Search Glossary


refers to the activities of displaying, promoting, transporting and storing goods in the process of buying and selling goods, except for the case of goods transportation by organizations and individuals importing goods from the border gate to the storage warehouse.

is a sample taken at a ratio and randomly from the same goods batch and ensuring representativeness for the entire goods batch, used for conformity assessment and certification.

is a representative sample of a specific type or model of product or good produced according to the same design form, under the same conditions of production line and technology, and using the same type of raw materials.

is a collection of one type of building material product or good with a defined quantity, having the same labeling content, produced or imported by an organization or individual at the same location, distributed and consumed in the market.

is a collection of one type of building material product or good with the same technical specifications and produced in the same production run on the same technology line.

is the import and export goods classification code specified in the List of Vietnam’s Export and Import Goods issued by the Ministry of Finance.

are products and goods that, under reasonable and intended conditions of transportation, storage, preservation, and use, still pose potential harm to people, animals, plants, property, and the environment.

refers to the agency assigned and decentralized to perform state inspection of the quality of building material products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Construction (hereinafter referred to as the inspection agency). The local inspection agency is the Department of Construction.

QCVN 16:2023/BXD
Document Info
Code: QCVN 16:2023/BXD
Ministry of Construction
Issuance: 30/06/2023
Effective: 01/01/2024
Supercedes: QCVN 16:2019/BXD
Table of Contents
QCVN 16:2023/BXD



QCVN 16:2023/BXD replaces QCVN 16:2019/BXD.

QCVN 16:2023/BXD was drafted by the Building Materials Institute, appraised by the Ministry of Science and Technology, reviewed and submitted by the Department of Science and Technology and Environment – Ministry of Construction, and promulgated in conjunction with Circular No. ……../2023/TT-BXD dated ….. …… 2023 by the Minister of Construction.

1.1. Scope

1.1.1. This regulation prescribes the technical specification limits and management requirements for the products and goods of building materials listed in Table 1, Part 2, belonging to group 2 as defined in the Law on Product and Goods Quality (hereinafter referred to as building material products and goods) that are domestically produced, imported, traded, circulated in the market and used for construction works in the territory of Vietnam.

1.1.2. This regulation does not apply to building material products and goods imported in the form of advertising samples without use value; research samples; test samples; goods temporarily imported for display or introduction at fairs and exhibitions; goods temporarily imported for re-export, not consumed or used in Vietnam; goods exchanged by border residents, gifts within the tax quota; goods in transit, trans-shipment, or transshipment; goods serving urgent needs as directed by the Government and specialized goods serving national defense and security purposes.

1.2. Applicable entities

1.2.1. Organizations and individuals producing, importing, trading, and using building material products and goods.

1.2.2. Organizations conducting testing and conformity assessment that perform assessment and certification of conformity for building material products and goods.

1.2.3. Relevant state management agencies in charge of the quality of building material products and goods.

1.3. Terms and definitions

In this Regulation, the following terms are defined as follows:

1.3.1. State inspection agency for the quality of building material products and goods refers to the agency assigned and decentralized to perform state inspection of the quality of building material products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Construction (hereinafter referred to as the inspection agency). The local inspection agency is the Department of Construction.

1.3.2. Group 2 building material products and goods are products and goods that, under reasonable and intended conditions of transportation, storage, preservation, and use, still pose potential harm to people, animals, plants, property, and the environment.

1.3.3. HS code is the import and export goods classification code specified in the List of Vietnam’s Export and Import Goods issued by the Ministry of Finance.

1.3.4. Product batch is a collection of one type of building material product or good with the same technical specifications and produced in the same production run on the same technology line.

1.3.5. Goods batch is a collection of one type of building material product or good with a defined quantity, having the same labeling content, produced or imported by an organization or individual at the same location, distributed and consumed in the market.

1.3.6. Typical sample of building material products and goods is a representative sample of a specific type or model of product or good produced according to the same design form, under the same conditions of production line and technology, and using the same type of raw materials.

1.3.7. Representative sample of a building material product or goods batch is a sample taken at a ratio and randomly from the same goods batch and ensuring representativeness for the entire goods batch, used for conformity assessment and certification.

1.3.8. Goods circulation refers to the activities of displaying, promoting, transporting and storing goods in the process of buying and selling goods, except for the case of goods transportation by organizations and individuals importing goods from the border gate to the storage warehouse.

1.4. General regulations

1.4.1. Building material products and goods must not cause unsafety during transportation, storage, preservation and use. When circulating in the market, for domestically produced products and goods, they must have a certificate of conformity and a notification of acceptance of the conformity declaration dossier from the local inspection agency; for imported goods, they must have a Certificate of Conformity.

1.4.2. Organizations and individuals producing, importing, trading, and using products must accurately declare the categories of building material products and goods in accordance with the product list specified in Table 1, Part 2 of this Regulation. In case the product or goods category is unclear, the relevant organizations and individuals must coordinate with the Conformity Certification Organization and Testing Organization to perform product identification.

1.4.3. Domestically produced and imported building material products and goods specified in Table 1, Part 2 of this Regulation shall apply a management measure based on the certification results of the registered or recognized Certification Organization in accordance with the law.

1.4.4. The conformity mark is used directly on the product, goods, or on the packaging, or on the label attached to the product, goods, or in the quality certificate and technical documents of the product in accordance with the regulations on conformity marks and the use of conformity marks in Circular No. 28/2012/TT-BKHCN and Appendix IX issued together with Circular No. 26/2019/TT-BKHCN.

1.5. Referenced documents

The following referenced documents are essential for the application of this Regulation. For referenced documents with a stated year of publication, the specified version applies. For referenced documents without a stated year of publication, the latest version, including any amendments and supplements (if any), applies. In case the standards, regulations, and documents referenced in this Regulation are amended, supplemented or replaced, the new regulations shall be followed.

TCVN 141:2023, Portland cement – Methods of chemical analysis

TCVN 1450:2009, Hollow clay bricks

TCVN 1451:1998, Solid clay bricks

TCVN 1452:2023_, Fired clay roofing tiles and accessories – Technical requirements_

TCVN 1453:2023, Concrete roofing tiles and accessories

TCVN 2090:2015, Paint, varnish and raw materials for paints and varnishes – Sampling

TCVN 2097:2015, Paints and varnishes – Cross-cut test

TCVN 2682:2020, Portland cement

TCVN 3113:2022, Concrete – Method for determination of water absorption

TCVN 3118:2022, Concrete – Method for determination of compressive strength

TCVN 4313:2023, Fired clay roofing tiles and accessories – Test methods

TCVN 4315:2007, Granulated blast furnace slag for cement production

TCVN 4434:2000, Asbestos-cement corrugated sheets – Technical requirements

TCVN 4435:2000, Asbestos-cement corrugated sheets – Test methods

TCVN 4732:2016, Natural stones for cladding

TCVN 6016:2011 (ISO 679:2009), Cement – Test methods – Determination of strength

TCVN 6017:2015 (ISO 9597:2008), Cement – Test methods – Determination of setting times and soundness

TCVN 6065:1995, Cement concrete floor tiles

TCVN 6067:2018, Sulphate resisting portland cement

TCVN 6149-1:2007 (ISO 1167-1:2006), Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids – Determination of the resistance to internal pressure – Part 1: General method

TCVN 6149-2:2007 (ISO 1167-2:2006), Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids – Determination of the resistance to internal pressure – Part 2: Preparation of pipe test pieces

TCVN 6149-3:2007 (ISO 1167-3:2006), Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids – Determination of the resistance to internal pressure – Part 3: Preparation of components

TCVN 6260:2020, Blended portland cement – Technical requirements

TCVN 6355-2:2009, Masonry units – Test methods – Part 2: Determination of compressive strength

TCVN 6355-3:2009, Masonry units – Test methods – Part 3: Determination of flexural strength

TCVN 6355-4:2009, Masonry units – Test methods – Part 4: Determination of water absorption

TCVN 6415-3:2016 (ISO 10545-3:1995), Ceramic tiles – Test methods – Part 3: Determination of water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent relative density and bulk density

TCVN 6415-4:2016 (ISO 10545-4:2014), Ceramic tiles – Test methods – Part 4: Determination of modulus of rupture and breaking strength

TCVN 6415-6:2016 (ISO 10545-6:2010), Ceramic tiles – Test methods – Part 6: Determination of resistance to deep abrasion for unglazed tiles

TCVN 6415-7:2016 (ISO 10545-7:1996), Ceramic tiles – Test methods – Part 7: Determination of resistance to surface abrasion for glazed tiles

TCVN 6415-8:2016 (ISO 10545-8:2014), Ceramic tiles – Test methods – Part 8: Determination of linear thermal expansion

TCVN 6415-10:2016 (ISO 10545-10:1995), Ceramic tiles – Test methods – Part 10: Determination of moisture expansion

TCVN 6415-11:2016 (ISO 10545-11:1994_), Ceramic tiles – Test methods – Part 11: Determination of crazing resistance for glazed tiles_

TCVN 6476:1999, Concrete interlocking paving blocks

TCVN 6477:2016, Concrete masonry units

TCVN 6882:2016, Mineral admixtures for cement

TCVN 7218:2018, Flat glass in building – Float glass – Technical requirements

TCVN 7219:2018, Flat glass in building – Determination of dimensions and visual defects

TCVN 7305-2:2008 (ISO 4427-2 : 2007), Plastics piping systems – Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply – Part 2: Pipes

TCVN 7305-3:2008 (ISO 4427-3:2007), Plastics piping systems – Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply – Part 3: Fittings

TCVN 7364 – 4: 2018, Building glass – Laminated glass and laminated safety glass – Part 4: Test methods for durability

TCVN 7364 – 5: 2018, Building glass – Laminated glass and laminated safety glass – Part 5: Dimensions and finishing

TCVN 7368:2012, Building glass – Laminated safety glass – Test method for impact resistance

TCVN 7417-1:2010 (IEC 61386-1:2008), Conduit systems for cable management – Part 1: General requirements

TCVN 7455: 2013, Building glass – Heat strengthened glass

TCVN 7528:2005, Building glass – Reflective coated glass

TCVN 7529:2005, Building glass – Heat absorbing tinted glass

TCVN 7570:2006, Aggregates for concrete and mortar – Technical requirements

TCVN 7572-2:2006, Aggregates for concrete and mortar – Test methods – Part 2: Determination of particle size distribution

TCVN 7572-8:2006, Aggregates for concrete and mortar – Test methods – Part 8: Determination of fines, dust, clay content in aggregates and clay lumps in fine aggregates

TCVN 7572-9:2006, Aggregates for concrete and mortar – Test methods – Part 9: Determination of organic impurities

TCVN 7572-14:2006, Aggregates for concrete and mortar – Test methods – Part 14: Determination of alkali-silica reactivity potential

TCVN 7572-15:2006, Aggregates for concrete and mortar – Test methods – Part 15: Determination of chloride content

TCVN 7737: 2007, Building glass – Test methods for determination of light transmittance, light reflectance, solar direct transmittance, total solar energy transmittance and ultraviolet transmittance

TCVN 7753:2007, Fibreboards – Medium density fibreboards (MDF)

TCVN 7959:2017, Light-weight concrete – Autoclaved aerated concrete products – Technical requirements

TCVN 8256:2022, Gypsum plasterboard – Technical requirements

TCVN 8257-3, Gypsum plasterboard – Physical test methods – Part 3: Determination of flexural strength

TCVN 8257-5_, Gypsum plasterboard – Physical test methods – Part 5: Determination of wet bending strength_

TCVN 8257-6, Gypsum plasterboard – Physical test methods – Part 6: Determination of water absorption

TCVN 8260:2009, Building glass – Insulating glass units

TCVN 8261:2009, Building glass – Test methods – Determination of surface stress and edge stress of glass using non-destructive photoelastic method

TCVN 8262:2009, Fly ash – Methods of chemical analysis

TCVN 8265:2009, Granulated blast furnace slag – Methods of chemical analysis

TCVN 8491-2:2011 (ISO 1452-2:2009), Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure – Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) – Part 2: Pipes

TCVN 8491-3:2011 (ISO 1452-3:2009), Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure – Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) – Part 3: Fittings

TCVN 8652:2020, Emulsion paints for interior use – Technical requirements

TCVN 8653-4, Emulsion paints for interior use – Test methods – Part 4: Determination of resistance to wet scrubbing of paint films

TCVN 8653-5, Emulsion paints for interior use – Test methods – Part 5: Determination of resistance to cold-heat cycle of paint films

TCVN 8877:2011, Cement – Test methods – Determination of autoclave expansion

TCVN 9030:2017, Light-weight concrete – Test methods

TCVN 9133: 2011, Ceramic glazed tiles

TCVN 9188, Chrysotile asbestos for production of asbestos-cement corrugated sheets

TCVN 9205:2012, Crushed sand for concrete and mortar

TCVN 9339:2012, Concrete and mortar in construction – Method for determination of pH using pH meter

TCVN 9349:2012, Surface coatings of building structures – Pull-off test for adhesion

TCVN 9562:2017 (ISO 10639:2017), Plastics piping systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply – Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin

TCVN 9807:2013, Gypsum for cement production

Glowing/hot-wire based test methods – Test method for end-product flammability using a glowing/hot wire_

TCVN 9900-11-2:2013 (IEC 60695-11-2:2003), Fire hazard testing – Part 11-2: Test flames – 1 kW nominal pre-mixed flame – Apparatus, confirmatory test arrangement and guidance

TCVN 10097-2:2013 (ISO 15874-2:2013), Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations – Polypropylene (PP) – Part 2: Pipes

TCVN 10097-3:2013 (ISO 15874-3:2013), Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations – Polypropylene (PP) – Part 3: Fittings

TCVN 10177:2013 (ISO 2531:2009), Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water pipelines

TCVN 10302:2014, Fly ash for use as active additive in concrete, mortar and cement

TCVN 10369:2014 (ISO 17895:2005), Paints and varnishes – Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints (in-can VOC)

TCVN 10370-1:2014 (ISO 11890 -1:2007), Paints and varnishes – Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) content – Part 1: Difference method

TCVN 10370-2:2014 (ISO 11890 -2:2007), Paints and varnishes – Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) content – Part 2: Gas-chromatographic method

TCVN 10688:2015 (IEC 61537:2006), Cable management – Cable tray systems and cable ladder systems

TCVN 10769:2015 (ISO 7685:1998), Plastics piping systems – Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes – Determination of initial specific ring stiffness

TCVN 10967:2015 (ISO 8513:2014), Plastics piping systems – Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes – Determination of apparent initial longitudinal tensile strength

TCVN 11205:2015 (ISO 13609:2014), Wood-based panels – Decorative veneered panels with a core of solid wood and veneered composite panels

TCVN 11524:2016, Extruded hollow concrete panels

TCVN 11586:2016, Ground granulated blast furnace slag for concrete and mortar

TCVN 11822:2017, Pressure pipes made of modified poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-M)

TCVN 11833: 2017, Phosphogypsum for cement production

TCVN 11896:2017 (EN 233:2016), Wallcoverings in roll form – Finished wallpapers, wall vinyls and plastic wallcoverings – Technical requirements

TCVN 11898:2017 (EN 12149:1998), Wallcoverings in roll form – Determination of migration of heavy metals and certain other elements, of vinyl chloride monomer and of formaldehyde release

TCVN 11899-1:2018 (ISO 12460-1), Wood-based panels – Determination of formaldehyde release – Part 1: Formaldehyde emission by the 1 m3 chamber method

TCVN 11899-4:2018 (ISO 12460-4), Wood-based panels – Determination of formaldehyde release – Part 4: Desiccator method

TCVN 11899-5:2018 (ISO 12460-5), Wood-based panels – Determination of formaldehyde release – Part 5: Extraction method (called the perforator method)

TCVN 11903:2017 (ISO 16999:2003), Wood-based panels – Sampling and cutting of test pieces

TCVN 12003:2018, Cement – Method for determination of expansion of cement mortar bars in water

TCVN 12249:2018, Coal-fired thermal power plant slag for filling

TCVN 12302:2018, Light-weight three-layer sandwich panels

TCVN 12304:2018 (ISO 8772:2006), Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage – Polyethylene (PE)

TCVN 12305:2018 (ISO 8773:2006), Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage – Polypropylene (PP)

TCVN 12362:2018 (ISO 16893:2016), Wood-based panels – Particleboard

TCVN 12445:2018 (ISO 16983:2003), Wood-based panels – Determination of swelling in thickness after immersion in water

TCVN 12446:2018 (ISO 16978:2003), Wood-based panels – Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength

TCVN 12447:2018 (ISO 16984:2003), Wood-based panels – Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the panel

TCVN 12648:2020, Sanitary appliances – Wash basins – Functional requirements and test methods

TCVN 12649:2020, WC pans and WC suites with integral trap

TCVN 12650:2020, Vitreous china sanitary appliances – Technical quality requirements for vitreous china sanitary appliances

TCVN 12651:2020, Urinals – Wall-hung urinals – Functional requirements and test methods

TCVN 12652:2020, Urinals – Slab urinals – Functional requirements and test methods

TCVN 12867:2020, Autoclaved aerated concrete panels reinforced with steel mesh – Technical requirements

TCVN 12868:2020, Autoclaved aerated concrete panels reinforced with steel edge – Test methods

TCVN 13113:2020 (ISO 13006:2018), Ceramic tiles – Definitions, classification, characteristics and marking

TCVN 13560:2022, Glass-fibre reinforced gypsum panels – Technical requirements

EN 1096-1:2012 (E), Glass in building – Coated glass – Part 1: Definitions and classification

EN 12898:2019, Glass in building – Determination of the emissivity

BS EN 14617-1:2013, Agglomerated stone – Test methods – Part 1: Determination of apparent density and water absorption

BS EN 14617-2:2016, Agglomerated stone – Test methods – Part 2: Determination of flexural strength (bending)

BS EN 14617-4:2012, Agglomerated stone – Test methods – Part 4: Determination of the abrasion resistance

BS EN 14617-10:2012, Agglomerated stone – Test methods – Part 10: Determination of chemical resistance

ISO 4435:2003, Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage – Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)

ISO 15875-2:2003, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations – Crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) – Part 2: Pipes

ISO 15877-2:2009, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations – Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) – Part 2: Pipes

ISO 22391-2:2009, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations – Polyethylene of raised temperature resistance (PE-RT) – Part 2: Pipes

ASTM C471M-20a, Standard test methods for chemical analysis of gypsum and gypsum products

2.1. Amphibole asbestos raw materials shall not be used for the manufacture of building material products. The following 5 types of amphibole asbestos are prohibited from use:
  • Crocidolite (blue asbestos): Export and import goods code (HS Code): 2524.10.00
    Fibrous form, blue color, chemical formula: 3H2O.2Na2O. 6(Fe2,Mg)O.2Fe2O3.17SiO2;
  • Amosite (brown asbestos): HS Code: 2524.90.00
    Fibrous form, brown color, chemical formula: 5,5FeO.1,5MgO. 8SiO2.H2O;
  • Anthophylite: HS Code: 2524.90.00
    Fibrous form, colored, chemical formula: 7(Mg,Fe)O.8SiO2(OH)2;
  • Actinolite: HS Code: 2524.90.00
    Fibrous form, colored, chemical formula: 2CaO.4MgO.FeO.8SiO2.H2O;
  • Tremolite: HS Code: 2524.90.00
    Fibrous form, colored, chemical formula: 2CaO.5MgO.8SiO2.H2O.
2.2. Building material products and goods must be tested for technical criteria according to corresponding test methods and must satisfy the requirement levels specified in Table 1.

Table 1 – List of building material products and goods

NoProduct NameTechnical CriteriaRequirement
Test MethodSample SpecificationHS Code
1Cement, cement and concrete additives
1Portland cement1. Compressive strength, MPa, not less thanPC 40PC 50TCVN 6016:2011Samples shall be taken at 10 different locations within the same product lot, approximately 4 kg at each location. Take an average sample of about 20 kg2523.29.90
– 3 days ± 45 min2125
– 28 days ± 8 h4050
2. Volume stability, determined by Le Chatelier method, mm, not exceeding10,0TCVN 6017:2015
3. Anhydric sulphuric (SO3) content, %, not exceeding3,5TCVN 141:2023
4. Magnesium oxide (MgO) content, %, not exceeding5,0*
5. Loss on ignition (LOI), %, not exceeding       
– When limestone additives are not used3,0
– When limestone additives are used3,5
6. Insoluble residue content, %, not exceeding1,5
(*) MgO content up to 6% is allowed if the autoclave expansion (determined according to TCVN 8877:2011) of the cement does not exceed 0.8%
2Blended Portland cement1. Compressive strength, MPa, not less thanPCB 30PCB 40PCB 50TCVN 6016:2011Samples shall be taken at a minimum of 10 different locations within the same product lot. Take an average sample of at least 10 kg2523.29.90
– 3 days ± 45 min141822
– 28 days ± 8 h304050
2. Volume stability, determined by Le Chatelier method, mm, not exceeding10,0TCVN 6017:2015
3. Anhydric sulphuric (SO3) content, %, not exceeding3,5TCVN 141:2023
4. Autoclave expansion, %, not exceeding0,8TCVN 8877:2011
3Sulfate-resisting Portland cement According to Appendix A2523.29.90
4Thạch cao phospho dùng để sản xuất xi măng1. Phosphogypsum for cement production 1. CaSO4.2H2O content, %, not less than75TCVN 9807:2013Samples shall be taken at a minimum of 10 different locations within the same product lot. Take an average sample of at least 10 kg2520.10.00
2. Soluble P2O5 content, %, not exceeding0,1Phụ lục A TCVN 11833:2017
3. Total P2O5 content, %, not exceeding0,7
4. Water-soluble fluoride (F-soluble) content, %, not exceeding0,02
5. Total fluoride (F-total) content, %, not exceeding0,6
6. pH, not less than6,0TCVN 9339:2012
7. Radioactivity safety index (I), not exceeding1Appendix D TCVN 11833:2017
8. Difference in final setting time compared to control cement, hours less than2TCVN 6017:2015
5Granulated blast furnace slagGranulated blast furnace slag for cement production 2618.00.00
1. Basicity coefficient K, not less than1,6TCVN 4315:2007Lấy mẫu ở 10 vị trí khác nhau trong cùng lô sản phẩm, mỗi vị trí lấy khoảng 4 kg. Lấy mẫu trung bình khoảng 20 kg
2. Strength activity index, %, not less than TCVN 4315:2007
– 7 days 55,0
– 28 days 75,0
3. Magnesium oxide (MgO) content, %, not exceeding10,0TCVN 141:2023
4. Radioactivity safety index, I1, not exceeding1Appendix A  – TCVN 12249:2018 
Finely ground granulated blast furnace slag for concrete and mortar 
1. Strength activity index, %, not less thanS60S75S95S105Appendix A – TCVN 11586:2016Samples shall be taken at 10 different locations within the same product lot, approximately 4 kg at each location. Take an average sample of about 20 kg
– 7 days 557595
– 28 days 607595105
2. Magnesium oxide (MgO) content, %, not exceeding10,0TCVN 8265:2009
3. Anhydric sulphuric (SO3) content, %, not exceeding4,0
4. Chloride ion (Cl) content, %, not exceeding0,02TCVN 141:2023
5. Loss on ignition (LOI), %, not exceeding3,0TCVN 11586:2016
6. Radioactivity safety index, I1, not exceeding1Appendix A  – TCVN 12249:2018 
6 Fly ash as active additive for concrete, mortar and cementAccording to Appendix B2621.90.00
IIConstruction aggregates
1Crushed sand for concrete and mortar1. Particle size distribution(b)According to Table 1 of  TCVN 9205:2012TCVN 7572-2:2006Samples shall be taken at 10 different locations within the same product lot, at least 5 kg at each location, mix the samples thoroughly, then quarter to take a minimum of 20 kg as the test sample2517.10.00
2. Content of particles smaller than 75 µm(b)According to Clause 3.5 of TCVN 9205:2012TCVN 9205:2012
3. Clay lump content, %, not exceeding2TCVN 7572-8:2006
4. Chloride ion (Cl) content, not exceedin(a)According to Table 2 of
TCVN 9205:2012
TCVN 7572-15:2006
5. Alkali-silica reactivityWithin the innocuous aggregate zoneTCVN 7572-14:2006
2Natural sand for concrete and mortar1. Particle size distributionAccording to Table 1 of
TCVN 7570:2006
TCVN 7572-2:2006Samples shall be taken at 10 different locations, at least 5 kg at each location, mix the samples thoroughly, then quarter to take a minimum of 20 kg as the test sample2505.10.00
2. Content of impurities:According to Table 2 of
TCVN 7570:2006
TCVN 7572-8:2006
– Clay lumps and impurities in lump form
– Fines, mud, and clay content
3. Organic impuritiesNot darker than the standard colorTCVN 7572-9:2006
4. Chloride ion (Cl) content(a)According to Table 3 of
TCVN 7570:2006
TCVN 7572-15:2006
5. Alkali-silica reactivityWithin the innocuous aggregate zoneTCVN 7572-14:2006
(a) Aggregates with Cl– ion content exceeding these specifications may be used if the total Cl– ion content per 1 m3 of concrete from all constituent materials does not exceed 0.6 kg for normal reinforced concrete and does not exceed 0.3 kg for prestressed reinforced concrete.
(b) Crushed sand with percentage passing through 140 µm and 75 µm sieves differing from these specifications may be used if test results indicate no adverse effect on the quality of concrete and mortar.
IIICladding and paving materials
1Ceramic tilesAccording to Appendix C6907.21.91 6907.21.93 6907.22.91 6907.22.93 6907.23.91 6907.23.93 6907.21.92 6907.22.92 6907.23.92 6907.21.94 6907.22.94 6907.23.94
2Natural stone for claddingAccording to Appendix D2506.10.00 2506.20.00 2514.00.00 2515.12.20 2515.20.00 2516.20.20 2516.12.20 6802.21.00 6802.23.00 6802.29.10 6802.29.90 6802.91.10 6802.91.90 6802.92.00 6802.93.10 6802.93.00
3Agglomerated stone based on organic binding substancesAccording to Appendix E6810.19.90 6810.19.10
4Concrete interlocking paving blocks1. Compressive strengt, N/mm2Grade M20020TCVN 6476:1999Take a representative sample of 15 blocks from the same product lot6810.19.10
Grade M30030
Grade M40040
Grade M50050
Grade M60060
2. Water absorption, %Grade M20010TCVN 6355-4:2009
Grade M3008
Grade M4008
Grade M5006
Grade M6006
3. Abrasion resistance, g/cm20,5TCVN 6065:1995
IVMasonry materials
1Fired clay bricksAccording to Appendix 6904.10.00
2Concrete masonry bricksAccording to Appendix G6810.11.00
3Autoclaved aerated concrete productsAccording to Appendix H6810.99.00
4Tấm tườngWall panels Extruded hollow concrete panels6810.91.00
1. Water absorption, %, not exceeding TCVN 3113:2022Take 3 test samples cut from 28-day old finished panels
– Regular panels12
– Sound insulation panel8
2. Impact resistance classNumber of consecutive impacts at drop heightsTCVN 11524:2016Take 3 test samples cut from 28-day old finished panels 500 mm 1000 mm 1500 mm
– High class – C1666
– Medium class – C266
– Low class – C36
3. Heavy object hanging strength, N, not less than1000Take 1 test sample from a product that has met the water absorption requirements
4. Compressive strength of concrete at 28 days, MPa, not less than15TCVN 3118:20223 test samples of 150 x 150 x 150 mm
Lightweight three-layer sandwich panels6810.91.00
1. Impact resistance classNumber of consecutive impacts at drop heightsTCVN 11524:2016Take 3 test samples cut from 28-day old finished panels
– High class – C1666
– Medium class – C266
– Low clas – C36
2. Heavy object hanging strength 
 Load, N,
not less than
Maxi-mum deflection, mmMaxi-mum residual deform-ation, mmTCVN 12302:2018Take 3 test samples cut from 28-day old finished panels
Level 1100051
Level 2125020 
Level 31500  
3. Adhesion strength between facing and core layers, MPa, not less than0,3TCVN 9349:2012Take 1 test sample from a product that has met dimension and appearance requirements
4. Compressive strength of three-layer wall panels, MPa, not less than3,5TCVN 9030:20173 test samples (100 x 100 x thickness) mm cut from 3 wall panels
Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete panel6810.91.00
1. Compressive strength and bulk densityTable 3.
TCVN 12867:2020
TCVN 12868:2020Take 2 test samples cut from 28-day old finished panels
2. Drying shrinkage, mm/m, not exceeding0,2Take 1 test sample cut from a 28-day old finished panel
VRoofing materials
1Asbestos-cement corrugated sheets1. Water impermeability duration, h, not less than24TCVN 4435:2000Take 3 complete sheets that have been cured for at least 28 days from date of manufacture6811.40.10
2. Breaking load by sheet width bending, N/m, not less tha3500
2Roofing tilesFired clay roofing tiles  6905.10.00
1. Water permeabilityClass 1Class 2TCVN 4313:2023Take a representative sample of 20 complete tiles from the same product lot
– Average value, not exceeding0,80,925
– Water permeability of each tile sample, not exceeding0,850,95
2. Breaking load, N, not less than 
– For flat tiles600TCVN 4313:2023
– For flat tiles with interlocking grooves900
– For interlocking tiles1000
– For other tiles1200
Ceramic glazed tiles Take a representative sample of 10 tiles from the same product lot6905.10.00
1. Water absorption, %, TCVN 6415-3:2016 (ISO 10545-3:2016)
2. Breaking load for roofing tiles, by tile width, N/cm, TCVN 4313:2023
3. Crazing resistance, based on the appearance of cracks after testing TCVN 6415-11:2016 (ISO 10545-11:1994)
Concrete roofing tiles 6811.82.20
Appendix I
VI.Sanitary ware
1Wash basins1. Load bearing capacityNo cracking, breakage or permanent deformation of wall-hung basinsClause 5.2 – TCVN 12648:20201 complete product set7324.90.10 6910.10.00
2. Water drainageAll water shall drain awayClause 5.3 – TCVN 12648:2020
3. CleanabilityClause 4.6 of TCVN 12648:2020Clause 5.8-TCVN 12648:2020
4. Overflow protectionClause 4.7 of TCVN 12648:2020Clause 5.9-TCVN 12648:2020
2Wall-hung urinals1. Load bearing capacityNo cracking, detachment from the wall or permanent deformationClause 6.6.3 – TCVN 12651:20201 complete product set7324.90.10 6910.10.00
2. Flushing characteristicsAccording to Clause 6.2 TCVN 12651:2020Clause – TCVN 12651:2020
3. Depth of water sealAccording to Clause 6.1, 7.1 của TCVN 12651:2020Clause 6.6.1, 7.5.1 – TCVN 12651:2020
3Bồn Tiểu nữ1. Load bearing capacityNo cracking or permanent deformation Clause 5.2 – TCVN 12652:20201 complete product set7324.90.10 6910.10.00
2. CleanabilityAccording to Clause 4.3 TCVN 12652:2020Clause 5.3 – TCVN 12652:2020
3. Overflow protectionAccording to Clause 4.4 TCVN 12652:2020Clause 5.4 – TCVN 12652:2020
4Bệ Xí bệt1. Load bearing capacityNo cracking or permanent deformation Clause 5.7.4 – TCVN 12649:20201 complete product set7324.90.10 6910.10.00
2. Flushing characteristicsAccording to Clause 5.2 – TCVN 12649:2020Clause 5.7.2-TCVN 12652:2020
VII.Building Glass
1Float glassAccording to Appendix K7005.29.90
2Heat strengthened glassAccording to Appendix L7007.19.90
3Heat absorbing tinted glass1. Thickness deviationAccording to Appendix K.1TCVN 7529:20053 test samples, size ≥ (610×610) mm7005.21.90
2. Visual defectsAccording to Appendix K.2
3. Solar direct transmittance, not exceeding Clause 6.2 – TCVN 7529:2005
h5 – 0,80,8
h5 – 0,70,7
4Reflective coated glass1. Thickness deviationAccording to Appendix K.1TCVN 7219:20183 test samples, size ≥ (610×610) mm7005.21.90
2. Visual defectsAccording to Table 1 của TCVN 7528:2005TCVN 7219:2018
3. Solar direct transmittance, not exceedingTable 2 of TCVN 7528:2005Clause 6.3 TCVN 7528:20053 test samples, size (50×50) mm
R 0,3From 0,30 to 0,44
R 0,5From 0,45 to0,59
R 0,6Greater than or equal to 0,60
5Low emissivity coated glass (Low E)1. Emissivity, ε, not exceeding EN 12898:20193 test samples, size (50×50) mm7005.21.90
Hard coating0,25
Soft coating0,18
2. Visual defectsAccording to Table 1 of EN 1096-1:2012 (E)Clause 8.2 EN 1096-1:2012 (E)3 test samples, size ≥ (610×610) mm
6Insulating glass unit1. Nominal thickness, mmPermissible deviation*, mmTCVN 8260:20093 test samples, size (350 x 500) mm7008.00.00
– Less than 17± 1,0
– From 17 to 22± 1,5
– Greater than 22± 2,0
2. Dew point, not exceeding– 35°C
(*) For insulating glass units with two or more air spaces and the thickness of an air space greater than or equal to 15 mm, the thickness deviation shall be agreed upon between the relevant parties.
7Laminated glass and laminated safety glass1. Thickness deviationClause 4. TCVN 7364-5: 2018TCVN 7364-5:20186 test samples, size ≥ (610×610) mm7007.29.90
2. Ball drop impact resistanceAt least 5 glass panes when shattered, the glass fragments shall remain adhered to the surface of the interlayerTCVN 7368:2012
3. Heat resistanceNo bubbles, blisters or streaks shall appearTCVN 7364-4: 20186 test samples, size ≥ (100×300) mm
VIIIDecorative and Finishing Materials
1Wallcoverings in roll form – Finished wallpapers, wall vinyls and plastic wallcoverings1. Migration level of heavy metalsTable 1.
TCVN 11896:2017
TCVN 11898:2017 (EN 12149:1998)Test sample shall be 1 complete roll of wallcovering or 1 roll of wallcovering border4814.90.00 4814.20 10 4814.20.91 4814.20.99
2. Vinyl chloride monomer content, mg/kg of wallcovering, not exceeding0,2
3. Formaldehyde release, mg/kg of wallcovering, not exceeding120
2Emulsion paints for interior use1. Durability of paint film according to cross-cut test, class, not exceeding1TCVN 2097:2015Sampling according to TCVN 2090:2015 with a minimum composite sample of 2 liters3209.10.90
2. Wet scrub resistance, cycles, not less than TCVN 8653-4
– Interior coating100
– Exterior coating1200
3. Hot-cold cycle resistance of exterior coating, cycles, not less than50TCVN 8653-5
4. Volatile organic compound (VOC) content, g/l, not exceeding50TCVN 10370-1,2: 2014 (ISO 11890- 1,2:2007) hoặc TCVN 10369:2014 (ISO 17895:2005)
3Gypsum plasterboard and Glass-fibre reinforced gypsum panels* Gypsum plasterboardGlass-fibre reinforced gypsum panels – For standard size samples (1220 x 2440 mm): Number of test samples not less than 3 whole boards;6809.11.00
1. Flexural strengthTCVN 8256:2022TCVN 13560:2022TCVN 8257-3– For other size samples: Total test sample area not less than 3 m26809.19.90
2. Wet bending strengthTCVN 8257-5
3. Water absorption (only applicable for moisture-resistant backing; exterior cladding; roofing)TCVN 8257-6
4. Volatile sulphur content (Orthorhombic cyclooctasulfur – S8), ppm, not exceeding10ASTM C471 M-20a
(*) Not applicable to perforated gypsum boards used for sound absorption purposes
4Wood-based panels FibreboardsFibreboards
1. Thickness swelling after immersion in waterDependent on each type specified in TCVN 7753:2007TCVN 12445:2018 (ISO 16983:2003) TCVN 12446:2018 (ISO 16978:2003) TCVN 12447:2018 (ISO 16984:2003)  Take at least 2 full-size samples from each goods lot4411.12.00 4411.13.00 4411.14.00 4411.92.00 4411.93.00 4411.94.00
2. Bending strength
3. Tensile strength perpendicular to panel surface
4. Formaldehyde release
– Class E 1Not exceeding 0,124 mg/m3TCVN 11899-1:2018 (ISO 12460-1)
Or not exceeding 9 mg/100gTCVN 11899-5:2018 (ISO 12460-5)
– Class E 2Greater than 0,124 mg/m3TCVN 11899-1:2018 (ISO 12460-1)
Or not exceeding 30 mg/100gTCVN 11899-5:2018 (ISO 12460-5)
1. Thickness swelling after immersion in waterDependent on each type specified in TCVN 12362:2018 (ISO 16893:2016)TCVN 12445:2018 (ISO 16983:2003)Take at least 2 full-size samples from each goods lot
2. Bending strengthTCVN 12446:2018 (ISO 16978:2003)
3. Tensile strength perpendicular to panel surfaceTCVN 12447:2018 (ISO 16984:2003)
4. Formaldehyde release, not exceeding0,124 mg/m3TCVN 11899-1 (ISO 12460-1)
Or 0,7 mg/lTCVN 11899-4 (ISO 12460-4)
Or 8,0 mg/100gTCVN 11899-5 (ISO 12460-5)
Decorative veneered panels with a core of solid wood and veneered composite panels4418.99.00
Formaldehyde release, not exceeding0,124 mg/m3TCVN 11899-1 (ISO 12460-1)TCVN 11903:2017 (ISO 16999:2003)
2 test samples of size (0.5 x 0.5) m.
IXWater Supply and Drainage Pipe Products
1PVC pipes and fittings for water supply and drainage systems under pressure conditionsResistance to internal pressure: – For PVC-U pipes and fittings: + at 20°C, for 1h; – For PVC-C pipes and fittings: + at 20°C, for 1h; + at 95°C, for 165h; – For PVC-M pipes and fittings: + at 20°C, for 1h;No failure during testingTCVN 6149-1:2007 (ISO 1167-1:2006) TCVN 6149-2:2007 (ISO 1167-2:2006) TCVN 6149-3:2007 (ISO 1167-3:2006)          Take test samples at a minimum of 3 locations. At each location, take 2 pipe sections, each with a minimum length of 1.0 m. Take a minimum of 6 fittings.3917.23.00 3917.40.00            
2PE pipes and fittings for water supply and drainage systems under pressure conditionResistance to internal pressure: – For PE pipes and fittings: + at 20°C, for 100h; + at 80°C, for 165h; – For PE-X pipes and fittings: + at 20°C, for 1h; + at 95°C, for 1h; – For PE-RT pipes and fittings: + at 20°C, for 1h; + at 95°C, for 22h;No failure during testingTCVN 6149-1:2007 (ISO 1167-1:2006) TCVN 6149-2:2007 (ISO 1167-2:2006) TCVN 6149-3:2007 (ISO 1167-3:2006)              Take test pipe samples at a minimum of 3 locations. At each location, take 2 pipe sections, each with a minimum length of 1.0 m. Take a minimum of 6 fittings.3917.21.00 3917.40.00 3917.32.99 3917.33.90            
3PP pipes and fittings for water supply and drainage systems under pressure conditionsResistance to internal pressure: + at 20°C, for 1h; + at 95°C, for 22h;No failure during testingTCVN 6149-1:2007 (ISO 1167-1:2006)Take test pipe samples at a minimum of 3 locations. At each location, take 2 pipe sections, each with a minimum length of 1.0 m. Take a minimum of 6 fittings.3917.22.00 3917.40.00  
TCVN 6149-2:2007 (ISO 1167-2:2006)
TCVN 6149-3:2007 (ISO 1167-3:2006)
4Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin1. Ring stiffness of pipes and fittings≥ Corresponding SN in Table 9
TCVN 9562:2017
(ISO 10639:2017)
TCVN 10769:2015 (ISO 7685:1998)Take samples at a minimum of 3 locations. At each location, take 2 pipe sections, each with a minimum length of 1.0 m. Take a minimum of 6 fittings.3917.29.25 3917.40.00        
2. Initial specific longitudinal tensile strengthMeet requirements of Table 14 – corresponding to pipe PN & DN
TCVN 9562:2017
(ISO 10639:2017)
TCVN 10967:2015 (ISO 8513:2014)
5Ductile iron pipes and fittings for water pipelines1. Leak tightness of pipes and pipe fittings at an internal pressure of 1.5 PFA + 5 barTCVN 10177:2013 (ISO 2531:2009) No leakageClause 7.1
TCVN 10177:2013 (ISO 2531:2009)
Take samples at a minimum of 3 locations. At each location, take 2 pipe sections, each with a minimum length of 1.0 m. Take a minimum of 6 fittings.7303.00.19 7303.00.11 7307.19.00
XOther Building Material Products and Goods
1Chrysotile asbestos for production of asbestos-cement corrugated sheets1. Type of asbestos used for production of asbestos-cement corrugated sheetsChrysotile asbestos not mixed with amphibole group mineralsTCVN 9188Minimum 5 kg test sample2524.90.00
2Cable ladder and cable tray systems made of iron or steel used in electrical installation of construction works1. Mechanical strengthEnsure safe working load bearing capacity – SWLClause10.1 TCVN 10688:2015
(IEC 61537:2006)
Take samples at a minimum of 3 locations of the goods lot. At each location, take 2 tray sections, each with a minimum length of 2.0 m.7308.90.60 7326.90.99        
2. Fire propagation resistanceCapable of resisting flame propagationTCVN 9900-2- 11:2013
(IEC 60695-2- 11:2000)
TCVN 9900-11- 2:2013
(IEC 60695-11- 2:2003)
3Conduit systems for cable management and electrical installation in buildings1. Fire propagation resistanceTCVN 7417-1:2010
(IEC 61386-1:2008)
Capable of resisting flame propagation
TCVN 9900-2- 11:2013
(IEC 60695-2- 11:2000)
Take samples at a minimum of 3 locations. At each location, take 2 conduit sections, each with a minimum length of 1.0 m. Take a minimum of 6 fittings.3917.21.00 3917.22.00 3917.23.00 3917.40.00
TCVN 9900-11- 2:2013
(IEC 60695-11- 2:2003)
3.1. Regulations on conformity certification

3.1.1. The conformity certification for building material products and goods in Table 1, Part 2 of this Regulation shall be carried out according to the assessment methods specified in Clause 3.1.2.

3.1.2. The conformity assessment methods for certification are stipulated in Circular No. 28/2012/TT-BKHCN dated December 12, 2012 of the Minister of Science and Technology, providing for the Declaration of conformity with standards and technical regulations and conformity assessment; and Circular No. 02/2017/TT-BKHCN dated March 31, 2017 of the Minister of Science and Technology amending and supplementing some articles of Circular No. 28/2012/TT-BKHCN (hereinafter referred to as Circular 02/2017/TT-BKHCN), specifically as follows:

– Method 1: Testing of typical samples.

The validity of the Certificate of Conformity shall not exceed 01 year. The Certificate of Conformity is only valid for the type and model of product or goods from which test samples were taken.

This method is applied to imported building material goods when:

+ The manufacturing facility abroad has been issued a quality management system certificate in accordance with ISO 9001 for the production of these building material products and the certificate is still valid.

+ Surveillance is conducted through the testing of samples for each import shipment.

– Method 5: Testing of typical samples and assessment of the production process; surveillance through testing of samples taken at the production site or on the market in combination with assessment of the production process.

The validity of the Certificate of Conformity shall not exceed 3 years and annual surveillance is conducted through testing of samples at the production site or on the market in combination with assessment of the production process.

This method is applicable to products manufactured by domestic or foreign production facilities that have established and maintained a quality management system to ensure stable product and goods quality.

– Method 7: Testing and assessment of product and goods batches.

The validity of the Certificate of Conformity is only valid for the batch of manufactured or imported building material products and goods.

3.2. Regulations on declaration of conformity

3.2.1. Domestically produced building material products and goods must be declared as conforming at the local Inspection Agency where the business is registered, based on the Certification results from a registered or recognized Certification Body in accordance with the law.

3.2.2. The dossiers, order and procedures for declaration of conformity shall comply with the provisions in Articles 14 and 15 of Circular No. 28/2012/TT-BKHCN, amended and supplemented in Circular No. 02/2017/TT-BKHCN and Circular No. 06/2020/TT-BKHCN (Applying the latest version when replaced or amended).

3.3. Regulations for imported building material goods

3.3.1. For imported building material goods specified in Part 2 of this Regulation, the importer must:

a) Register for state inspection of imported goods quality at the local Inspection Agency where the products or goods are imported.

b) When registering for state inspection, the name of the Conformity Certification Body and the Testing Organization that will perform the testing and quality certification assessment of the imported goods must be specified on the Registration Form No. 01 – Decree No. 74/2018/ND-CP dated May 15, 2018 of the Government, amended and supplemented according to Clause 9, Article 4 of Decree No. 154/2018/ND-CP dated November 9, 2018 of the Government. The Inspection Agency shall confirm that the importer has registered for inspection of imported goods quality on the registration form.

c) The importer shall submit the registration form confirmed by the Inspection Agency to the Customs Authority to be allowed to clear the goods.

d) Within 15 working days (for cement, cement additives, concrete and mortar products, it is 35 working days) from the date of customs clearance of the goods, the importer must submit a copy (signed and stamped by the importer) of the Certificate of Conformity and the results of goods quality inspection (performed by the conformity certification body and testing organization named in the registration form previously submitted to the Inspection Agency) in accordance with Table 1 of this Regulation to the Inspection Agency.

đ)In case the goods have been assessed by the Certification Body in the exporting country, within 03 working days from the date of customs clearance, the importer must submit a copy (signed and stamped by the importer) of the Certificate of Conformity to the Inspection Agency.

e) In case the importer registers for quality inspection on the National Single Window Portal, the registration for inspection and return of quality inspection results shall be done through the National Single Window Portal.

g) The importer shall be fully responsible before the law for the quality of the goods they import.

3.3.2. Application of exemption or reduction of quality inspection for imported building material goods in accordance with Clause 3, Article 1 of Decree 74/2018/ND-CP and Clause 3, Article 4 of Decree 154/2018/ND-CP dated 09/11/2018 of the Government amending, supplementing and repealing some provisions on investment and business conditions in the field of state management of the Ministry of Science and Technology and some regulations on specialized inspection.

When requesting exemption or reduction of inspection, the importing unit shall prepare 01 set of application dossier for exemption of inspection as prescribed in Clause 3, Article 4 of Decree 154/2018/ND-CP and send it to the local Inspection Agency for consideration and confirmation of exemption or reduction.

During the period of exemption or reduction of imported goods quality inspection: the importing unit shall comply with the provisions in Article 7, Circular No. 06/2020/TT-BKHCN dated 10/12/2020.

3.4. Regulations on handling of import dossiers and quality of imported building material goods that do not conform to technical regulations: implemented according to Clause 3, Article 6 and Article 9 of Circular No. 06/2020/TT-BKHCN dated 10/12/2020.
3.5. Methods of sampling, specifications and quantity of samples for testing and assessment

3.5.1. The method of sampling typical samples and representative samples shall comply with the provisions in the current national standards on sampling methods and sample preparation for the corresponding products.

3.5.2. The specifications and quantity of typical samples and representative samples for each batch of products and goods shall comply with the provisions in Table 1, Part 2 corresponding to each type of product.

3.5.3. For imported building material goods with a small quantity insufficient for sampling and testing as prescribed or the testing cost, determined through 03 quotations from testing organizations, is found to be greater than the value of the imported goods batch; At the same time, the importer needs to prove that the goods are not used, circulated or incorporated into construction works, then Clause 1.1.2 of this Regulation shall apply.

For imported building material goods that do not comply with the specifications prescribed in Part 2, the importer is responsible for coordinating with the certification body to work with the manufacturing and exporting unit abroad to send samples that ensure representativeness for the imported goods batch to serve the quality certification in accordance with regulations, the number of samples must be sufficient for testing and sample retention.

3.6. Regulations on packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

Building material products and goods must be labeled in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP dated April 14, 2017 of the Government on goods labeling and Decree No. 111/2021/ND-CP dated December 9, 2021 of the Government amending and supplementing some articles of Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP dated April 14, 2017 of the Government on goods labeling, Circular No. 18/2022/TT-BKHCN of the Ministry of Science and Technology detailing some mandatory contents displayed on goods labels of some groups of goods by electronic means.

Comply with the regulations on packaging (for products packed in bags, packages, boxes), transportation and storage specified in the standards for those products and goods.


4.1. Certification bodies and testing organizations with the capability to meet the testing and certification requirements for building material products and goods in accordance with the provisions of QCVN 16:2023/BXD shall prepare application dossiers as prescribed in Decree No. 107/2016/ND-CP and Decree No. 154/2018/ND-CP and submit them to the Ministry of Construction for consideration and issuance of the Certificate of Registration for Certification Activities; Certificate of Registration for Testing Activities.

4.2. The Ministry of Construction shall consider and recognize foreign Certification Bodies and Testing Organizations to carry out the certification and testing of building material products and goods in Table 1 in accordance with the provisions of the Law when a Mutual Recognition Agreement is signed.


5.1. The specialized agency of the Ministry of Construction is responsible for:

5.1.1. Guiding conformity certification activities.

5.1.2. Organizing the development, review, amendment and supplementation of the National Technical Regulation on building material products and goods.

5.1.3. Inspecting, monitoring and summarizing the activity status of registered and recognized Certification Bodies and Testing Organizations; proposing the issuance, suspension and revocation of Certificates of Registration for Activities for Certification Bodies and Testing Organizations registered under Decree No. 107/2016/ND-CP and publishing on the website of the Ministry of Construction.

5.1.4. Monitoring, summarizing and inspecting (periodically or irregularly) the activities of declaration of conformity and the confirmation of exemption or reduction of quality inspection of building material products and goods by local Inspection Agencies.

5.2. Local Inspection Agencies are responsible for:

5.2.1. Receiving dossiers of declaration of conformity from organizations and individuals for manufactured building material products and goods; Receiving and processing dossiers of registration for state inspection of imported goods.

5.2.2. Receiving dossiers for exemption or reduction of quality inspection of imported goods from organizations and individuals and issuing a document confirming or refusing the exemption or reduction of inspection or a document announcing the suspension of application of the inspection exemption or reduction regime in accordance with Clause 3, Article 4 of Decree No. 154/2018/ND-CP.

5.2.3. Managing and inspecting conformity certification and declaration of conformity activities for building material products and goods in the local area. Coordinating with local inspection agencies at border gates to inspect the implementation of state inspection registration and quality conformity of imported goods.

5.2.4. Summarizing the situation of conformity certification and declaration of conformity activities, results of state inspection of imported goods, situation of goods inspection exemption or reduction, and sending a report to the Ministry of Construction before December 25 of each year or unexpectedly at the request of the Ministry of Construction.

5.3. Conformity Certification Bodies and Testing Organizations are responsible for:

5.3.1. Periodically before December 20 of each year or unexpectedly upon request, sending a written report on the results of conformity certification activities and testing activities to the local Inspection Agency and the Ministry of Construction.

5.3.2. When there are changes in the capability of conformity certification activities or testing activities compared to the registered dossier, within 15 days from the date of change, they must notify the Ministry of Construction.

5.3.3. Performing other rights and obligations as prescribed by law.

5.4. Organizations and individuals producing and importing building material products and goods are responsible for:

Complying with the provisions of the Law and ensuring product and goods quality meet the requirements of this Regulation before circulation and incorporation into construction works.

Performing other rights and obligations as prescribed by law.

NoTechnical criteriaRequirement levelTest methodSample specifi-cation
Ordinary sulphate resistanceHigh sulphate resistance 
1Loss on ignition (LOI), %, not exceeding3,03,0TCVN 141:2023Discrete samples shall be taken at a minimum of 10 different locations in the batch. Composite sample of at least 10kg shall be thoroughly mixed from the discrete samples
2Magnesium oxide content (MgO), %, not exceeding5,05,0
3Ferric oxide content (Fe2O3), %, not exceeding6,0
4Aluminum oxide content (Al2O3), %, not exceeding6,0
5Sulfuric anhydrite content (SO3), %, not exceeding3,0(1)2,3(1)
6Tricalcium aluminate content (C3A), %, not exceeding8(2)5(2)TCVN 6067:2018
7Total content of (C4AF + 2C3A), %, not exceeding25(2)TCVN 6067:2018
8Insoluble residue (IR), %, not exceeding0,750,75TCVN 141:2023
9Volume stability, by Le Chatelier method, mm, not exceeding1010TCVN 6017:2015
10Compressive strength, MPa, not less than TCVN 6016:2011
– 3 days162125121620  
– 28 days304050304050
(1) The SO3 content in cement may exceed the required level above, when the cement is tested for expansion of mortar bars according to TCVN 12003:2018 not exceeding 0.02% at 14 days, the expansion value must be provided;
(2) The mineral composition of sulphate resisting portland cement is calculated according to the formula: Tricalcium aluminate (C3A) = (2,650 x %Al2O3) – (1,692 x %Fe2O3). Tetracalcium alumino ferrite (C4AF) = (3,043 x %Fe2O3).
NoTechnical criteriaRequirement levelTest methodSample specifi-cation
for concrete and mortarfor cement  
Fly ash typeApplication fieldAcid ash FBasic ash C  
1Sulfur content, sulfur compounds converted to SO3, % by mass, not exceedingF C3 55 53 63 33,55,0TCVN 141:2023Single samples shall be taken at least 5 different locations in the batch, at least 2 kg per location. Test sample shall be taken from the mixture of single samples by the quartering method
2Free calcium oxide content CaOtd, % by mass, not exceedingF C– 2– 4– 4  21,03,0
3Loss on ignition LOI, % by mass, not exceedingF C12 515 98* 75* 58*6TCVN 8262:2009
4Harmful alkali content (soluble alkali), % by mass, not exceedingF C1,51,5TCVN 6882:2016 
5Chloride ion content Cl, % by mass, not exceedingF C0,10,1 TCVN 141:2023 
6Natural radioactivity Aeff, (Bq/kg) of fly ash used for:  Appendix A – TCVN 10302:2014 
– For residential and public buildings, not exceeding370370
– For industrial, urban road and residential area constructions, not exceeding740
7Strength activity index compared to control sample after 28 days, %, not less than 75TCVN 6882:2016
 * When burning Anthracite coal, fly ash with corresponding loss on ignition can be used:
– field c up to 12%; field d up to 10%, by agreement or according to accepted test results.
+ F – Acid ash C – Basic ash; + Fly ash for concrete and mortar, including 4 groups of application fields, denoted:
– For manufacturing reinforced concrete products and elements from heavy and lightweight concrete, denoted: a;
– For manufacturing non-reinforced concrete products and elements from heavy concrete, lightweight concrete and mortar, denoted: b;
– For manufacturing cellular concrete products and elements, denoted: c;
– For manufacturing concrete and reinforced concrete products and elements working under special conditions, denoted: d.


Table C -1. Dry-pressed ceramic tiles (Group B)

NoTechnical criteriaRequirement levelTest methodSample specification
BIa Ev ≤ 0,5%BIb 0,5% < E≤ 3%BIIa 3% < Ev ≤ 6%BIIb 6% < E≤ 10%BIII Ev > 10%  
1.Water absorption, Ev, % by mass  TCVN 6415-3:2016 (ISO 10545-3:1995)From 5 to 20 whole tiles (*)
– AverageEv ≤ 0,5%0,5% < Ev ≤ 3%3% < E≤ 6%6% < Ev ≤ 10%Ev > 10%  
– Of each sample, not exceeding0,63,36,511
2.Flexural strength, MPa     TCVN 6415-4:2016
(ISO 10545-4:2014)
– Average, not less than3530221812 (d≥7,5) 15 (d < 7,5)
– Of each sample, not less than32272016
3.Abrasion resistance     
3.1.Deep abrasion resistance for unglazed tiles, in terms of volume of material lost during abrasion, mm3, not exceeding175175345540TCVN 6415-6:2016
(ISO 10545-6:2010)
3.2.Abrasion resistance for glazed tiles, according to the abrasion stage when defects begin to appear, classI, II, III, IVI, II, III, IVI, II, III, IVI, II, III, IVI, II, III, IVTCVN 6415-7:2016
(ISO 10545-7:1996)
4.Coefficient of linear thermal expansion, from laboratory room temperature to 100°C, 10-6/°C, not exceeding9TCVN 6415-8:2016
(ISO 10545-8:2014)
5.Moisture expansion coefficient, mm/m, not exceeding0,6TCVN 6415-10:2016
(ISO 10545-10:1995)

Table C – 2. Extruded ceramic tiles (Group A)

NoTechnical criteriaRequirement levelTest methodSample specification
AIa Ev≤ 0,5%AIb 0,5 < Ev ≤ 3%AIIa-1 3% < Ev ≤ 6%AIIa-2 3% < Ev ≤ 6%AIIb-1 6% < Ev ≤ 10%AIIb-2 6% < Ev ≤ 10%AIII Ev > 10%  
1.Water absorption, Ev, % by mass       TCVN 6415-3:2016
(ISO 10545- 3:1995)
From 5 to 20 whole tilesn (*)
– AverageE≤ 0,5%0,5 < E≤ 3%3% < Ev ≤ 6%3% < Ev ≤ 6%6% < Ev ≤ 10%6% < Ev ≤ 10%Ev > 10%
– Of each sample, not exceeding0,63,36,56,51111
2.Flexural strength, MPa       TCVN 6415-4:2016
(ISO 10545- 4:2014)
– Average, not less than2823201317,598
– Of each sample, not less than211818111587
3.Abrasion resistance        
3.1Deep abrasion resistance for unglazed tiles, in terms of volume of material lost during abrasion, mm3, not exceeding27527539354164910622365TCVN 6415-6:2016
(ISO 10545- 6:2010)
3.2Abrasion resistance for glazed tiles, according to the abrasion stage when defects begin to appear, class   I, II, III, IV  I, II, III, IVTCVN 6415-7:2016
(ISO 10545- 7:1996)
4.Coefficient of linear thermal expansion, from laboratory room temperature to 100 °C, 10-6/°C, not exceeding10TCVN 6415- 8:2016
(ISO 10545- 8:2014)
5.Moisture expansion coefficient, mm/m, not exceeding0,6TCVN 6415- 10:2016
(ISO 10545- 10:1995)


(*) The batch size of ceramic tiles shall not exceed 1500 m2. For ceramic tile products (item 1, section III, Table 1), specific regulations on sample specifications and technical criteria to be checked are as follows:

– For tiles with edge size less than 2 cm (can be in the form of pieces/bars or adhered into sheets): criteria 1., 5, 6 need to be checked; number of test samples: 12 whole tiles or not less than 0.25 m2.

– For tiles with edge size from 2 cm to less than 10 cm (can be in the form of pieces/bars or adhered into sheets): criteria 1., 3., 5, 6 need to be checked; number of test samples: 12 whole tiles or not less than 0.25 m2.

– For tiles with edge size from 10 cm to less than 20 cm: criteria 1., 3., 4., 5, 6. need to be checked; Number of test samples: 20 whole tiles or not less than 0.36 m2.

– For tiles with edge size greater than or equal to 20 cm: criteria 1., 2., 3., 4., 5, 6. need to be checked; Number of samples: 10 whole tiles and/or not less than 0.5 m2.

– Edge size is calculated for the largest edge dimension.

NoTechnical criteriaRequirement levelTest methodSample specifi-cation
Granite groupSandstone groupMarble groupLimestone groupSlate group (**)Others  
1Water absorption, %, not exceeding0,41380,237,5120,250,20,62,5TCVN 6415- 3:2016
(ISO 10545- 3:1995)
7 test samples of size (100 x200) mm
2Flexural strength, MPa, not less than10,313,96,92,46,96,93,42,9506238506,9TCVN 6415- 4 :2016
(ISO 10545- 4:2014)
3Surface abrasion resistance – Ha, not less than252882101081010TCVN 4732:20165 test samples of size (47 x 47) mm
(*) Only applicable to flat surface stones
(**) For slate, it can be used in acid-containing environments. Type I is used for exteriors, type II is used for interiors.
NoTechnical criteriaRequirement levelTest methodSample specification
W> 2,02,0 ≥ W2 > 0,50,5 ≥ W> 0,05W4 ≤ 0,05  
1Water absorption, % by massW1 > 2,02,0 ≥ W2 > 0,50,5 ≥ W> 0,05W4 ≤ 0,05BSEN 14617- 1:201306 test samples, size (100×100) mm and thickness (10 ± 2) mm
2Flexural strength, MPaF1 < 12,012,0 ≤ F2 < 25,025,0 ≤ F3 < 40,0F4 ≥ 40,0BSEN 14617- 2:201610 test samples, minimum size as follows:
Length at least (200 ± 0.3) mm;
Width at least (50 ± 0.3) mm and not larger than length
3Abrasion resistance (mm)A1 > 36,536,5 ≥ A2 > 33,033,0 ≥ A3 > 29,0A4 ≤ 29,0BSEN 14617- 4:201206 test samples, minimum size (100×70) mm
4Chemical resistanceC1C2C3C4BSEN 14617- 10:201204 test samples, minimum size (300×300) mm
NoTechnical criteriaRequirement levelTest methodSample specification
Solid bricksHollow bricks  
1.Compressive and flexural strengthTable FTCVN 6355-2:2009TCVN 6355-3:200915 random bricks from each batch
2.Water absorption, %, not exceeding1616TCVN 6355-4:2009 

Table F – Compressive and flexural strength of fired clay bricks

Unit: MPa

Hollow bricksSolid bricks
Brick classCompressive strengthFlexural strengthBrick classCompressive strengthFlexural strength
Average of 5 test samplesMinimum of 1 test sampleAverage of 5 test samplesMinimum of 1 test sampleAverage of 5 test samplesMinimum of 1 test sampleAverage of 5 test samplesMinimum of 1 test sample
M 12512,510,01,80,9M 20020153,41,7
M 10010,07,51,60,8M 1501512,52,81,4
M 757,55,01,40,7M 12512,5102,51,2
M 505,03,51,40,7M 100107,52,21,1
M 353,52,5M 757,551,80,9
     M 5053,51,60,8
NoTechnical criteriaRequirement levelTest methodSample specification
1.Compressive strengthTable GTCVN 6477:201610 random units from each batch
2.Water penetration
3.Water absorptionTCVN 6355-4:2009

Table G – Compressive strength, water absorption and water penetration of concrete masonry units

Brick classCompressive strength, MPaWater absorption, % by mass, not exceedingWater penetration, L/m2.h, not exceeding
Average of three test samples, not less thanMinimum of one test sample Unrendered masonry bricksRendered masonry bricks
M 3,53,53,1140,3516
M 5,05,04,5
M 7,57,56,712
M 10,010,09,0
M 12,512,511,2
M 15,015,013,5
M 20,020,018,0
NoTechnical criteriaRequirement levelTest methodSample specification
1.Compressive strengthTable HTCVN 9030:201715 random units from each batch
2.Dry bulk density
3.Dry shrinkage, mm/m, not exceeding0,2

Table H – Compressive strength and dry bulk density

Compressive strength class BAverage compressive strength, MPa, not less thanDry bulk density, kg/m3
B22,5400from 351 to 450
500from 451 to 550
B33,5500from 451 to 550
600from 551 to 650
B45,0600from 551 to 650
700from 651 to 750
800from 751 to 850
B67,5700from 651 to 750
800from 751 to 850
900from 851 to 950
B810,0800from 751 to 850
900from 851 to 950
1000from 951 to 1050
NoTechnical criteriaRequirement levelTest methodSample specification
1.Mechanical strengthTable ITCVN 431310 random tiles from each batch
2.Water impermeabilityImpermeable

Table I – Minimum breaking load Fmin of tiles

CharacteristicTiles with interlockingTiles without interlocking
Corrugated shapeFlat shape 
Corrugation heightd > 20 mm20 mm ≥ d ≥ 5 mmd < 5 mm 
Working width of tile cw (mm)≥ 300≤ 200≥ 300≤ 200≥ 300≤ 200 
Fmin (N)20001400140010001200800550
NoTechnical criteriaRequirement levelPhương pháp thửSample specification
1.Thickness deviationTable K.1TCVN 7219:20183 test samples, size ≥ (610×610) mm
2.Visual defectsTable K.2
3.Light transmittanceTable K.1TCVN 7737:2007

Table K.1 – Nominal thickness, permissible dimension tolerances and light transmittance

Glass typeNominal thickness, mmThickness tolerance, mmLight transmittance, %, not less than
22,0± 0,2088
1919,0± 1,0070

Table K.2 – Quality criteria for visual defects

NoDefect typeTolerance level
1.Bubbles(1)Bubble size, mm0,5 ≤ D(2) <1,01,0 ≤ D <2,02,0 ≤ D < 3,0D ≥ 3,0
Permissible number of bubbles(4)2,2 x S(3)0,88 x S0,44 x S0
2.Inclusions(1)Inclusion size, mm0,5 ≤ D < 1,01,0 ≤ D <2,02,0 ≤ D < 3,0D ≥ 3,0
Permissible number of inclusions(4)1,1 x S0,44 x S0,22 x S0
3.Concentration of bubble and inclusion defects(4)For bubbles and inclusions with size ≥ 1 mm, the distance between two bubbles, two inclusions or between a bubble and an inclusion must be greater than or equal to 15 cm.
4.Area defects, linear defects or scratches(5)Not visually detectable
5.Edge cut defectsDefects on the cut edge such as: chips, indentations, protrusions, spiral cracks, chipped corners or protruding corners, deviation from the cut line when viewed perpendicular to the glass surface, must not be larger than the nominal thickness of the glass pane and not larger than 10 mm.
6.Bow, %, not exceeding0,30
7.Optical distortion (angle of distortion), degrees, not less than 
– 2 mm; 2.5 mm thickness40
– 3 mm thickness45
– ≥ 4 mm thickness50
(1) Bubbles are defects in the form of air pockets inside. Inclusions are defects in the form of non-air-containing particles;
(2) D is the diameter of the bubble or inclusion. The size of bubbles and inclusions is taken as the largest outer dimension value;
(3) S is the area of the glass pane in square meters (m2), rounded to the second decimal place;
(4) The limit on the permissible number of bubbles and inclusions is an integer (after dropping the decimal part) of the product of S and the coefficient;
(5) Area defects, linear defects, scratches are defects appearing consecutively under or on the surface of the glass pane such as: scars, cracks, scratches, inhomogeneous areas.
APPENDIX L – Heat strengthened glass
NoTechnical criteriaRequirement levelTest methodSample specification
1.Thickness deviationTable LTCVN 7219:20183 test samples, size ≥ (610×610) mm
2.Visual defectsCracks, holes or visible scratches are not allowed on the glass surface
3.Glass surface stress, MPa TCVN 8261:2009
– Safety heat-strengthened glassnot less than 69
– Semi-toughened glassfrom 24 to less than 69
4.Fragmentation resistance (Not applicable to semi-toughened glass) TCVN 7455:2013
Glass thickness < 5 mm, maximum fragment mass, g, not exceeding (for all 03 test samples)15
Glass thickness ≥ 5 mm, number of fragments, not less than40

Table L – Nominal thickness and permissible deviations

Glass typeNominal thicknessPermissible deviationGlass typeNominal thicknessPermissible deviation
Patterned heat-strengthened glass*3±0,3   
Float heat-strengthened glass3 4 5 6±0,2Reflective heat-strengthened glass3 4 5 6±0,2
8 10±0,38 10±0,3
12 15±0,512 15±0,5
19± 1,019± 1,0
* The thickness of patterned heat-strengthened glass is measured from the highest peak of the patterned surface to the opposite surface