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Document Info
Code: 5336/BXD-KHCN
Ministry of Construction
Issuance: 05/11/2020
Effective: 05/11/2020
Table of Contents


To: Onsen Fuji Tourism Service Joint Stock Company

The Ministry of Construction has received the Official Letter No. 179/CV-OFT dated October 5, 2020 from Onsen Fuji Tourism Service Joint Stock Company requesting guidance on the method of calculating the land occupancy area for determining the construction density of the project. Regarding this issue, the Ministry of Construction responds as follows:

The National Technical Regulation QCVN 01:2019/BXD on Construction Planning, in Clause 2.6.7, stipulates:

“- The architectural details of the construction works shall be specified by the detailed planning scheme, urban design, and regulations on architectural planning in each area;

– In case the construction boundary coincides with the red line boundary, the above regulations must ensure the following principles: Not obstructing traffic activities on the roadway; ensuring safety and convenience for pedestrian activities on sidewalks; not affecting the greenery system, surface and underground technical infrastructure works on the street; ensuring uniformity in the landscape of the street or street segments; ensuring compliance with regulations on fire prevention and fighting and the activities of firefighting vehicles;

– In case the construction boundary is recessed from the red line boundary, the following principles must be ensured: No part or architectural detail of the construction work shall protrude beyond the red line boundary; ensuring uniformity in the landscape of the street or street segments; ensuring compliance with regulations on fire prevention and fighting and the activities of firefighting vehicles.”.

Accordingly, decorative edges, roof eaves, cantilevers, bow windows, porch roofs, steps, and house thresholds that do not protrude beyond the red line boundary but are outside the construction boundary are not included in the land occupancy area of the construction works. However, they must comply with the principles in Clause 2.6.7 (QCVN 01:2019/BXD) mentioned above; must be designed uniformly along the entire street/block; and shall be specified by the detailed planning scheme, urban design, or regulations on architectural planning in each area.

The above is the response from the Ministry of Construction for Onsen Fuji Tourism Service Joint Stock Company’s clarification and to contact the local specialized agency for guidance in accordance with the provisions of the law.