To: Phenikaa University
The Ministry of Construction has received the Official Letter No. 180/CV-ĐHP-BDA dated September 9, 2020, from Phenikaa University regarding guidance on the method for calculating the distance between building blocks in the Project. The Ministry of Construction responds as follows:
The National Technical Regulation QCVN 01:2019/BXD on Construction Planning, at point, stipulates the case of constructions with a height of ≥ 46 m as follows:
“- The distance between the long sides of the constructions must be ≥ 25 m;
– The distance between the gable end of a construction and the gable end or long side of another construction must be ≥ 15 m.”
According to the drawing documents attached to Official Letter 180/CV-ĐHP-BDA, with the overall layout of the building blocks in the project arranged non-parallel and the height of buildings A9 and A10 exceeding 46 m. Specifically as follows:
- Building blocks with codes A9 and A10 are 30 stories high and house the Main Administrative Office and Central Library.
- Building blocks with codes A7 and A8 belong to the University Training Zone and are 7 stories high.
Accordingly, the side of building A8 adjacent to building A10 is the gable end of building A8; similarly, the side of building A7 adjacent to building A9 is the gable end of building A7. Therefore, the distance between building A7 and building A9, and the distance between building A8 and building A10, ensuring ≥ 15 m, is in compliance with the provisions of QCVN 01:2019/BXD.
The above is the response from the Ministry of Construction for Phenikaa University’s clarification and implementation in accordance with legal regulations./.