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TCVN 5572:2012 System of building design documents – Concrete and reinforced concrete structures – Construction drawings
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TCVN 5572:2012

TCVN 5572:2012 System of building design documents – Concrete and reinforced concrete structures – Construction drawings


TCVN 5572:2012 replaces TCVN 5572:1991.

TCVN 5572:2012 was converted from TCVN 5572:1991 in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1, Article 69 of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations and Point b), Clause 1, Article 6 of the Government’s Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP dated August 1, 2007 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations.

TCVN 5572:2012 was compiled by the Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning – Ministry of Construction, proposed by the Ministry of Construction, appraised by the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, and announced by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

1. Scope of application

This standard specifies the composition and principles for the presentation of reinforced concrete structural drawings in construction.

2. Referenced documents

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

TCVN 6084 : 20121), Construction drawings – Representation of concrete reinforcement.

3. General provisions

3.1. The composition of concrete and reinforced concrete structural drawings includes the following:

  • Structural layout drawings;
  • Cast-in-place concrete and reinforced concrete structural drawings;
  • Precast concrete and reinforced concrete component drawings for assembled structures (these components are usually columns, beams, etc. and other components manufactured in factories or on site);
  • Summary tables.

3.2. In addition to complying with the provisions of this standard, concrete and reinforced concrete structural drawings (hereafter referred to as structural drawings) must also comply with relevant current regulations.

4. Structural layout drawings

4.1. The composition of structural layout drawings includes the following:

  • Structural layout drawings (for cast-in-place structures);
  • Component layout drawings (for assembled structures);
  • Summary tables of parts, structures and components;
  • Summary tables of materials for cast-in-place structures and assembled structures.

NOTE: When necessary, additional data such as: general instructions, presentation conventions and symbols specific to complex drawings may be included.

4.2. The layout drawings of cast-in-place structures must be presented at the scales of 1/100; 1/200; 1/500, clearly showing:

  • The reference axes of the building or structure, the distances between the axes and the total dimensions;
  • The elevations at the most characteristic heights of the structure;
  • Symbols of structural parts.

An example of a cast-in-place reinforced concrete structural layout diagram is shown in Figure 1.

Unit of measurement: millimeter

Figure 1 – Example of a cast-in-place reinforced concrete structural layout diagram

5. Cast-in-place concrete and reinforced concrete structural drawings

5.1. The content of cast-in-place concrete and reinforced concrete structural drawings includes views, sections, detail drawings and summary tables.

5.2. Cast-in-place concrete and reinforced concrete structural drawings are presented at the scales of 1/10; 1/20; 1/50; 1/100.

5.3. The following must be clearly indicated on the views, sections and detail drawings (See Figure 2):

  • The reference axes of the building or structure, the distances between the axes, the total dimensions and the relationships between the structural parts and those axes;
  • The elevations at the most characteristic heights of the structure;
  • Embedded parts;
  • Joints, openings, recesses and pipe-laying trenches;
  • Parts of the structure serving as supports for the cast-in-place structure (e.g. masonry blocks) or parts into which the structure is anchored.

5.4. In case the cast-in-place structure consists of many parts (e.g. beams, slabs, etc.), each part needs to show separate reinforcement diagrams, symbols must be assigned to each part. These symbols must be clearly indicated on the views or sections (See Figure 2).

Unit of measurement: millimeter

Figure 2 – Cast-in-place concrete and reinforced concrete structural drawing

5.5. The reinforcement drawings of the structure or parts of the structure must comply with the provisions of Article 6 of this standard.

5.6. The reinforcement layout drawings and embedded part details of cast-in-place structures must be compiled into a separate set of drawings. Simple details (e.g. single bars) in cast-in-place structures may be allowed not to be shown in drawings, but the necessary data for fabricating these details must be clearly stated in the structure’s summary table. When necessary, the data for fabricating these details can be written directly on the structural drawing.

5.7. The summary tables of materials, reinforcing steel costs and component summaries for cast-in-place structures and assembled structures must comply with the provisions of Article 7 of this standard.

6. Precast concrete and reinforced concrete component drawings for assembled structures

6.1. Precast concrete and reinforced concrete component drawings for assembled structures include views, sections, detail drawings, reinforcement layout drawings and summary tables. The layout diagram of assembled components must comply with the provisions set out in Appendix A.

6.2. Precast concrete and reinforced concrete component drawings for assembled structures are presented at the scales of 1/10; 1/20; 1/50; 1/100.

6.3. The following must be fully shown on the views, sections, and detail drawings:

  • Openings, wall recesses, pre-formed trenches, details, connections for joining components;
  • Embedded parts, marks, centerlines, benchmarks and symbols for ensuring correct installation directions, correct support point positions, lifting points when transportation and storage are required (See Figure 3).

Unit of measurement: millimeter

Figure 3 – Precast concrete and reinforced concrete component drawing for assembled structures

6.4. The reinforcement layout drawings and component summary tables must comply with the provisions of Article 7 and Article 8 of this standard.

7. Reinforcement layout drawings

7.1. Reinforcement layout drawings are presented at the scales of 1/20; 1/50; 1/100.

7.2. The following information must be fully shown on the reinforcement layout drawings (See Figure 4):

  • Outlines of cast-in-place structures or precast components, dimensions to determine the design position of reinforcement;
  • Reinforcing steel products in accordance with the provisions of TCVN 6084:2012.
  • Details pre-welded to the reinforcement during fabrication (only symbols and positioning dimensions need to be indicated);
  • Thickness of protective concrete layer (from the outer face of the reinforcing bar to the nearest edge of the component);
  • Positioning marks (if necessary) to ensure the reinforcement is in the correct design position.

Unit of measurement: millimeter

Figure 4 – Reinforcement layout drawing

7.3. Reinforcement cages and meshes on the reinforcement layout drawing may be shown in simplified form as follows:

  • Cages and meshes are only shown by their outline with thin lines (See Figure 5);
  • To ensure that asymmetric cages and meshes are installed in the correct design position, their characteristic lines may be shown (e.g. diameter of a different steel bar, See Figure 6).

Unit of measurement: millimeter

Figure 5 – Details of cages and meshes on reinforcement layout drawing

Unit of measurement: millimeter

Figure 6 – Asymmetric cages and meshes on reinforcement layout drawing

  • If a structure has many parts, these parts have the same reinforcement meshes (or cages), then it is only necessary to show that there are reinforcement meshes (or cages) on the same part. When showing, the part’s position number must be indicated along with the number of reinforcement meshes (or cages) in that part. The remaining parts do not need to show reinforcement meshes (or cages) anymore, just indicate the position numbers of those parts along with the number of reinforcement meshes (or cages) (See Figure 7).

Unit of measurement: millimeter

Figure 7 – Reinforcement layout drawing of a structure with multiple parts

7.4. Individual bars on the reinforcement layout drawing may be shown in simplified form as follows:

  • On parts with individual bars arranged at the same spacing, it is only necessary to indicate the symbol for one bar and write the bar spacing below the symbol line (See Figure 8);
  • If different parts have the same number and spacing of bars, it is only necessary to indicate the part’s position number without showing the bar details (See Figure 8).

Unit of measurement: millimeter

Figure 8 – Reinforcement layout drawing of a structure with individual bars

  • If the bar spacing varies (e.g. arranged with a few bars over a short distance), after indicating the bar symbol, just write the quantity next to it (See Figure 9).

Unit of measurement: millimeter

Figure 9 – How to indicate bar symbols and quantities

7.5. The accuracy and clarity of the drawing must be ensured when using the simplified representation of cages, meshes, and individual bars on the reinforcement layout drawing.

NOTE: When necessary, technical requirements may be explained directly on the drawing.

7.6. On complex reinforcement layout diagrams, the leader line indicating the bar position symbol may be drawn from both ends of the same reinforcing detail or a single bar (See Figure 10).

Unit of measurement: millimeter

Figure 10 – How to show leader lines indicating bar symbols on a drawing with a complex reinforcement layout diagram

7.7. At the intersections of components (e.g. transverse and longitudinal beams, transverse frames and longitudinal beams, etc.), it is conventionally only necessary to show the reinforcement in the component parallel to the drawing plane without showing the reinforcement of the intersecting part (See Figure 10). The reinforcement of this part will be shown in another drawing.

7.8. On the drawings, the dimensions of bent reinforcing bars must be indicated along the inside face (See Figure 11a and Figure 11b).

Unit of measurement: millimeter

Figure 11 – Bending dimensions of reinforcing bars

7.9. When showing cages or meshes with identical bars and uniform spacing, it is only necessary to indicate the symbol from the nodal ends of the cage (or mesh) and the bars with varying spacing. Below the symbol line, just write the bar spacing (See Figure 12).

Unit of measurement: millimeter

Figure 12 – How to show reinforcement cages and meshes with identical bars and uniform spacing

8. Summary tables

8.1. The summary tables of the structural drawing include the following types:

  • Summary table of structural parts or components;
  • Summary table of materials;
  • Summary table of reinforcing steel costs.

8.2. Summary table of structural parts or components.

8.2.1. The summary table of components on the layout diagram of an assembled structure is prepared according to the template shown in Table 1.

In Table 1, the components are listed by groups of the same name and in the order of their symbols. Individual components are listed at the end of the table. The concrete volume for making the component is listed in the “Volume” column.

8.2.2. The summary table of cast-in-place structural parts is also prepared as shown in Table 1.

If the cast-in-place structure consists of many parts requiring separate reinforcement layout diagrams, the summary table must also be divided according to those parts. The name of each part is written in the “Part” column, the names of the parts are written correspondingly in the “Part name” column.

In the “Quantity” column, clearly indicate the quantity of each type of part being summarized.

In the “Volume” column, indicate the concrete volume for making the structural parts.

In the “Concrete grade” column, indicate the concrete grade of the structural part.

In the “Notes” column, clearly indicate the drawing number where the details of the structural parts are shown.

NOTE: Refer to Appendix B for how to prepare the summary table of reinforced concrete structural components.

Table 1 – Template for preparing the summary table of components

No.Component group (or part)Component name (or part name)Quantity PCSConcrete volumeConcrete gradeNotes

8.3. The summary table of materials for the entire project or a part of the project according to the set of structural drawings is prepared according to the template shown in Table 2.

The “Name”, “Material” column indicates the names of the standardized materials and specified according to the technical requirements;

The “Unit” column indicates the unit of measurement of the material;

The “Precast components” column indicates the volume of materials used to produce the precast components;

The “Cast-in-place parts” column indicates the volume of materials used to construct the cast-in-place parts;

The “Total” column indicates the total volume of materials for making the assembled structure and the cast-in-place structure.


1) When the set of structural drawings has many sub-sets, a summary table must be prepared for each sub-set.

2) Refer to Appendix B for how to prepare the summary table of materials.

Table 2 – Template for preparing the summary table of materials

No.Material name and specificationUnitVolume
Precast componentsCast-in-place componentsTotal

8.4. The symbols of the structural parts or components must correspond to the components indicated in the drawing.

8.5. Summary table of reinforcing steel.

8.5.1. The summary table of reinforcing steel for component parts of cast-in-place structures and assembled structures is prepared according to the template specified in Table 3.

8.5.2. The following information must be fully filled in the columns of the table:

The “Component name” column indicates the component name by groups of the same name and according to their symbol characters shown on the drawing;

The “Component quantity” column indicates the number of structural components;

The “Steel symbol” column clearly indicates the steel symbol shown on the drawing;

The “Shape – Dimensions” column draws the shape and indicates the dimensions of the steel bars (or other details for fabricating them);

The “Diameter” column indicates the steel diameter or conventional indexes of the steel;

The “Steel grade” column indicates the steel grade.

NOTE: In case there are many types of steel cross-sections, it is allowed to prepare separate summary tables for shaped steel, high-strength steel and plain steel.

Table 3 – Template for preparing the summary table of reinforcing steel

Compo-nent nameCompo-nent quantitySym-bolShape – Dimen-sions mmDia-meter mmSteel gradeBar length mmBar quantityTotal length mTotal weight kgNotes
One compo-nentTotal

8.6. For each drawing or each component, it is allowed to prepare a material summary table according to the template specified in Table 4.

The “Diameter type” column indicates the diameter or the conventional index of the steel shape;

The “Length” column indicates the total length (or m2) of each type of steel;

The “Weight” column indicates the total weight of each type of steel;

The last two rows of the table indicate the total weight of the steel type and the total concrete volume.

Table 4 – Template for preparing the material summary table for each drawing/component

No.Diameter type mmLength mWeight kg
– Total reinforcing steel weight: in kilograms (kg)
– Total concrete volume: in cubic meters (m3)

A.1. The layout diagram of precast structural components is a drawing showing a simplified conventional view of the structural components and showing the necessary relationships between those components.

A.2. The layout diagram must be shown for each group of components and the relationships between the groups using conventional symbols placed in the order of construction.

For example:

  • Beam foundations and other underground structures;
  • Columns, column ties, crane beams;
  • Roof beams, roof ties;
  • Roofing sheets.

A.3. The layout diagram must be shown on the plan and elevation of the structure. When necessary, additional sections, details and connection nodes between components must be shown.

A.4. Complex spatial frame structures are shown by separate planar frames.

A.5. The drawing scales are specified as follows:

  • Component layout diagram: 1/100; 1/200; 1/400; 1/500;
  • Detail drawing: 1/50; 1/100;
  • Nodes: 1/5; 1/10; 1/15; 1/20.

A.6. The layout diagram must clearly indicate:

  • The reference axes, the distances between those axes and the total distances;
  • The relationships between the components, the relationships between the component centerlines with the reference axes and other structural components of the project;
  • Symbols of the components, cast-in-place parts and connections (circles may be used to clearly indicate the nodal points on the layout diagram);
  • Instructions on the nodes; benchmarks determining the design position of the components, pre-positioned asymmetric details and other distinguishing marks;
  • Clearly indicate the construction sequence (if necessary) (See Figure A.1).

NOTE: On the layout diagram of foundation components and other structures, the foundation section, the underlying concrete layer and the relationship with the reference axes must be shown.

Figure A.1 – Layout diagram of precast components on the construction drawing

  • In case the project has many floors with the same component layout, it is only necessary to show the component layout plan for one floor.

A.7. On the layout diagram of foundation components and other underground components, the data on the ground, the groundwater level, the groundwater characteristics, the instructions on the preparation work under the foundation and special requirements for construction must be annotated.

If the layout diagrams of foundation components and other underground components are shown on many drawings, it is allowed to annotate the conditions on the first drawing.

If the drawings of foundations and other underground structures are compiled into a main drawing, the data is based on the general data table.

A.8. The name of the component layout diagram is based on the data determining the position of that component.

For example: Layout diagram of floor components at elevation 7200.


Table B.1 – Example of how to present the content of the summary table of concrete volume for a reinforced concrete water tank on the roof

No.Component group (or part)Component name (or part name)Quantity PCSConcrete volume m3Concrete gradeNotes
  D310.4200See KC-01
2Bottom slabDđ10.32200 
3Bottom slabDh140.22200See KC-02

Table B.2 – Example of how to present the content of the material summary table for a reinforced concrete water tank on the roof

No.Material name and specificationUnitVolume
Precast componentsCast-in-place componentsTotal
1f22Kg 83.7283.72
2f14kg 8.128.12
3f12kg 39.3939.39
7Tie wire f0.022kg  7.5
8Galvanized sheet 0.8mmmm2  1.00
9Steel strip    
 3 x 30m2  0.6
 3 x 60m2  0.4
10Concrete pouring grade 200m22.420.322.74