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TCVN 5568:2012 Dimensional coordination to modules in building – Basic principles
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TCVN 5568:2012

TCVN 5568:2012 Dimensional coordination to modules in building – Basic principles


TCVN 5568:2012 replaces TCVN 5568:1991

TCVN 5568:2012 has been converted from TCVN 5568:1991 in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1, Article 69 of the Law on Standards and Point b), Clause 1, Article 6 of the Government’s Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP dated August 1, 2007, detailing the implementation of certain articles of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations.

TCVN 5568:2012 was compiled by the Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning, proposed by the Ministry of Construction, appraised by the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, and announced by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

1. Scope of application

1.1. This Standard stipulates the basic principles for modular coordination of dimensions in the construction of buildings and structures with different functions.

1.2. Modular coordination of dimensions in building construction, hereinafter referred to as “Modular Coordination”, is one of the bases for standardization and unification of dimensions in construction, aiming to limit the number of dimensional types and ensure the interchangeability of building components and equipment parts.

1.3. This Standard is applicable in research, compilation, and design to determine dimensions for:

  • Standards with dimensional data provisions for use in construction;
  • Building and structure design projects;
  • Classification lists, catalogs, structural and component designs for construction;
  • Classification lists, catalogs and equipment designs for buildings. The dimensions of such equipment must be compatible with the layout dimensions of the floor plan and building structural parts, whether they are separately constructed such as elevators, conveyors, cranes, cabinets, kitchen equipment, tables, etc., or used to replace or combine with structural parts such as room dividers, wall cabinets, shelving in warehouses, etc.

1.4. This Standard is not applicable to the following types of works:

  • Unique buildings or structures;
  • Pilot buildings or structures;
  • Buildings or structures using components with dimensions not coordinated by the module or when modular coordination of these components changes the prescribed dimensions of other components;
  • Buildings or structures dependent on special equipment with dimensions and shapes not conforming to the module;
  • Buildings or structures previously renovated without applying the modular coordination rules (including extensions to the structure) and restoration works;
  • Buildings or structures with special shapes (angled or curved). However, in this case, non-application of the module is only allowed to a certain extent due to shape characteristics;
  • Buildings or structures with dimensions specified in separate international conventions.
2. Terms and definitions

2.1. Module

Conventional unit of measurement used to coordinate the dimensions of buildings and structures, building and structural parts, building components, and equipment parts.

2.2. Basic module

The module used as the basis for determining other modules derived from it.

2.3. Derived module

A module that is a multiple or submultiple of the basic module.

2.4. Multimodule

A derived module that is a multiple of the basic module.

2.5. Submodule

A derived module that is a submultiple of the basic module.

2.6. Modular coordination of dimensions in building construction (modular coordination)

Based on the application of modules to harmoniously organize:

  • The dimensions of buildings and structures;
  • The location and dimensions of building and structural parts;
  • Construction structures and components;
  • Equipment parts.

2.7. Modular space reference system

A conventional three-dimensional system of intersecting planes and lines with distances equal to the basic module or derived module.

2.8. Reference plane

One of the planes of the modular space reference system that bounds the coordinated space.

2.9. Basic reference plane

One of the reference planes that defines the division of the building into layout space parts.

2.10. Reference line

The intersection of reference planes.

2.11. Coordinated space

A modular space bounded by reference planes, used to arrange buildings, structures, building parts, structures, building components, and equipment parts.

2.12. Modular grid

A set of lines on a plane of the modular space reference system.

2.13. Reference axis

One of the reference lines that defines the division of the building or structure into modular steps and story heights.

2.14. Relation to the reference axis

The arrangement of structural and construction parts, as well as equipment attached to the building structure, relative to the reference axis.

2.15. Modular dimension

A dimension equal to or a multiple of the basic module or a suitable derived module in accordance with the modular coordination rules.

2.16. Coordinated dimension

A modular dimension that defines the boundary of the coordinated space in one of the directions.

2.17. Basic coordinated dimension

The modular dimension of the steps and story heights.

2.18. Modular step

The distance between two reference axes on the floor plan.

2.19. Modular story height (coordinated story height)

The distance between basic horizontal reference planes bounding the building story.

2.20. Structural dimension

The design dimension of structures, building components, equipment parts determined according to the modular coordination rules.

2.21. Clearance

The space between two adjacent basic reference planes at the discontinuities of the modular space reference system, including the locations of movement joints.

3. General provisions

3.1. Modular coordination is performed on the basis of modular space coordination.

3.2. Modular coordination is applied to the rectangular modular space reference system (see Figure 1); angled, radial or other systems (see Figure 2).

Figure 1 – Rectangular modular space reference systemFigure 2 – Radial or angled modular space reference system

3.3. When designing buildings, structures, their parts, building structures and components based on the modular space reference system, it is necessary to apply horizontal and vertical modular grids for the corresponding planes of this system.

3.4. Modular dimensions and the arrangement of parts according to the module must simultaneously ensure the functional and economic rationality of the solutions while limiting the number of dimensional types of building components.

3.5. Modular coordination of buildings and structures specifies the rules for distinguishing the following types of dimensions:

  • Basic coordinated dimensions: horizontal step le, longitudinal step be, story height hc of buildings and structures;
  • Coordinated dimensions of parts lc, bc, ho (or do);
  • Structural dimensions of parts l, b, h (or d).
4. Module and rules for module application

4.1. The basic module value used to coordinate dimensions is 100 mm and is denoted as M.

4.2. To determine the floor plan space dimensions of buildings, the dimensions of structural parts, building components, equipment, the following derived modules are used as shown in Figure 3:

Figure 3 – Derived modules

  • Multimodules 60 M; 30 M; 15 M; 12 M; 6 M; 3 M corresponding to 6,000 mm; 3,000 mm; 1,500 mm; 1,200 mm; 600 mm; 300 mm;
  • Submodules: 1/2 M, 1/5 M; 1/10 M; 1/20 M; 1/50 M; 1/100 M; corresponding to 50 mm; 20 mm; 10 mm; 5 mm; 2 mm; 1 mm.


1. The 15 M multimodule is only used for a single dimension of a few building types when it is necessary to supplement the range of dimensions that are multiples of 30 M and 60 M and a feasibility report must be provided.

2. The 2 M = 200 mm multimodule is temporarily applicable for residential buildings.

4.3. The derived modules mentioned in 4.2 must be applied within the following limits of coordinated dimensions:

  • 60 M – on the floor plan, unlimited;
  • 30 M – on the floor plan limited to 18,000 mm, can be limited to 36,000 mm if a feasibility report is provided;
  • 15 M – on the floor plan limited to 12,000 mm, can be limited to 15,000 mm if a feasibility report is provided;
  • 12 M – on the floor plan, limited to 7,200 mm, can be limited to 12,000 mm if a feasibility report is provided. In the vertical direction, unlimited;
  • 6 M – on the floor plan, limited to 7,200 mm;
  • 3 M – on the floor plan and in the vertical direction limited to 3,600 mm, can be limited to 7,200 mm if a feasibility report is provided;
  • M – For all dimensions limited to 1,200 mm;
  • 1/2 M – For all dimensions limited to 600 mm;
  • 1/5 M – For all dimensions limited to 300 mm;
  • 1/10 M – For all dimensions limited to 150 mm;
  • 1/20 M – For all dimensions limited to 100 mm;
  • 1/50 M – For all dimensions limited to 50 mm;
  • 1/100 M – For all dimensions limited to 20 mm.

4.4. When structural parts are connected to partition parts or have clearances, their coordinated dimensions are not required to apply the above modular limits but are determined according to 6.2.


1. It is allowed to take multiples of module M outside the prescribed limit, applied in modular coordination of the 2,800 mm building story height.

2. If there is an economic basis and it does not distort the modular dimensions of adjacent parts, it is allowed to apply the basic module M and submodule 1/2 M beyond the prescribed limit to arrange and define the dimensions of:

  • Non-load-bearing partition walls and interior doors;
  • The height of parts corresponding to the 2,800 mm story height;
  • Dimensions of side components and some other components. (For example: cross-section of columns and crane beams).

4.5. The range of modular dimensions corresponding to the specified values of the basic module, derived modules and corresponding to their limits of application are specified in Table 1 and Table 2.

Table 1 – Basic module and multimodule values

Basic module and multimodule values
M3 M6 M12 M15 M30 M60 M
1 000
1 100
1 2001 2001 200
1 5001 500
1 8001 800
2 100
2 4002 4002 400
2 700
1 2003 0003 0003 0003 000
3 300
3 6003 6003 600
(3 900)
4 2004 200    
4 5004 500
4 8004 800
(5 100)
5 4005 400
5 700
6 0006 0006 0006 0006 0006 000
(6 000)
6 6006 600
6 900
7 2007 2007 200
7 500
(8 400)
9 0009 000
 (9 600)
 10 500
 (10 800)
 12 00012 00012 00012 000
 13 50018 000
 12 00015 000
 18 000
 (21 000)
 24 00024 000
 (27 000)
 30 00030 000
 (33 000)
 36 00036 000
1. The dimensions in parentheses are the allowable dimensions according to 4.3. The permission to increase the application limit of module M shown in Table 1 is mentioned in 4.4, note 2.

Table 2 – Basic module and submodule values

Basic module and submodule values
M2 M1/5 M1/10 M1/20 M1/50 M1/100 M
1 000
1 100
1 200
NOTE: The permission to increase the application limits for modules M and 1/2 M shown in Table 2 is mentioned in 4.4, note 2.

4.6. When determining the floor plan dimensions of each specific building type, structural parts on the floor plan, openings, the multimodules selected from the common module series specified in 4.2 must be grouped so that each larger module is a multiple of all smaller modules, in order to ensure the compatibility of the modular grid divisions (see Figure 4).

In this case, the following are applied:

  • Fully satisfactory series of the above rule:

3 M – 6 M – 12 M – 60 M

3 M – 15 M – 30 M – 60 M

3 M – 6 M – 30 M – 60 M.

  • Incomplete groups, in which the relationship rule is that the next module is double the adjacent previous module:

3 M – 6 M – 12 M, commonly used for buildings with relatively small room dimensions;

15 M – 30 M – 60 M, commonly used for buildings with larger room dimensions and for building types with a structural system that can be flexibly arranged.

NOTE: In buildings consisting of separate building blocks related to each other or consisting of relatively independent parts with different spatial layout structures and structural systems, it is allowed to apply a separate multimodule group for each part taken from the series listed in 4.6.

4.7. In order to reduce the number of dimensional types of building components, it is necessary to extend the derived modules larger than the values in each series listed in 4.6. The functional requirements, economic rationality must be ensured and only a limited number of preferred dimensions that are multiples of those modules are selected. The quantities are selected by either increasing the dimensional divisions according to a rule or by selection.

Figure 4 – Multimodule grouping ensuring the compatibility of modular grids

4.8. Modular steps in buildings with different functions (or multi-functional buildings) and the length of the corresponding slabs, beams, trusses must preferably be multiples of the largest modules among the specified derived modules of 60 M and 30 M. Other building types take multiples of 12 M.

4.9. The 6 M and 3 M multimodules are primarily used to determine dimensions for:

  • Structural parts in the building floor plan;
  • Openings;
  • Wall sections beside windows of exterior walls;
  • Partition walls;
  • Steps in some building types where the structure constrains the floor plan layout.

4.10. The 3 M – 6 M – 12 M multimodules are used to modularly coordinate the story height system of buildings, vertical dimensions of columns, wall panels, doors, windows, large industrial doors (or gates), positions of voids. Particularly for the 2,800 mm story height, multiples of M are used (see note in 4.4).

4.11. The basic module M and submodule 1/2 M are primarily used to determine the coordinated dimensions of the cross-sections of structural parts, columns, beams, wall and floor slab thicknesses, to subdivide building facades and interiors; coordinate the dimensions of cladding panels and other decorative components and equipment parts. In addition, they are also used to determine the dimensions of supplementary fitted parts, voids; determine the dimensions and positions of partitions.

4.12. The 1/5 M submodule is used for relatively thin walls, partitions, floor slabs, roof panels. The 1/10 M, 1/20 M submodules are used to determine the thickness of sheet products and thin-walled parts. Submodules from 1/10 M to 1/100 M are used to determine the width of joints and gaps between parts.

It is allowed to apply dimensions that are multiples of 1/2 M and 1/4 M when halving coordinated dimensions equal to odd numbers of 3 M and 1/2 M.

5. Principles for arranging reference axes. Relation of structural parts to reference axes

5.1. The basis of the modular space reference system is the relationship between the relative position of structural parts and the reference axis.

5.2. The modular space reference system and the corresponding modular grids with evenly divided values given by multimodules must be a continuous system throughout the building or structure. Particularly at movement joints, it is allowed to use clearances with dimensions C being multiples of smaller modules (see 5.9).

In special cases, it is allowed to represent the continuous system by a discontinuous system (see Figure 5a), in which case the reference axis is a double axis, the clearance dimension between the axes is a multiple of the smaller module according to the provisions in 5.7 (see Figures 5b, 5c).

Figure 5 – Position of reference axes on the floor plan of buildings with load-bearing walls

5.3. Determine the relationship between structural parts and the reference axis by:

  • The distance from the reference axis to the reference plane of the part, or
  • The distance from the reference axis to the geometric axis of the part’s cross-section.


1. Only the cross-sections at the height of the top floor slab or roof support surface follow the above rule. 2. The boundary plane of the component can be placed at a specified distance from the reference plane or coincide with the reference plane, depending on the contact characteristics of that component with other components.

5.4. When determining the relationship between structural parts and reference axes, it is necessary to take into account the application of components of the same dimensional type for similar middle and edge parts as well as for buildings with different structural systems.

5.5. Determine the relationship between load-bearing walls and reference axes depending on their structure and position in the building.


1. The drawings only indicate the related distance from the reference axes to the reference planes of the parts. 2. The outer face of the exterior wall is on the left side of each figure.

5.5.1. The geometric axis of the load-bearing interior walls must coincide with the reference axis (see Figure 6a).

It is allowed to arrange walls asymmetrically with respect to the reference axis when it is necessary to widely apply unified building components. For example: staircase and floor parts.

5.5.2. The inner reference plane of the load-bearing exterior wall does not coincide with the reference axis but is shifted inward by a distance a. The value of a is equal to half of the coordinated dimension (d/2) of the thickness of the parallel load-bearing interior wall (with the considered exterior wall) or is a multiple of M or 1/2 M. When the floor slab rests on the entire thickness of the load-bearing wall, the outer reference plane of the wall is allowed to coincide with the reference axis (see Figure 6d).

NOTE: When the wall is made of bricks or stones not according to the module, it is allowed to adjust the related values in order to use the dimensional types of floor slabs, staircase parts, windows, doors and components belonging to other structural systems of the building that have been specified in accordance with the modular system.

5.6. The inner reference plane of the self-supporting exterior walls and the upper walls must coincide with the reference axis (see Figure 5c) or be shifted by a distance a depending on the relationship of the load-bearing structures in the floor plan and the contact characteristics of the wall with the vertical load-bearing structures or with the floor slab (see Figures 6b, 6g).

5.7. The discontinuous modular space reference system (see Figures 6b, 6c) is applied to buildings with load-bearing walls in the following cases:

  • When the thickness of the interior wall is 300 mm or more, especially when there are ventilation ducts. In this case, the double reference axis is located within the wall thickness, which needs to calculate sufficient necessary support area for the modularly unified floor components.
  • To unify the dimensional types of industrialized components (such as exterior and interior (longitudinal) wall panels filled in between the edge spaces of transverse walls and floor slabs).

Figure 6 – Relationship of walls to reference axes

5.8. The relationship between columns and reference axes in frame buildings must depend on their position.

5.8.1. In frame buildings, arrange the geometric axes of the column cross-section in the middle rows to coincide with the reference axis (see Figure 7a). It is allowed to resolve the adjacent edges at the locations of movement joints, height offsets, and building end walls (see 5.9) and some specific cases due to the requirement of unifying floor parts in buildings with different support structures.


1. The inner reference plane of the wall shown in the drawing is only conventional; it can be shifted outward or inward depending on the structural characteristics and the method of wall fixation.

2. The related distance is measured from the reference axis to the reference plane of the part.

5.8.2. When determining the relationship between the edge column rows of the frame building and the reference axes, it is necessary to ensure a high possibility of unification between the edge structural parts (transverse beams, wall panels, floor slabs, roof) with the middle structural parts. Depending on the type and structural system, the relationship follows one of the following methods:

  • The inner reference plane of the column is shifted inward, away from the reference axis by a distance equal to half the width of the inner column: bo/2 (see Figure 7b);
  • The geometric axis of the edge columns coincides with the reference axis (see Figure 7c);
  • The outer reference plane of the column coincides with the reference axis (see Figure 7d).


Here is the translation for the remaining sections:

1. The inner reference plane of the wall shown in the drawing is only conventional; it can be shifted outward or inward depending on the structural characteristics and the method of wall fixation.
2. The related distance is measured from the reference axis to the reference plane of the part.

5.8.2. When determining the relationship between the edge column rows of the frame building and the reference axes, it is necessary to ensure a high possibility of unification between the edge structural parts (transverse beams, wall panels, floor slabs, roof) with the middle structural parts. Depending on the type and structural system, the relationship follows one of the following methods:

  • The inner reference plane of the column is shifted inward, away from the reference axis by a distance equal to half the width of the inner column: bo/2 (see Figure 7b);
  • The geometric axis of the edge columns coincides with the reference axis (see Figure 7c);
  • The outer reference plane of the column coincides with the reference axis (see Figure 7d).


1. It is allowed to shift the outer reference plane of the columns, measured from the reference axis outward by a distance a (see Figure 7e) which is a multiple of 3 M and, when necessary, a multiple of M or 1/2 M.
2. At the building end walls, it is allowed to shift the geometric axis of the column inward by a distance a (see Figure 7g) which is a multiple of 3M and, when necessary, a multiple of M or 1/2 M.

Figure 7 – Relationship between column and reference axis

5.8.3. In the edge column row, when there is a reference axis perpendicular to the row direction, it is necessary to arrange the geometric axis of the columns to coincide with those reference axes. If it is a corner column, at the building end wall and at movement joints, this provision may not be followed.

5.9. In buildings, at locations of height change, settlement joints and thermal joints where double columns or single columns (or load-bearing walls) are arranged in relation to double or single reference axes, the following rules must be strictly followed:

  • The distance c between the double reference axes (see Figures 8a, 8b, and 8c) must be a multiple of module 3 M and, when necessary, a multiple of M and 1/2 M. The relationship between each column and the reference axis must comply with 5.8.
  • When the double columns (or load-bearing walls) are related to a single reference axis, the distance c from the reference axis to the geometric axis of each column (Figure 8d) must be a multiple of 3 M and, when necessary, a multiple of M or 1/2 M.
  • When a single column is related to a single reference axis, the geometric axis of the column coincides with the reference axis.

Figure 8 – Relationship of columns and walls to reference axes at movement joint locations

5.10. For buildings assembled from spatial blocks, the blocks should typically be arranged symmetrically between the reference axes of the continuous modular grid.

5.11. For multi-story buildings, the reference plane of the unfinished floor surface at the landing of the stairs must coincide with the basic horizontal reference plane (see Figure 9a).

5.12. For single-story buildings:

  • The reference plane of the unfinished ground floor surface must coincide with the lower basic horizontal reference plane (see Figure 9b);
  • The lower reference plane of the horizontal load-bearing structures on the support surface must coincide with the upper basic horizontal reference plane (see Figure 9b). If the roof is sloped, the above rules apply to the lower (or lowest) support.

Figure 9 – Modular (coordinated) story height

5.13. When the relationship between the parts belonging to the base story and the lower basic horizontal reference plane or in the first story, the relationship between the eave parts and the upper basic horizontal reference plane of the attic story must be calculated so that the coordinated dimensions of the lower and upper parts of the wall are multiples of module 3 M and, when necessary, multiples of M or 1/2 M.

6. Coordinated dimensions and structural dimensions of structures, building components and equipment parts

6.1. The coordinated dimensions l0, b0, h0 of structures, building components and equipment parts are determined by the dimensions of the corresponding coordinated spaces (see Figure 10).

6.2. The unified coordinated dimensions are taken as the basic coordinated dimensions L0, B0, H0 (see Figure 10).

In case there are partition parts, the coordinated dimension is taken as smaller than the basic coordinated dimension by a value equal to the coordinated dimension of the partition part.


0 – Basic coordinated dimension;
I0 – Coordinated dimension;
L0, I0 – Length, can be taken respectively as B0, b0 – width; H0, h0 – height.

Figure 10 – Coordinated dimensions

6.3. In a coordinated space, there can be one, two or more than two component coordinated dimensions, the combination of these components must fill the coordinated space or take a series of coordinated spaces as a multiple of the selected module (see Figure 10).

The modular value used to select the component dimensions is equal to or smaller than the modular value used to determine the coordinated dimension of the entire filled space.

6.4. Coordinated dimensions that do not directly depend on the basic coordinated dimensions (for example: column cross-section, beam cross-section, dimensions of voids, doors, gates) are taken according to the specified values of the derived module.

6.5. The structural dimensions l, b, h of structures, building components and equipment parts (see Figure 11) can be:

  • Smaller than the coordinated dimensions l0, b0, h0 due to the subtraction of gaps (the value depends on the characteristics of the structural connections, conditions of use, assembly conditions and tolerance values);
  • Larger than the coordinated dimensions, due to the addition of the dimension of the protruding part in the adjacent coordinated space.


a) The structural dimensions of the parts are smaller than the coordinated dimensions.
b) The structural dimension of the part is larger than the coordinated dimension.
c) The structural dimensions of the parts are larger than the coordinated dimensions.

Figure 11 – Position of structures, building components and equipment parts in the coordinated space