4.

Table 4 – Waiting room area according to the scale of the theatre

Theatre construction gradeArea standard per seat m2
– Grade lfrom 0.25 to 0.30
– Grade llfrom 0.20 to 0.25 The area of the refreshment sales place (including washing area, storage place) depends on the scale of the theatre and is specified as follows:

a) Theatre under 600 seats: from 24 m2 to 32 m2;

b) Theatre over 600 seats: from 32 m2 to 40 m2. The lobby is where the audience buys tickets and views film advertising introductions. The lobby area (including ticket sales, public telephone, luggage storage) is calculated from 0.30 m2 to 0.45 m2 per seat.

NOTE: For theatres under 400 seats, it is allowed to combine the waiting room with the lobby, the area is calculated according to:

  • Theatre construction grade I: from 0.30 m2/seat to 0.45 m2/seat;
  • Theatre construction grade II: from 0.25 m2/seat to 0.30 m2/seat. The specified area for a ticket booth is 1.5 m2. The number of ticket booths depends on the scale of the theatre:

  • Under 600 seats: 2 booths
  • From 600 seats to 1,000 seats: 3 booths The distance between ticket booths (calculated by the center axis of the booth) is not less than 1.2 m. The height from the floor of the ticket purchasing place to the lower edge of the ticket booth is from 1.00 m to 1.10 m. The luggage storage area for the audience is calculated according to the scale of the theatre and is specified from 0.01 m2 per seat. The public telephone booth in the lobby has an area from 1.0 m2 to 1.2 m2.

5.2.3. Audience toilet area The audience toilet area should be arranged conveniently connected to the waiting room. Toilets are not allowed to open directly into the auditorium. Men’s and women’s toilets must be arranged separately, with a vestibule. The number of sanitary fixtures for the audience is specified:

  • 1 toilet, 2 urinals, 1 hand wash basin: for 150 male audience members.
  • 1 toilet, 2 urinals, 1 hand wash basin: for 150 female audience members.


1) The number of audience members is calculated with 50% of the seats.

2) In places without a water supply and drainage system, the toilet area should be arranged outside the building.

5.2.4. Projection room The area targets of the projection parts depend on the type and number of machines, applied according to the provisions in Table 5. The machine room must have minimum dimensions of 6 m x 3.6 m x 2.5 m. The layout diagram of the projection room refers to Appendix B.

Table 5 – Area targets of parts in the projection room

Room namePart area according to number of machines m2
70 (50) mm film35 mm film35 mm film (in projection room using burning light)For 16 mm film
1- Projection room (including space for spare projector)5454302010106
2- Rest room for projection and sound staff1616161210108
3- Voiceover room6664 The dimensions for arranging equipment in the machine room are specified in Table 6 (see Figure 3).

Table 6 – Dimensions for arranging equipment in the projection room

Dimensions in meters

Symbol of parameterMeaning of parameterFor 35 mm filmFor 16 mm film
aDistance from the wall to the equipment:   
 – With a walkway behind the equipment1.5
 – Without a walkway behind the equipment0.10.1
bDistance between adjacent optical axes of projectors and from the rightmost optical axis of the projector to the right wall or equipment0.151.2
cDistance from the leftmost optical axis of the projector to the left wall or equipment1.21.0
dDistance from the projector to the rear wall or equipment1.21.2
eDistance from the center of the projector hole to the center of the viewing window0.50.5
gDistance from the front wall to protruding parts or equipment0.350.35
iiDistance from the center of the projector lens and viewing window to the projection room floor (aB = 0)1.251.25
kMinimum clearance height of the projection room2.52.5 The machine room must be located facing the screen. In case the auditorium has a balcony, the machine room is arranged below or above the balcony along the main axis of the auditorium. The partition wall between the machine room and the auditorium must be designed for sound insulation. The projection window and viewing window must meet the following requirements:

  • The material of the projection room window must be a material that does not affect the quality of the lens or projection quality;
  • To avoid the phenomenon of sound reflection through the projection window or viewing window, the speaker must be arranged at an angle from 7° to 10° and not affect the sound quality;
  • The size of the projection window and viewing window must ensure 0.4 m x 0.25 m so that the light in the projection room does not leak into the auditorium. The projection room door must open outwards. The room door size must ensure not less than 2.00 m x 0.85 m. When the floor elevation of the machine room is higher than the floor elevation of the auditorium, the step size into the machine room must have a step height not exceeding 0.18 m, step width not less than 0.28 m.

a) Cross-section

b) Floor plan

Figure 3. Projection room The content and number of sanitary equipment designed for the projection part include:

  • 1 toilet;
  • 1 urinal;
  • 1 hand wash basin;
  • 1 shower.

NOTE: Separate men’s and women’s toilet areas can be designed if there is a usage need.

5.2.5. Theatre administration and management part The minimum area targets of the administration and management parts of the theatre are calculated according to the provisions in Table 7.

Table 7 – Area targets of the theatre’s administration and management parts

Room nameArea calculated according to the theatre scale m2
From 200 to 400 seats600 seats800 seats1 000 seats
1. Theatre manager’s room12121616
2. Work room cum reception16162424
3. Accounting and cashier’s room12121616
4. Electrical panel room8101216
5. Storage12121624
6. Advertising drawing room and carpentry workshop20202424 The content and number of sanitary equipment designed for the administration and management part of the theatre include:

  • 2 toilets;
  • 2 urinals;
  • 2 hand wash basins;
  • 2 showers.

The toilet area is designed separately for men and women.

6. Fire protection requirements

6.1. The entrances and exits from the auditorium must be arranged separately. The exit from the auditorium must not pass through the waiting room. From the balcony there must be a separate exit not passing through the auditorium.

6.2. The fire prevention distance between buildings for theatres must comply with the provisions in Table 8 and the fire prevention regulations for buildings and structures [3].

Table 8 – Fire prevention distance between buildings corresponding to the fire resistance grade

Theatre fire resistance gradeDistance to buildings with fire resistance grade m
– Grade I and Grade II681010
– Grade III881010

6.3. From the auditorium and balcony there must be at least two emergency exits to the outside. The total width of doors to stairs or exits on escape routes is specified as follows:

  • Auditorium with fire resistance grade I, II: calculated as 0.55 m per 100 people;
  • Auditorium with fire resistance grade III: calculated as 0.80 m per 100 people.


1) The minimum width of the exit door on the escape route is 0.8 m. The height of the door, passage on the escape route must not be less than 2 m.

2) The width of the stair landing must not be less than the width of the stair flight.

6.4. The width of aisles, corridors, doors, stair flights on escape routes is specified in Table 9.

Table 9 – Width of aisles, corridors, doors, stair flights on escape routes

PassagewayWidth m
1- Aisles1According to calculation
2- Corridors1.4According to calculation
3- Doors0.82.4
4- Stair flights1.052.4

6.5. It is not allowed to design spiral staircases and fan-shaped steps on escape routes. It is not allowed to design steps on aisles and doors to the auditorium.

6.6. Doors on escape routes must open outwards, it is not allowed to use sliding or revolving doors on escape routes.

6.7. In case the theatre has a height of more than 10 m (measured from the sidewalk to the bottom edge of the gutter), steel fire ladders must be arranged outside the building, along the perimeter of the theatre, one ladder is arranged for every 150 m.

6.8. Around the theatre, a walkway with a width of not less than 4.0 m must be designed, in case of a dead-end road, a turning place for vehicles must be arranged to ensure that fire trucks can operate conveniently.

6.9. The distance calculated from the furthest seat in the auditorium to the nearest exit must comply with the provisions in TCVN 2622:1995.

6.10. Fuel and flammable material storage are not allowed to be arranged under the auditorium or rooms that regularly have a large number of people (from 50 people or more).

6.11. The fire resistance grade of the theatre according to the construction grade is specified in Table 10.

Table 10 – Requirements for fire resistance grade according to the theatre’s construction grade

Theatre construction gradeTheatre fire resistance grade
Grade Igrade I and grade II
– Grade II-grade II and grade III

6.12. For theatres with fire resistance grade III, when arranging the auditorium and waiting room on the 2nd floor, the floor of those rooms must be made of non-combustible materials with a fire resistance limit of not less than 1 hour.

6.13. When calculating the floor structure of the projection room, it must be calculated with the static load of the projectors, the number of machines depends on the scale of the theatre. The floor structure material of the projection room must have a fire resistance limit of at least 1 hour.

7. Requirements for technical equipment and sanitation

7.1. The theatre must be built in places that ensure environmental sanitation requirements. The permissible noise level in the auditorium must not exceed 40 dBA.

7.2. Sound quality needs to meet the following requirements:

  • 85 dB SPL for the front channels (left channel (L), center channel (C) and (R) channel).
  • 82 dB SPL for Surround channels.
  • 91 dB SPL for the subwoofer channel (low frequency effects channel).

7.3. The auditorium and projection room must ensure ventilation and have heat prevention measures.

7.4. Equipping fans, air conditioners, mechanical ventilation measures according to usage requirements and comfort level approved by the competent authority in the Investment Report.

7.5. When designing the ventilation and air conditioning system, it is necessary to have reasonable technological solutions, architectural solutions and structures in order to ensure sanitation requirements and technical requirements.

7.6. The ventilation and air conditioning system is taken according to the provisions in TCVN 5687:2010.

7.7. The room for ventilation equipment, air conditioning and compressors of the refrigeration system must not be placed directly above the auditorium.

7.8. It is not allowed to install the piping system in the partition wall between the auditorium and the projection room.

7.9. It is necessary to separately design the exhaust and exhaust air system for the projection room.

7.10. Ventilation ducts, sound-absorbing ducts, walls of ventilation machine rooms must be designed with non-combustible materials.

7.11. The ventilation system needs to ensure sound absorption and sound insulation.

7.12. The design of the internal and external water supply and drainage system for firefighting and living must comply with the relevant regulations.

NOTE: In areas without an urban water supply system, a reserve firefighting tank must be designed or take advantage of existing ponds and lakes in the surrounding area.

7.13. When designing the water supply, it must be calculated according to the scale of the theatre, the water supply standard for the audience is calculated from 3 l/person to 5 l/person.

8. Requirements for lighting and electrical equipment

8.1. The theatre must be supplied with electricity from a 380 V/220 V neutral grounded grid. It is allowed to use 220 V/127 V for theatres that previously had this voltage.

NOTE: In case of necessity, the theatre is allowed to use a separate generator.

8.2. Electricity supplied to the theatre is taken from a transformer station or a power station running on a diesel generator located on the theatre construction land or in the theatre, which must be soundproofed and comply with regulations on electrical safety [4].

8.3. When selecting the capacity, number and operating mode of transformers, it must be based on the calculation of day and night loads in the normal working mode of all electrical consuming equipment of the theatre, taking into account the current of the fire pump motor.

8.4. Transformer stations and power stations must not be located under rooms with a capacity of 50 people or more.

8.5. Control and distribution of electricity in the theatre must be performed at the main distribution board located in the electrical panel room. The lighting distribution board must not be placed in the auditorium.


1) When the transformer station is located in the theatre, the switchboard of the transformer station can be used as the main distribution board or the input device of the theatre.

2) Power supply for the projection room, ventilation equipment, fire pumps, outdoor lighting and emergency lighting must have separate lines connected to different sections of the main distribution board and must have an automatic power-on device for one fire pump motor when the other motor fails, and automatically cut off power on the power lines supplying the ventilation and air conditioning system when starting the fire pump motor.

8.6. It is allowed to use a voltage above 380 V to supply electricity to high-power fire pump motors and air conditioning equipment.

8.7. The electrical equipment of the theatre is divided into the following groups:

  • Air conditioning equipment;
  • Firefighting;
  • Technical equipment of the projection room (electrical engineering, sound engineering);
  • Lighting;
  • Other electrical equipment.

8.8. The control and protection system of each group of switches, fuses, etc. must be arranged in the electrical panel room of the theatre.

8.9. Lighting for the auditorium is allowed to use incandescent lamps, including halogen incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps, reflective lighting should be used.

8.10. Lighting and dimming of the auditorium must be gradual, ensuring not to dazzle the audience’s eyes. The lighting control device should be centrally located in the electrical panel room.

8.11. It is allowed to design natural lighting for the auditorium through roof windows, light-collecting openings in high positions of the auditorium, but windows are not allowed to be arranged on the screen side.

8.12. The illuminance in the rooms of the theatre must not be less than the illuminance specified in Table 11.

Table 11 – Illuminance in rooms

Room namePlane, height from floor level mMinimum illuminance lux
Fluorescent lampIncandescent lamp
1. Lobby, waiting roomFloor10050
2. Refreshment roomHorizontal – 0.810050
3. Auditorium+ Over 600 seatsHorizontal – 0.8 75 50
+ Under 600 seatsHorizontal – 0.830
+ Corridor, aislesLanding and steps7530
4. StaircaseLanding and steps7530
5. Toilet areaFloor7550
6. Projection room, lighting control equipment (*)Horizontal – 0.87550
7. Film rewinding room (*)Horizontal – 0.810075
8. Rest room for projection staffHorizontal – 0.87530
9. Voiceover room (*)Horizontal – 0.87550
10. Theatre manager’s roomHorizontal – 0.810050
11. Office, reception roomHorizontal – 0.810050
12. Accounting and cashier’s roomHorizontal – 0.810050
13. Electrical panel roomHorizontal – 0.87550
14. StorageHorizontal – 0.830
1) For the types of rooms marked with (*), it is necessary to arrange sockets to supplement local lighting.
2) When designing the lighting of the waiting room and refreshment room, in addition to ensuring the minimum illuminance specified in Table 11, it is necessary to evaluate the lighting quality of the rooms according to the illuminance and discomfort glare index M specified in TCXD 16:1986.
3) Lamps with protective glass should be used in storage rooms with curtain props, wooden items and in the projection room.
4) The minimum illuminance on the working plane created by emergency lighting must not be less than 50% of the working lighting illuminance value specified in Table 11, but not less than 2 lux indoors and 1 lux outdoors.

8.13. Power supply for the emergency lighting system needs to ensure the following requirements:

a) Directional lighting on the evacuation route is taken from a 42 V AC voltage system. In case of a power outage, it needs to be automatically switched to the backup DC power source.

b) Emergency lighting to continue working needs to automatically switch to the backup power source.

c) In addition to the automatic switch of the emergency lighting system, there needs to be a manual locking switch.

d) It is not allowed to place electrical sockets on the line of the emergency lighting system.

8.14. Power supply for the emergency lighting system should use a battery with a voltage not exceeding 36 V and have a capacity to ensure the emergency lighting system operates for 1 hour. If there is a sound technical and economic justification, it is allowed to use a voltage higher than 36 V.

NOTE: If using a generator instead of a battery, there must be a step-down transformer from 220 V or 110 V of the generator transmitting light from 30 V to 36 V.

8.15. Lighting must be designed to disperse people in the auditorium. The minimum illuminance value on the floor (or floor) of aisles, stairs, etc. must not be less than 1 lux indoors and 2 lux outdoors.

8.16. Emergency lighting and dispersal lighting only use incandescent lamps, absolutely do not use fluorescent lamps, high-pressure mercury lamps, halogen lamps, etc.

8.17. The electrical grid of the emergency lighting system, the dispersal lighting system must be connected to a separate power source, which must not lose power in any situation.

8.18. Emergency lighting lamps in rooms can be used for dispersal lighting.

8.19. Above the exits, auditorium doors, at the head of corridors, stairs or turns, there must be signal lights indicating the escape route in case of an incident. These lights must be connected to the emergency lighting grid and have a separate symbol.

8.20. Emergency lighting lamps and dispersal lighting lamps must be different from working lighting lamps in size, type or separate markings on the lamps.

8.21. Security lighting must be designed along the boundary of the theatre.

The illuminance value for security lighting on the horizontal plane close to the ground or on one side of the vertical plane 0.5 m from the ground must not be less than 1.0 lux.

8.22. The arrangement of the electrical grid must ensure the following requirements:

a) In the auditorium and projection room, electrical wires must be buried or placed in a sealed trench covered with non-combustible materials.

b) It is not allowed to place electrical wires used for other rooms through the auditorium and projection room.

c) Working lighting lines must be separated from emergency lighting lines and dispersal lighting lines.

8.23. The casing and metal structures of electrical equipment (projectors, amplifiers, etc.) must be grounded, the neutral wire on the projector must be re-grounded.

The supply voltage for the amplifier must be stable. Allowed deviation from the regulation is not more than ± 5%.

8.24. The design of the lightning protection system for the theatre must comply with the provisions in TCVN 9385:2012.

8.25. A communication system (telephone, broadcasting…) must be designed between the projection room and the auditorium.

9. Requirements for finishing works

9.1. The floor of the theatre must comply with the following conditions:

a) For the auditorium, it must be non-slip and easy to sweep.

b) In the projection room and rewinding room, the wall and floor surfaces must be tiled and covered with low-dust and easy-to-sweep materials, the floor surface must be made of non-combustible materials.

9.2. Walls and floors in the toilet area must have a waterproofing layer (the height of the waterproofing layer of the floor is measured from the floor or floor level):

  • Toilet room: from 0.9 m to 1.20 m;
  • Bathroom: 1.5 m.

9.3. The auditorium door must ensure sound insulation, there must be a soft pad at the door gap.

9.4. The finishing works of the building include: painting, tiling, plastering, cladding, etc., must meet technical and artistic requirements and usage, it is necessary to combine harmoniously the interior and exterior decoration, roads, greenery, courtyards and gardens…

Appendix A (Reference) Diagram of the cinema’s operation chain


1- Lobby
2- Administration, management
3- Refreshment
4- Waiting room
5- Audience toilet, luggage storage
6- Projection room, film rewinding and repair room, voiceover room
7- Electrical engineering room
8- Rest room for projection staff
9- Auditorium
10- Stage, screen
11- Electrical room
12- Stage art and technology room
13- Service rooms, storage, advertising drawing

Figure A.1- Diagram of the cinema’s operation chain

Appendix B (Reference) Arrangement of the projection room

Figure B.1 – Floor plan of the projection area


1- Exhaust pipe
2- Exhaust fan

Figure B.2- Cross-section of the projection area

Appendix C (Reference) Calculation of the auditorium floor slope

C.1. General regulations

C.1.1. When designing the longitudinal section of the cinema auditorium, it must comply with the technical parameter targets specified in and Table 1 of this standard.

C.1.2. The calculation targets for calculating the slope of the auditorium floor refer to Figure C.1 and are specified in Table C.1.


C: Sight line elevation

R: Seat row elevation

Hp: Elevation of design point “p” compared to the floor level.

Y1: The difference between the design viewing point p and the eye level of the audience sitting in the front row.

a: The angle between the sight line to the center of the screen and the line parallel to the floor measured from the eyes of the audience sitting in the front row located in the perpendicular.

d: Distance between two rows of seats

X1: Distance from the screen to the front row.

Figure C.1 – Diagram illustrating the slope in the auditorium

Table C.1. Calculation targets for the auditorium floor slope

Symbol of parameters according to Figure B.1New construction theatre mRenovation construction theatre m
Cfrom 0.12 to 0.15from 0.08 to 0.15
Hpfrom 1.20 to 1.06from 1.20 to 2.00
Y1from 0.00 to 0.40from 0.00 to 0.8
aallowed≤ 25°≤ 28°

C.2. Calculation method for the slope of the longitudinal section of the auditorium floor

C.2.1. The longitudinal section of the auditorium floor is a horizontal plane (see Figure C.2) using many functions combined with film projection, when designing it must ensure the elevation of the sight line of the last row is:

C n = d × y 1 E 0 , 08 m



1) E: Is the distance from the screen to the last row, m.

2) The elevation of the sight line decreases further away from the screen (C1 > C2 > C3 > … > Cn-1)

Figure C.2 – Diagram illustrating the longitudinal section of the auditorium floor

C.2.2. The longitudinal section of the auditorium floor is an inclined plane (see Figure C.3). The elevation of the sight line gradually decreases from the front row to the last row, when designing it is necessary to determine the elevation of the sight line of the front row “C1” and the last row “Cn-1” by the formulas:

C 1 = R y 2 × d X 2


C n 1 = R y 2 × d X n


The height yn of the last row is determined by the formula:

y n = 1 X 1 [ X n × y 1 + X n d × C n 1 ( X n x 1 ) ]



1) R: is a constant, determined by the formula:

R = Y n Y 1 X n X 1 × d


2) In the above formulas, the value of y1 has a negative value (-) when the eye level of the audience sitting in the front row is located below the observation point “P”.

C.2.3. The longitudinal section of the auditorium floor has a curved slope according to the graph of the logarithmic function (see Figure C.4)

C.2.3.1. Calculating the slope of the auditorium floor by the method of determining the logarithmic function. The elevation of seat rows (R) gradually increases from the front row to the last row, the value “Ri” at any position Xi) is determined by the formula:

R i = C d ( 1 2.4 l g X i X 1 ) Y 1 c Y 1


The eye level of the audience (Yi) relative to the observation point (p) at any position (Xi) is determined by the formula:

Y i = C d × X i × 2.4 l g X i X 1 + Y 1 + C X 1 × X i c



1) In the above formulas, the value of “Y1” has a negative value when the eye level of the audience is located below the observation point “P”.

2) C: is a given constant that satisfies the clear vision condition of all seating positions, in case the eye level “Y1” of the audience in the last row is given, the elevation of the sight line (C) of all rows is determined by the formula:

C = y n y 1 × X n X 1 X n d × 2.4 l g X n X 1 + X n X 1 1


C.2.3.2. Calculating the slope of the auditorium floor applying a simple mathematical method to determine the values Y1, Y2,…Yn of all rows from the front row to the last row by the formulas:

Y 2 = ( Y n C ) ( X 1 + d ) X 1


Y 3 = ( Y 2 C ) ( X 1 + 2 d ) X 1 + d


Y 4 = ( Y 3 C ) ( X 1 + 3 d ) X 1 + 2 d


Y n = ( Y n 1 C ) [ X 1 + ( n 1 ) d ] X 1 + ( n 2 ) d


The curve with all positions of y is the curve of the logarithmic function 1.20 m from the auditorium floor (see Figure C.5).

Figure C.5 – Logarithmic function curve

C.2.4. The longitudinal section of the auditorium floor consists of multiple straight segments folded according to the curve of the logarithmic function. When designing, apply a combination of the two calculation methods mentioned in C.2.2 and C.2.3 in this appendix.

NOTE: In each segment, the value of “R” is a constant, the value of “C” gradually decreases. Over the entire section, the value of “R” gradually increases, the value of “C” is a constant.

C.2.5. Constructing the longitudinal section of the auditorium floor with the curve of the logarithmic function by the graphical method includes the following steps: (see Figure C.6)

  • Determine the position of the design observation point “P”;
  • Determine the position of the front row (X1) and the eye position of the audience sitting in the front row at a height of 1.2 m from the floor.
  • Determine the value “C” of the elevation of the sight line and the position of “C” of the front row.
  • Determine the eye position of the audience sitting in the 2nd row by extending the straight line from “P” past the top point on the “straight segment” “C” of the front row, the intersection point of the straight segment PC with the straight line drawn vertically at a distance “d” given from the front row, that is the viewing point of the audience in the 2nd row, from which the line “Y” is determined. Repeating the above graphical method in order will find all the values of Y2, Y3… Yn.

NOTE: When applying the graphical method to design the longitudinal section of the auditorium floor, it is necessary to construct at a large scale to ensure accuracy.

Figure C.6. Longitudinal section of the auditorium floor with the curve of the logarithmic function

Appendix D (Reference) Method for calculating the sound absorption of the auditorium

D.1. When the average absorption coefficient does not exceed 0.3, calculate the sound absorption of the auditorium according to the Sabin formula:

  • For low frequency (below 1,000 Hz)
A = 0.164 V T h


  • For high frequency (above 1,000 Hz)
n . V + A = 0.164 V T h



A – Sound absorption of the auditorium, calculated according to the Sabin formula, (m2)

n – Coefficient considering the sound absorption of air, m–1;

V – Interior volume of the auditorium, m3;

Th – Best reasonable reverberation time (calculated in s).

The absorption coefficients of some sound-absorbing materials and structures refer to Table D.1.

Table D.1. Absorption coefficients of some sound-absorbing materials and structures

TypeAbsorption coefficient in frequency bands Hz
1252505001 0002 0004 000
1. Leather upholstered chair (soft backrest)
2. Wooden backrest chair0.020.020.0310.0350.040.04
3. Audience sitting on leather upholstered chairs0.240.280.320.400.430.41
4. Asphalt parquet floor0.
5. 5 mm rubber tile floor0.
6. Solid. smooth wooden floor (no support beams)
7. Smooth stone floor0.
8. Smooth concrete flo0.
9. Concrete0.
10. Painted concrete0.
11. Smooth plastered brick wall0.
12. Wooden panel wall (plywood 5 mm from the wall)
13. 3-layer plywood board nailed on wooden beams 50 cm x 50 cm apart. 5 cm air layer0.2060.7370.2140.1040.0280.117
14. 3-layer plywood board. air layer. filled with 5kg/m2 mineral wool0.3670.5710.2790.1180.0930.116
15. 3-layer plywood board perforated with holes d = 5 mm. hole spacing 40 mm. air layer 100 mm without moisture-absorbing material filling0.0370.5350.2990.0850.1080.189
16. Flat plastered wall surface painted with coarse texture0.
17. Perforated plywood board d = 5 mm. hole spacing D = 40 mm. air layer 100 mm filled with fabric and mineral wool 8 kg/m2. 5 mm thick. compressed tightly to the plywood board0.6730.7310.0570.2870.1910.166
18. Perforated plywood board d= 5 mm; D =13 mm L = 50 mm. air layer0.1730.4280.9500.3980.8260.640
19. Wooden slats plastered 1.6 cm smooth0.0350.0330.0310.0390.0230.041
20. Pressed wood fiber board attached to the wall (2.6 cm thick)
21. Pressed straw board 1.8 cm thick attached to the wall0.
22. Pressed bagasse board 1.5 cm thick0.070.200.450.440.540.58
23. Glass0.
24. Heavy curtain hung0.060.100.380.630.700.73
25. Velvet blanket (0.77 kg/m2)
26. Fabric curtain (0.5 kg/m2) hung close to the wall0.
27. 5 cm thick wool carpet0.
28. Thick carpet covering walkways0.080.200.25
29. 10 mm carpet covering concrete0.090.120.21
30. Fully open window1.0
31. Balcony opening0.25– 0.08
32. Stage opening0.25– 0.40
33. Ventilation holes and light holes filled with 5 kg/m2 mineral wool0.10– 0.50


[1] QCVN 03:2009/BXD- National technical regulation on classification and grading of civil, industrial and urban technical infrastructure construction works.

[2] TCXDVN 264:20021), Buildings and works – Basic principles for constructing works to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities.

[3] QCVN 01:2008/BCT- National technical regulation on electrical safety; QCVN QTD 08:2010/BCT- Technical regulation on low voltage electricity.

[4] QCVN 06:2009/BXD- National technical regulation on fire safety for buildings and structures.

2) TCVN to be issued