a power network that ensures the transmission of electrical energy from the substation to the train. The composition of the train power network includes contact networks and consumer networks.
a free land area adjacent to the subway structure used to ensure the normal operation of the structure (entrances, exits for passengers, placement of repair equipment, equipment and materials during the repair stage)
an urban land area for the construction of different sections of the subway line by the open excavation method, for the placement of the depot and other above-ground structures, as well as construction sites serving the construction of subway items by the closed excavation method.
An underground or above-ground train stop used for boarding and disembarking passengers, including lobbies, escalators or staircases, platforms and intermediate spaces, spaces for passenger service, accommodating operating personnel and production equipment.
QCVN 08 : 2009/BXD was compiled by the Institute of Construction Science and Technology, submitted by the Department of Science, Technology and Environment, and promulgated under Circular No. 28/2009/TT-BXD dated August 14, 2009 by the Minister of Construction.
The regulation QCVN 08 : 2009/BXD consists of the following parts:
Part 1. Subway;
Part 2. Car garage.
1. Scope of application
This regulation includes mandatory provisions applicable to: the establishment, appraisal, and approval of investment projects for subway construction; the design, construction and renovation of subway lines, individual works and equipment.
2. Definitions
The terminology used in this regulation is presented in Appendix A.
3. General provisions
3.1 Subway works must ensure safe passenger transport, meeting the requirements of standards on: epidemic hygiene; occupational safety for operating personnel; environmental protection and fire prevention.
3.2 Subway lines must be constructed based on the overall development plan of all urban transport modes, the approved subway development plan regarding route direction, length, location of stations, terminals, administrative buildings, manufacturing workshops, connections with common railway network lines and in accordance with urban construction planning.
3.3 Stations must be arranged at the centers of areas with many passengers, near railway stations, bus stations, boat terminals and other crowded locations in the city.
When the distance between adjacent stations is 3000 m or more, there must be an additional exit for passengers from the tunnel to the ground or to a collective passenger protection area midway along this section.
3.4 Subway lines should in principle be placed underground, shallow or deep. When crossing rivers and lakes, passing through uninhabited areas, along railway lines, etc., there can be sections above ground, elevated in enclosed or open corridors.
3.5 It is not allowed to construct shallow tunnels, open-cut in conservation areas, prohibited forests, botanical gardens, forest parks, and in the protection zones of historical and cultural relics.
3.6 To ensure the construction of shallow tunnel sections, technical zones with a width of not less than 40 m must be arranged. It is not allowed to construct buildings in these technical zones before the completion of subway works.
3.7 The placement of underground technical systems (electricity, water, etc.), tree planting and arrangement of lawns in technical zones as well as construction in the 30 m wide land strips adjacent to the boundaries of technical zones must have the agreement of the subway design agency.
3.8 Intersections between subway lines and with lines of other transport modes must be placed at different levels.
At intersections of lines, there must be one-way connecting branches.
3.9 Each subway line must be arranged for independent train operation. At complex traffic nodes, linking between lines and organizing train operation according to routes is allowed.
3.10 Subway lines must be double-track, with right-hand traffic.
Each line must have a terminal, a dead-end section and a train technical service station.
3.11 The first subway line must be connected to the lines in the common railway network. When expanding the subway network, for every 50 km, an additional connection with the lines in the common railway network is needed.
3.12 When designing the subway, it is necessary to maximize the use of underground space to arrange urban infrastructure works.
3.13 The basic parameters of works and equipment of the line must ensure the capacity to transport the maximum calculated passenger volume in the following operation stages:
Stage 1: from the first year to the 10th year;
Stage 2: from the 10th year to the 20th year;
Stage 3: according to the calculated operating time (over 20 years).
3.14 The structure of entrances to underground works must eliminate the possibility of water flooding into the tunnel during floods, with a probability of exceeding the highest water level once in 300 years.
3.15 On subway lines, there must be measures to protect the spaces of stations as well as buildings along the line from noise and vibration when trains run, when escalators and other subway equipment operate.
3.16 In subway works, there should be additional constructions and equipment for defense purposes.
3.17 Near the stations, public sanitary facilities must be arranged in accordance with urban construction planning.
3.18 Buildings for management-operation personnel, operation, dispatch service, repair-assembly departments, medical and other specialized departments should be arranged on the ground.
Departments directly related to line service should be arranged at the stations.
3.19 Commercial areas, exhibition spaces and other passenger service facilities in subway works are not allowed to be arranged below the level of the ticket selling area in the station lobby.
These construction items must not obstruct circulation, passenger service and must not adversely affect the service technology of the subway.
3.20 New technical solutions in the field of subway construction and operation, which are not yet in the standard documents, can be applied first within the framework of scientific experiments confirmed by accreditation agencies, then if necessary, the design documents can be adjusted.
3.21 When designing, constructing and renovating subway works, the following requirements must be ensured:
– Technical solutions must ensure no incidents occur during construction and operation of the works;
– Use of modern materials, equipment, preparations in accordance with standards, as well as use of materials, equipment, preparations manufactured according to foreign standards with corresponding technical certification.
– Industrialization of construction based on modern means of mechanization and automation of the construction process, as well as application of typical structures, equipment details and machinery meeting international standards;
– Technical means, spatial planning solutions of underground works and operating conditions must ensure fire safety, train operation safety, passenger safety on trains, on escalators, in elevators, on platforms and in tunnels;
– Technical solutions must ensure hygiene standards, labor protection regulations for workers and service personnel during construction and operation stages;
– Maximum mechanization and automation of operation processes, improving passenger travel comfort, increasing labor productivity of personnel, adhering to the principles of labor ecology and technical aesthetics;
– Having appropriate measures to protect the surrounding environment, historical and cultural relics.
4. Construction survey
4.1 Construction survey must be carried out to serve the establishment of construction investment projects and design steps as prescribed.
The survey content must include engineering geological survey, engineering geodetic survey, geotechnical and environmental survey, and archaeological survey when necessary.
The survey results must be the basis for determining reasonable construction methods, eliminating dangerous impacts on the surrounding environment.
Construction survey must comply with standards consistent with the selected standard system.
4.2 The condition of the ground must be investigated within the determined scope of interaction between the construction and operation of the subway line and the geological environment. In that case, the survey depth must be greater than the depth of the tunnel bottom by not less than 10 m.
4.3 Probe holes made during the survey process must be fully filled.
4.4 Geotechnical and environmental survey needs to ensure:
– Comprehensive assessment of natural and technical conditions;
– Forecasting possible changes in the natural system when constructing and operating subway works;
– Proposing solutions to prevent adverse consequences to the environment and arguing for solutions to protect and restore the state of the natural environment.
5. Design requirements
5.1 Train capacity and transportation
5.1.1 The train capacity of the line should be chosen to be no more than 40 trains per hour.
For the calculation of power supply and train control equipment, the train capacity should be increased by 20%.
5.1.2 The maximum number of cars in a train must be determined for each stage of operation.
5.2 Plan and profile
5.2.1 The minimum depth for placing underground structures must be sufficient to be able to make a pavement layer on it.
5.2.2 The straight sections of the track when changing lanes must be connected to each other by circular and transition curves.
5.2.3 On the curved sections of the main and connecting tracks, the outer rail must be arranged higher than the inner rail.
5.2.4 The approximate dimensions of the tunnel and the distance between the axes of adjacent tracks are given in Appendix B.
5.2.5 The longitudinal slope of underground line sections, of enclosed line sections placed on the ground and above ground must not be less than 3 o/oo and not more than 45 o/oo, of open line sections on the ground and above ground – not more than 35 o/oo.
5.3 Stations
5.3.1 The stations, on the plan, should be located on straight sections of the line; according to the longitudinal section, they should be located in high places, one-way slope with a slope of 3 o/oo.
It is allowed to arrange stations at curved sections with a radius of curvature of not less than 800 m and a longitudinal slope up to 5 o/oo or on flat areas, provided that drainage is ensured.
5.3.2 The station must have at least two lobbies.
5.3.3 At stations and transfer structures between stations, there must be escalators on sections with a height difference greater than 3.5 m on the passenger route.
The number of escalators in the station must be determined on the basis of simultaneously ensuring the following conditions:
– Able to pass the maximum calculated passenger flow when people must be evacuated from the station;
– One escalator must be repaired;
– Stop one escalator due to an unforeseen reason.
Under the same conditions, it is necessary to ensure that at one lobby in a station there must be no less than 4 escalators, in another lobby – according to calculations, but not less than 3.
At transfer structures that do not divide passenger flows in different directions, the number of elevators must be determined by calculations, but not less than 4; when there is flow division – according to calculations, but not less than 2 in each direction.
5.3.4 In stations, there must be elevators, lifts, or ramps for people with disabilities.
In elevator shafts, there must be staircases, emergency lighting and pressurized air supply so that in case of fire they can be used as an evacuation route for passengers and for firefighting units to access the station.
5.3.5 In the corridors between stations and in overpasses longer than 100m, there must be passenger conveyors.
5.3.6 At transfer stations, there must be a separate lobby for each station. When it is possible to ensure the independent operation of stations during a fire, a common lobby can be arranged at one of the stations.
5.3.7 At stations, there must be production rooms, living rooms for technicians and health care rooms.
5.3.8 At deep stations and shallow stations when possible, there must be cable tunnels to lay the main cable lines. These cable tunnels are connected to structures near the station and the train tunnels.
5.3.9 Architectural finishing materials for passenger areas of the station must be durable and easy to clean.
5.4.1 Train tunnels and connecting tunnels must have internal dimensions to ensure train passage in accordance with the requirements in Appendix B, as well as to arrange in it track equipment, maintenance bridges, devices, lighting, service communication cables and other equipment.
5.4.2 The location and internal dimensions of structures in tunnels with production functions, making additional exits to the ground and to collective passenger protection zones, as well as making passages between one-way train tunnels must be determined on the basis of their functions, taking into account the requirements for technology and operation, urban construction conditions and fire safety.
5.4.3 On open sections of the subway line on the ground, there must be lighting and fencing with a height of not less than 2.5 m.
5.5 Urban infrastructure works
5.5.1 The design of the subway line must be carried out taking into account the integrated exploitation of urban land, in the connection of underground and above-ground urban infrastructure works adjacent to stations and tunnels. The functioning of these works must not adversely affect the safety of the subway works.
5.5.2 The load-bearing structures of underground and above-ground urban works, connected to the subway works, need to be designed in accordance with this regulation.
5.5.3 The technical and fire safety system of urban infrastructure works must be completely independent of the corresponding system of the subway.
5.6 Building structures
5.6.1 Enclosing structures and load-bearing structures inside underground works as well as architectural finishing materials of the works must meet the requirements of durability, longevity, fire safety, stability under various external environmental influences.
The structures, building materials used and the construction methods must ensure the specified service life of the underground structure shell.
5.6.2 The tunnel shell must be watertight and made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements or cast iron elements, or solid concrete or reinforced concrete.
5.6.3 The loads from soil pressure on the tunnel shell and the corresponding reliability coefficients must be determined on the basis of the results of engineering geological surveys and the accumulated experimental data on loads measured under similar construction conditions.
5.6.4 The standard temporary vertical and horizontal loads acting on the tunnel shell from ground transportation vehicles; temporary loads on the tunnel shell arising during construction, taking into account the specifics of the impact on the shell of lifting and transport equipment and other equipment, are taken according to the selected standard system to be applied.
5.6.5 Temporary loads on the tunnel shell arising during construction are taken taking into account the specifics of the impact on the shell of lifting and transport equipment, assembly equipment or other equipment. The reliability coefficients for these loads and other temporary loads are taken according to the selected standard system to be applied.
5.6.6 The calculation of underground structures must be carried out according to limit states, taking into account combinations of loads and adverse effects that may occur acting on individual parts or the entire structure that can act simultaneously during construction or during operation.
5.6.7 The load-bearing structures inside the station and other underground structures are usually made of reinforced concrete. For station columns, plaster on walkways, beams, braces and their connecting parts, joints of tunnel shells of different diameters and waterproofing of the most important units, it is allowed to use metal structures.
5.6.8 Underground structures must be protected from the intrusion of surface water, groundwater as well as other types of water and liquids.
Groundwater drainage into the tunnel is not allowed.
5.6.9 The protection of building structures from the corrosive effects of the external environment is taken according to the selected standard system to be applied.
5.7 Track and contact rail
5.7.1 Electric tracks on the line must be calculated with the calculated static load and train speed as in Table 1.
Table 1.
Track type
Static load from the axle of the passenger car to the rail, Kn (T)
Train speed, km/h, not more than
Main track
147 (15)
Station track
78 (8)
Connecting track
78 (8)
All parts of the track must ensure:
– Smooth and safe train operation at the prescribed speeds;
– The stability of the track gauge and the entire track;
– The insulation of the track circuit;
– Technology for periodic maintenance and repair of the track.
The track structure must be of one type and convenient for repair.
5.7.2 The rails of the track are also used to conduct electricity in the power supply network of the train, in train control devices and to check the integrity of the rails.
5.7.3 The rail track gauge between the inner edges of the rail top is taken as follows, mm:
– On straight sections and curved sections with a radius of 1200 m or more: 1435;
– On curved sections with a radius from 600 to 1200m: 1439;
– On curved sections with a radius from 400 to 600m: 1445;
– On curved sections with a radius from 125 to 400m: 1450;
– On curved sections with a radius from 100 to 125m: 1455.
The deviation from the standard rail track gauge on straight sections and curved sections must not exceed 2 mm.
5.7.4 The rails of the main tracks on straight and curved underground sections with a radius of 300 m or more should be welded to the rail spikes.
5.7.5 Switches and crossings must correspond to the type of rail and have the corresponding crossheads of 1: 9 and 2: 9.
5.7.6 On elevated sections on the ground, there must be protection devices in the form of bridge-type braking rails or braking angles.
5.7.7 Electrified tracks must be equipped with a contact rail with bottom feed.
The contact rail must be covered by an insulating protective box.
5.7.8 The rails of the track and the contact rail must be anchored to avoid displacement.
5.8 Ventilation
5.8.1 Underground structures must have a tunnel ventilation system and local ventilation by artificial air blowing.
The tunnel ventilation system must be arranged for passenger rooms in underground stations or enclosed stations on the ground, for transfer corridors between stations, for train tunnels, dead-end tunnels, connecting branch tunnels, including enclosed line sections on the ground.
Local ventilation needs to be carried out for production, living and other rooms located underground or on the ground.
5.8.2 Ventilation systems must ensure air exchange and air movement speed in structures and rooms according to standards.
5.8.3 The calculated temperature and heat of outside air for rooms with air flow blown in from the ground is taken according to QCVN 02: 2009/BXD Natural condition data used in construction, taking into account the change of parameters as it passes through the ventilation ducts.
For underground rooms with air flow blown in from the tunnels, the air temperature is taken equal to the calculated value in the corresponding tunnel section, taking into account the tunnel ventilation scheme that has been applied.
5.8.4 When designing the tunnel ventilation system, the following must be considered:
– The standard parameters of microclimate and air composition in the works according to 5.17;
– Standard meteorological conditions of the city;
– Hydrological and geological conditions along the line;
– The presence of hot water, sulfur water in the surrounding soil;
– The release of radon, methane and other gases from the surrounding soil;
– The excess of the amount of air blown in compared to pushed out by 15-20%;
– Ensuring no less than 3 times/hour air exchange by the internal volume of passenger rooms and other tunnel-ventilated rooms;
– Supplying air from outside not less than 30m3/hour, during peak hours not less than 50 m3/hour for each passenger;
– Ensuring the permissible limit concentration of harmful substances in the air of the tunnel and passenger rooms according to 5.17.4;
– Annual heat balance ensuring the permissible parameters of temperature and relative humidity of the air at the minimum level of increase in the temperature of the surrounding soil;
– Smoke extraction in case of fire at the station and in the tunnel;
– The influence of adverse factors arising in emergency situations due to predicted technological and other characteristics;
– The use of noise and vibration reducing equipment generated when ventilation machines operate;
– The use of solutions to reduce the effect of the “wind blowing” effect when the train runs.
5.8.5 Tunnel ventilation combined with other technical construction solutions in the smoke extraction mode must ensure effective smoke protection for emergency exits in underground and enclosed stations on the ground, in transfer structures between stations, in train tunnels and dead-end tunnels, in connecting branch tunnels as well as in enclosed line sections on the ground.
5.8.6 The allowable sound pressure level at stations and in train tunnels is taken according to 5.17, on the ground – according to current regulations.
5.8.7 The distance from ground ventilation equipment stations of tunnel ventilation to main streets and roads, enclosed or open bus stations, commercial areas, and windows of houses and buildings must not be less than 25 m, to car refueling stations, oil and oil product storage, gas, wood materials, gas and oil pipelines, oil processing and chemical industry facilities – not less than 100 m.
In cramped urban construction conditions, ventilation equipment stations operating regularly in the exhaust mode are allowed to be placed less than 25 m from the traffic part of the road.
5.9 Water supply, drainage and sewage
5.9.1 Subway structures must have a common internal system or separate pipeline systems for drinking-domestic water, fire fighting water and industrial water.
5.9.2 The water source for the common or separate system of domestic water is taken from the city’s water supply network or drilled wells in accordance with current regulations, while the water source for the separate fire fighting system or industrial water is taken from drilled wells or water tanks on the ground.
5.9.3 At each station, there must be water inlets from water supply sources. In the common pipeline system, there must be 2 water inlets from different sections of the water supply source; in the separate system, there must be 1 water inlet for drinking-domestic water needs and not less than 2 water inlets for fire fighting and industrial needs.
5.9.4 In underground and enclosed sections on the ground, there must be a common system of main water pipelines to supply water to stations, into tunnels, into tunnel structures and into local branch networks from the main lines to water consumers.
5.9.5 The common water pipeline network must ensure the calculated water flow, taking into account the needs of drinking-domestic water and fire fighting water.
5.9.6 The living rooms of stations and train substations must be equipped with a hot water supply system.
5.9.7 Underground structures must have a gravity water collection system and forced drainage when the waterproofing ability of the tunnel shell decreases, during fire fighting, when washing the structure, when technological equipment operates.
To collect water and discharge water into the city’s drainage network, it is necessary to have water pumping stations.
5.9.8 Subway structures must have a domestic water pipeline system to collect and drain waste water from technical-sanitary equipment.
5.9.9 Water inlets, discharge and drainage devices must be equipped with meters, counting the amount of water consumed and discharging liquids into the city network.
5.10 Power supply
5.10.1 Power supply for consumers of the subway line should be carried out from train substations and substations.
Train substations must be located at stations, substations – at stations and at train tunnel sections where loads are concentrated.
5.10.2 Power supply for train substations must be carried out by a 10 kV cable network from 3, and when there is no technical possibility, from 2 independent power sources from the city’s power system. It is necessary to use directly the substation of the power system as the first power source, while the second and third power sources are from neighboring train substations along the line.
5.10.3 To ensure reliable power supply, electrical consumers are classified as follows:
a) Special group of class I electrical consumers – communication equipment, train control equipment, remote control and radio control equipment, emergency lighting network.
b) Class I: train network, escalators, working lighting network of tunnels, automatic fire detection, fire alarm and fire fighting equipment, smoke protection equipment, drainage equipment, protective signaling equipment and automatic payment system.
c) Class II: working lighting power network of stations.
d) Class III: tunnel ventilation equipment not used in the smoke protection system and other electrical consumers.
Automatic backup power switching devices for the special group of class I power receiving devices and class I power receiving devices must be located at the electrical consumer.
It is allowed to turn off the power of the train network during the time the dispatcher switches the power supply by radio control equipment.
5.10.4 The third independent power source for the special group of class I electrical consumers is uninterruptible power sources that continuously supply the calculated loads for 1 hour.
These uninterruptible power sources should be located separately from substations and train substations in rooms with independent entrances and ventilation systems.
5.10.5 AC power networks with voltage up to 1 kV must comply with current regulations with grounded neutral wire of transformers, in principle, according to the TN-C system, in special cases (for example, for portable and mobile electrical consumers) – according to the TC-C-S system.
The use of the TN-C system on extended sections of operating lines using the IT system must be clearly reflected in the design task.
The parameters of the AC power network with voltage up to 1 kV of train control equipment are taken according to the technical documents of the corresponding control system.
5.10.6 To supply power to electrical consumers, the following voltage types must be used, V:
In DC networks:
a) 825: for the train power network, on the iron bars of the train substation;
b) 750, 550 and 975: on the electrical consumers of the train car, respectively for normal, minimum permissible and maximum permissible modes during emergency braking;
c) 220: control and signaling circuits at auxiliary stations;
– In AC networks:
1. 380/220: escalators, ventilation and pumping equipment, lighting networks (working and emergency), communication equipment and automatic payment system;
2. 220: lighting and heating devices;
3. 12: mobile and local lighting.
5.10.7 For underground structures and rooms, there must be working lighting and emergency lighting.
Emergency lighting must be available in passenger, production and sanitary-living rooms of the station, in train tunnels and in tunnel structures.
Emergency lighting must ensure the function of safety and emergency evacuation lighting.
5.10.8 The positive pole of the power source for the train power network must be connected to the contact rails, the negative pole – connected to the train rails.
The contact network of the line must be divided into cells by open air gaps of the contact rails on the main tracks in the area of the train substation, on the junctions between the main tracks and at the locations of dividing the main tracks and tracks with other functions.
Power supply for the contact network of each main track, station tracks and connecting tracks from the train substation must be separated.
In the contact network of the main tracks, if necessary, parallel connection stations should be used.
5.10.9 Electrical networks must have protection against short circuits and overloads exceeding the prescribed level; in particular, parts of the train power network (current transformer, 825 V distribution device, electrical cable, contact network equipment), in addition, must also be protected against earthing.
When it is not possible to ensure the above protection, special technical solutions must be available.
5.10.10 In the contact network, equipment (except for quick-breaking devices manufactured for a rated voltage of 1050 V) and cables need to be taken with a rated voltage of 3 kV.
5.10.11 Non-flammable cables must be used in electrical networks.
5.10.12 Means of control and protection of underground structures against corrosive effects of current must comply with 5.21.
5.10.13 There must be the same grounding protection system on the line.
5.11 Control of electrical equipment
5.11.1 Electrical equipment must have local control and, when necessary, remote control, radio control, automatic electricity metering, signaling and measurement.
5.11.2 Control devices must ensure maximum automation of the equipment operation process, control their preset operating modes and signal when deviating from these operating modes.
5.11.3 Remote control of lighting power networks, electromechanical equipment at stations and adjacent train tunnels must be carried out from the station control rooms; control of disconnecting parts of the contact power network – from the train substation. Individual disconnecting parts of the contact power network in stations with track development must have control from the station control rooms.
5.11.4 Radio control of electrical equipment must be carried out from the line control room in accordance with the applied organization structure of the control rooms.
5.12 Train control
5.12.1 Each subway line must be equipped with control systems, including:
– Train pace and safety control system;
– Central electric control of switches and signals;
– Automatic track locking;
– Automatic train control system;
– Central dispatcher.
The systems must have redundant main nodes.
Central dispatch and automatic train control systems must be able to divide functions in a unified automatic network controlling technological processes on the line.
NOTE: The amount of equipment and steps of applying the train control system are determined separately.
5.12.2 The devices of the central electric control system must ensure control of switches and signals (semi-automatic signals) from the control room of the station with track development.
5.12.3 The devices of the central dispatch system must ensure monitoring the movement of trains on the line and controlling switches and signals from the line control room (dispatch control) and from the control room at stations (local control).
5.12.4 On the connecting branches between the lines, there must be systems for bi-directional train traffic.
5.12.5 Automatic track locking devices must be arranged to coordinate the movement of main and auxiliary cars at night or rescue vehicles removing train sets with faulty parts of the train pace and safety control system (or not repairable) from the line.
5.12.6 The tracks of the line need to be equipped with AC rail networks.
5.12.7 Power supply for DC train control devices must be taken from separate batteries or from an uninterruptible power source according to 5.10.
5.13 Communication
5.13.1 The line must have an operational-technological communication system (OTC) of the line and station along with common-use automatic telephone.
5.13.2 The OTC of the line must include information of the control room and between control rooms, train radio communication, order protection, fire safety and service communications, common-use telephone ensuring command of operation and control of the work of the line, units and subway service.
All forms of dispatch information must have recording devices.
5.13.3 The OTC of the station must include telephone communications, electric clocks, loudspeaker and radio surveillance systems, ensuring control of train operation, regulation of passenger flows, control from the control room of the evacuation process in case of fire, as well as communications of control room staff, responsible persons with staff at the station and adjacent train tunnel sections.
5.13.4 To organize the OTC of the line and station, there must be both main, station, tunnel and local communication and transmission networks.
5.14 Arrangement of operating personnel
5.14.1 Personnel of operating units directly serving passengers at stations, organizing train operation on the line, regularly maintaining equipment and maintaining structures should be arranged at stations.
5.14.2 The management-administrative staff serving and controlling the subway, as well as the line staff not directly related to work at stations and in tunnels, should be placed in buildings according to 5.23.
5.15 Terminal
5.15.1 The terminal (depot) is for gathering, technical maintenance, periodic repair, overhaul (when there are repair workshops) and unscheduled repair of electric cars.
5.15.2 Within the depot area, administrative and production buildings and structures, utility networks within the area, train parking tracks, fire truck roads and paved roads connected to city roads should be arranged, taking into account the development of the line and depot in the future.
The depot area must be convenient, illuminated and have a protective illuminated fence with a height of not less than 2.5 m. On the outside along the fence there must be a sanitary protection zone, landscaping and a parking lot.
The width of the sanitary protection zone from the outermost parking track to residential buildings must not be less than 300 m.
5.15.3 Production buildings for placing secondary substations, workshops, types of warehouses and personnel should be built 3-4 stories high.
These buildings must be equipped with radio, telephone, electric clocks, fire safety and protection signaling systems.
5.15.4 The repair building and parking tracks must be available from the first stage of subway line operation.
The composition of the parking tracks must include 2 extended tracks for car shunting, backup and testing.
The effective length of each extended track must not be less than the maximum calculated length of the train at the operating stages according to 3.13, of the test track – from 600 m to 800 m. One of the extended tracks can be used as a test track.
5.15.5 Power-conducting and non-power-conducting rails must withstand the calculated load and train speed according to Table 2.
Table 2.
Static load from passenger car axle to rails, kN (T)
Train speed, km/h, not more than
Parking track
78 (8)
Depot track
78 (8)
5.15.6 Power-conducting rails are used as conductors in the train power supply network, in train control devices and to control the integrity of the rail network.
5.15.7 Approximate tunnel dimensions and the distance between the axes of adjacent rails are taken according to Appendix B.
5.15.8 The track gauge between the inner edges of the rail top must be taken:
a) On straight sections and curved sections with a radius of 100 m or more: according to 5.7.3;
b) On curved sections with a radius from 60 m to 100m: 1459 mm;
The deviation from the standard rail track gauge on straight and curved sections must not exceed 2 mm.
5.15.9 To connect parking tracks, P50 type switches with a crosshead of 1:5 must be used.
5.15.10 Power-conducting parking tracks and depot tracks in the compartment for blowing air into the train set must be equipped with a contact rail with bottom feed.
The contact rails must be covered with an insulating protective box.
5.15.11 Power supply for buildings, structures and power networks should be taken from train substations and substations.
Power supply for train substations and substations is taken similarly to 5.10.2.
5.15.12 Power supply for the train traction power network must use DC voltage of 825V.
Power supply for train heads and lighting devices must use 380/220 V AC voltage taken from general transformers with a grounded neutral wire according to the TN-C system, and in special cases (for example, for mobile and transportable consumers) according to the TN-C-S system; for train control devices – from separate transformers similar to 5.10.5.
For each group of electrical consumers, there must be 2 transformers.
5.15.13 Parking tracks must be equipped with centralized electric switch devices, semi-automatic signals (with route signals and route indications on separate signals), usually by single-wire track circuits.
Control of switches and signals must be carried out from central electric control rooms.
5.15.14 The depot must have an operational-technological communication system (OTC) along the line and along the station.
The composition of the line OTC must include dispatch communications for train operation and power supply, tunnel communications and common-use telephone communications.
The composition of the depot OTC must include depot shift communications, switch communications, line communications, radio communications for car shunting and operation-repair, loudspeaker communications and announcements.
5.15.15 Cable lines need to be placed in cable structures, as well as openly on separate vertical structures.
5.16 Fire safety
5.16.1 All building structures of underground rooms and structures must comply with the K0 fire hazard group according to Appendix C.
5.16.2 The above-ground lobbies of stations, buildings and structures of the depot and other above-ground buildings must have a fire resistance degree not lower than II and a structural fire hazard group not lower than C1 according to Appendix C.
5.16.3 Building structures of underground structures must have fire resistance limits as in Table 3.
5.16.4 Building structures of enclosed tunnels of above-ground (elevated) line sections, as well as of enclosed above-ground station buildings, must comply with a fire hazard group not lower than K0 and have a fire resistance limit not less than R45.
5.16.5 Building structures of cable ducts in stations and in secondary substations, of cable-ventilation ducts under station platforms must have a fire resistance limit not less than R45; hatch covers of ducts opening onto the platform must have a fire resistance limit not less than EI 15. In cable-ventilation ducts, openings are allowed for air intake and exhaust from passenger rooms.
Partitions in cable tunnels must be type 1 fire partitions with a fire resistance limit of not less than EI 45.
Table 3.
Name of structure
Fire resistance limit not less than
Outer shell of station platform rooms and intermediate rooms of the station, of the tunnel, of structures near the station and near the tunnel
Outer shell of train tunnels and dead-end tunnels
Pillars and columns of the station
Enclosing walls of elevator shafts and staircases in stairwells
REI 120
Walls of stairwell cages
REI 120
Walls of auxiliary station substations
R 90/EI 60
Walls, floors of oil, paint storage
REI 120
Outer shell of escalator tunnels and station lobbies
Enclosing walls between tracks and cable-ventilation ducts
Stair pylons, beams, steps, landings, rests of stairwell cages
Internal floor structures: beam slabs
REI 60, R60
Walls of C1 – C3 class rooms, of corridors, enclosing walls, vestibules, passenger transfer corridors located above the tracks
R 45/EI 30
Walls (partitions) of escape routes connecting tunnels
R 45 (EI 45)
Self-closing fire doors
EI 30
Load-bearing and enclosing structures of transfer passages on station platforms and on station tracks.
REI 90
Walls (partitions) of C4, D and E class rooms
REI 15 (EI 15)
Suspended ceilings in corridors
RE 15
5.16.6 In the station’s circular cable tunnels, there must be at least one partition. The partitions must be type 1 fire partitions. The doors into the tunnel and the doors in the partitions must be type 2 fire doors with a fire resistance limit of not less than EI 30. Each fire compartment must have an automatic fire alarm device, and when the fire load is greater than 180 MJ×m-2, there must be an additional automatic fire fighting device.
5.16.7 The lobby of the station located in a building with a different function or adjacent to it must be separated by type 1 fire walls and floors (Appendix C) and have a direct exit to the outside.
5.16.8 Underground rooms must have fire doors with a fire resistance limit not less than:
a) Doors in walls and partitions with a standard fire resistance limit – EI 30;
b) Doors in partitions dividing corridors into sections with a length not exceeding 60 m – EI 15;
c) Doors in the remaining partitions – EI 15.
Fire doors of oil and paint storages must be self-closing and open outward. The door openings must have a threshold or a ramp with a height of not less than 0.15 m.
There are no fire resistance requirements and no fire resistance limits are specified for door materials for doors to above-ground lobbies, to exhibition spaces above the staircases leading to underground passages, to ticket offices of underground lobbies, to rooms without permanent personnel, to bathrooms and other similar rooms.
The window bars of lobbies facing the street must be movable.
5.16.9 For making water drains in passenger areas of the station, it is not allowed to use materials with a fire hazard group higher than G1, V1, D1, T1.
5.16.10 The protective box of the contact rail needs to be made of materials belonging to the G1 fire group.
5.16.11 To face structures and cover floors of station structures, non-combustible materials must be used.
Finishing and facing of walls and ceilings on escape routes must use non-combustible materials; for painting, non-combustible paint must be used.
For finishing and facing individual parts of walls and ceilings of the station, when justified, it is allowed to use materials with fire hazard characteristics not lower than groups G1, V1, D2, T2.
5.16.12 In station rooms with permanent personnel, floor covering on a keramzite concrete layer needs to use linoleum with fire hazard characteristics not exceeding groups G2, V2, RP2, D2, T2.
In living, production and other rooms without permanent personnel, a floor covering made of non-combustible materials should be used.
The sound-absorbing finishing layer of rooms and suspended ceiling structures needs to be made of non-combustible materials. In living rooms, it is not allowed to use materials with fire hazard characteristics greater than groups G2, V3, D3, T3 for finishing and facing.
5.16.13 The structures of benches on the platform must be made of non-combustible materials, the seat surface – from materials with fire hazard characteristics G2, D2, T2.
5.16.14 The intersection of fire-resistant structures with air ducts must ensure that the fire resistance of the fire-resistant structure is not reduced. The fire resistance limit of air ducts and fire dampers is determined according to the selected standard system to be applied.
5.16.15 The floor of the cable-ventilation compartment in the escalator tunnel must be sealed and have a fire resistance limit of not less than REI 45. The exit door of the ventilation duct to the surface must be located at a distance of not less than 15m from the lobby entrance.
5.16.16 Rooms and other spatial-planning elements (lobbies, ticket offices, escalator tunnels, platform and intermediate station rooms, tunnels) of underground structures must comply with the classification of fire and explosion hazard groups.
5.16.17 The evacuation of people from underground structures in case of fire must be ensured. On escape routes, people need to be protected from the effects of fire hazards.
The estimated time for the evacuation of people from the station must be determined according to the selected standard system to be applied, taking into account the specifics of the station and the maximum number of people in the station structures.
5.16.18 For evacuation from the platform rooms, the following routes are needed:
a) Via escalators and (or) type 2 staircases, via corridors, through ticket offices of lobbies, underground passages – to the exit;
b) Through transfer structures – to the station of another line and then as in item a)
5.16.19 The length of dead-end sections of rooms and structures (corridors, cable tunnels, ventilation ducts, etc.) must not exceed 25 m.
5.16.20 The number and total length of exits from rooms, from building floors and structures must be determined by the maximum possible number of people who may need to evacuate through them and the maximum allowable distance from the farthest possible location of service personnel to the nearest emergency exit door.
5.16.21 From the platform rooms, there must be at least two separate exits for evacuation.
5.16.22 At stations with a deep-level transfer hub with a common lobby, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of separate operation of the stations and their protection from the penetration of hazardous factors in case of a fire at one of the stations (arrangement of pressurized fire compartments, pressurized vestibules, exits through air zones).
5.16.23 In living and production rooms, the width of corridors and staircases should be taken not less than:
a) Of corridors: 1.2 m;
b) Of stairwell steps: 1.0 m;
c) Of open staircases between 2 floors inside the auxiliary station: 0.8 m.
The width of landings should not be less than the width of the stair steps.
The clear height of horizontal sections of escape routes must not be less than 2 m.
In places of personnel evacuation, it is allowed to lower the height to 1.8 m for a section no longer than 0.6 m.
5.16.24 To evacuate passengers from a train stopped in a running tunnel, there must be escape routes: in single-track tunnels – in one direction and in double-track tunnels – in 2 directions.
The width of the escape route in tunnels at a height of 1.5m from the surface of the walkway must not be less than 0.7 m. There should be no obstacles on the walkway that hinder the free movement of people.
5.16.25 For passenger evacuation, there must also be connecting passages from one tunnel to another, including: passages used for people, ventilation passages.
The distance between these connecting passages should not exceed 160 m when using train sets without the ability to move between cars and not exceed 200 m when having this ability.
The width of a passage used for people must not be less than 1.5 m, the height not less than 2 m; the width of the door opening not less than 1.0 m. The door leaves must open in both directions.
The connecting passages must have indicator lights.
5.16.26 Additional exits in the middle of the running tunnels between stations or collective passenger protection zones must have pressurized vestibules of at least 20 Pa when on fire, separate fire safety systems and separate rescue systems.
The volume of a collective passenger protection zone is determined from the maximum possible passenger capacity of a train set at any estimated operating stage of the line with a specific area of 1 m2 per person.
The estimated time for passengers to stay in a collective protection zone is not less than 7 hours. A collective protection zone is divided into a separate fire compartment.
5.16.27 Water supply for fire fighting for above-ground structures must comply with current regulations, and for underground structures – with this regulation.
5.16.28 On the city’s water pipeline network, there must be at least 2 fire hydrants at a distance of no more than 100m from the entrance of a shallow station and no more than 20m from the above-ground lobby or from the door through an underground passage to the lobby of a deep station.
In the depot, fire hydrants must be located on the train parking area at a distance of no more than 100 m from each other, as well as at buildings. These hydrants must have illuminated signs.
Within the depot area, for taking fire-fighting water, external water sources (tanks) are allowed, provided that their use is ensured at any time of the year.
5.16.29 Above-ground buildings, structures and rooms must be equipped with automatic fire fighting and fire alarm devices according to current regulations, and underground – according to Table 4.
Areas in station tracks (dead-end tracks), where night parking of trains is provided, must be equipped with local fire fighting devices.
5.16.30 Power supply for fire fighting equipment according to 5.10.
5.16.31 At each station, in the structures belonging to the station and running tunnels, there must be a system for notification and control of evacuation in case of fire and emergency situations.
5.16.32 Smoke protection (SP) for escape routes at stations and at transfer structures between stations must ensure the evacuation of passengers, service personnel and non-smoke-filled approach tunnels to the station, as well as the adjacent station.
SP must also be available on escape routes for service personnel in the lobbies of underground stations with production, administrative, sanitary-living and other service rooms located at 3 or more levels.
5.16.33 SP for escape routes in running tunnels must ensure:
– The air flow must have a direction opposite to the direction of evacuation and be stable on sections that change the direction of the air flow (when evacuating people in one direction from the fire source).
– Reduction of air velocity in the tunnel to 0.5 m/s when evacuating people in two directions from the fire.
5.16.34 For SP of the station and tunnels, tunnel ventilation and local ventilation equipment should be used, and, if necessary, additional technical means – special pressure ventilation devices and partitions in the upper part of the platform room (intermediate room) to form smoke zones.
5.16.35 The control scheme of local ventilation devices must have the ability to automatically turn off in case of fire.
5.16.36 The calculation of the SP system must be carried out:
a) For the station:
– When a fire occurs in the front, rear and middle cars of the train set for all station tracks;
– When a fire occurs in the escalator tunnel, in the machine room of the escalators and in the lobby;
– When a fire occurs in a transfer escalator;
– When a fire occurs in a train set located in a running tunnel.
b) For a running tunnel – when a fire occurs in a train set.
Table 4.
Room, structure, equipment
Automatic fire fighting equipment
Automatic fire alarm
Normative indicators corresponding to fire load
Cable ducts, station tunnels, cable floors
Larger than 180 MJm-2
180 MJm-2 and smaller
Cable-ventilation ducts
Regardless of area
Rooms for placing 10 kV; 825 V; 380 V distribution equipment
As above
Switchboard room
As above
Oil and paint storage
Regardless of area
C1 class rooms by fire hazard level
As above
C2 and C3 class rooms by fire hazard level
300 m2 and larger
Less than 300 m2
Input power and control cabinets of escalators in machine rooms
Internal volume of the cabinet
Area of spans for stopping and repairing in depot buildings when the fire compartment area is equal to
4500 m2 and larger
Less than 4500 m2
5.16.37 Smoke ventilation for administrative, medical, production and other rooms, including for commercial structures, must ensure that the escape routes from these rooms are not smoke-filled throughout the time of evacuating people from the station to the outside.
5.16.38 Electrical equipment must comply with the class of the fire hazard zone according to current regulations.
Electrical wires and cable lines must not be flammable.
5.16.39 Underground rooms of the station and structures inside the tunnel must have initial fire fighting means.
5.16.40 The main storage rooms for storing fuels must be located in the above-ground part of subway structures.
Reserve oil and paint storages must be located at the level of pedestrian crossings and machine rooms of escalators.
5.17 Ensuring sanitary and epidemiological safety
5.17.1 In subway structures, sanitary and epidemiological requirements must be complied with in order to ensure favorable and safe conditions for passenger transportation and work of subway personnel and construction organizations.
5.17.2 The following microclimate parameters must be ensured in passenger rooms:
a) during the warm period of the year (average day-night outdoor air temperature above 10°С) – air temperature from 18°С to 28°С, average air velocity from 0.5 m/s to 2 m/s.
b) during the cold period of the year (average day-night outdoor air temperature equal to or lower than 10°С) – air temperature from 10°С to 16°С, average air velocity from 0.5 m/s to 2 m/s.
The average air velocity on the subway platform during the arrival and departure of trains is not allowed to exceed 2 times.
5.17.3 In production rooms with permanent personnel and in health care rooms, optimal microclimatic conditions must be ensured; in the remaining non-permanent living and production rooms – not lower than the permissible level according to current regulations.
5.17.4 In the air of tunnels and passenger rooms, the content of pollutants should not exceed the maximum allowable one-time concentration (MAC) for the atmospheric air of residential areas according to current standards.
5.17.5 In the air of production rooms, the content of harmful substances must comply with the standards of the industrial production environment.
5.17.6 The CO2 content in the air of passenger rooms should not exceed 0.1% by volume during the warm period of the year and 0.12% during the cold period of the year.
5.17.7 The levels of sound pressure, sound levels and equivalent sound levels, as well as maximum sound levels must not exceed the values given in Table 5.
5.17.8 The reverberation time in the mid-frequency range (500 – 2000 Hz) should be in the range of 1.2 – 1.4 s for a platform with two tracks and 1.4 – 1.6 s for a platform with 3 tracks.
5.17.9 The levels of infrasonic sound pressure and the total level of infrasonic sound pressure should not exceed the permissible and allowable values according to current regulations.
For intermittent infrasound and infrasound fluctuating over time, the sound pressure level should not exceed 120 dB.
5.17.10 The levels of airborne ultrasonic sound pressure at workplaces, the peak values of vibration velocity, and the levels of contact ultrasonic vibration velocity for workers must not exceed the permissible limit values according to current regulations.
5.17.11 The acceleration and velocity values of vibration oscillations; the acceleration and velocity values of local vibration oscillations must not exceed the permissible limit values (Appendix D).
5.17.12 The acceleration and velocity values of local vibration oscillations must not exceed the permissible limit values (Appendix D).
5.17.13 The levels of electromagnetic radio wave exposure (30 kHz to 300 kHz) to workers in areas affected by these sources; for the remaining group of people, including passengers, must not exceed the permissible values according to current regulations.
5.17.14 The levels of ion radiation for personnel and passengers must not exceed the levels specified in QCVN 05: 2008/BXD Residential and public buildings – Life safety and health.
5.17.15 The permissible voltage levels of a 50 Hz electric field, depending on the time of personnel presence in the electric field, must not exceed the requirements of current regulations.
Table 5.
Room type
Sound pressure levels, dB, in octave bands with geometric mean frequency, Hz
Sound levels and equivalent sound levels, dBА
Maximum sound levels LАмакс, dBа
1 Production rooms and workplaces of personnel in passenger rooms
The permissible limit levels of sound pressure, sound and equivalent sound for the most common basic types of work and workplaces must not exceed the requirements of current regulations
2 Passenger rooms: in underground stations
In open above-ground stations.
3 Health care rooms
4 Train crew rest rooms
5 Living rooms (except for items 3 and 4)
Note – In item 2, the numerator is the permissible sound values, the denominator is the optimal values
5.17.16 When using video recording rooms and computer rooms, workplaces, microclimate, ion and chemical composition of the air environment, noise, vibration, illumination and rest conditions of personnel must comply with QCVN 05: 2008/BXD Residential and public buildings – Life safety and health and current regulations.
5.17.17 The depot and subway line must have special structures and equipment for purifying industrial wastewater, including water from cleaning machines in passenger rooms and other rooms.
5.17.18 The dimensions of sanitary protection zones at the construction and operation stages of the subway must not be less than 300 m.
5.18 Protection of the surrounding environment
5.18.1 The arrangement of underground structures must not disrupt the hydrological regime of existing water structures and the hydrogeological conditions of adjacent areas.
5.18.2 Above-ground structures that are sources of large pollution of the near-ground air layer must not be located in places of gas accumulation, places with high air pollution indicators, from the windward side of structures requiring especially clean air.
5.18.3 Wastewater discharge from underground structures into urban storm sewer systems is only allowed after treatment. The composition of water treatment facilities and the degree of treatment must comply with current regulations.
5.18.4 For the purpose of protecting and rationally using green areas, historical and cultural monuments, compliance with the requirements for specially protected natural areas must be carried out according to balancing and nature protection measures.
5.19 Protection against noise, vibration and corrosive currents for urban structures
5.19.1 Houses and urban structures must be protected against noise and vibration arising during construction and when trains run during the operation of the subway.
5.19.2 In rooms of residential and public buildings, noise levels and infrasound levels must not exceed the values specified in QCVN 05: 2008/BXD Residential and public buildings – Life safety and health and current regulations.
The maximum root mean square value of the vibration velocity in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies of 16; 31.5 and 63 Hz must not exceed the permissible values specified in Table 6.
Table 6.
Rooms, buildings
Permissible value
Residential buildings
Hospitals, nursing homes
Administrative buildings, public buildings
Schools, library reading rooms
NOTES: 1. For the corrected values of the vibration velocity, the limit values in m/s are increased by 2.1 times (+6 dB), for the equivalent values – reduced by 0.32 times (-10 dB). 2. During the daytime, in living rooms, hospitals and nursing homes, it is allowed to exceed the standard value by 1.8 times (+5 dB).
The effectiveness check of noise and vibration protection for residential and public rooms according to the regulations should be carried out when trains run in operational mode.
5.19.3 Urban underground structures need to be protected from the corrosive effects of current (electrochemical corrosion).
The effectiveness check of the protection of these structures must be carried out during the first 2 years of operation of the subway line.
5.19.4 When combining the structures of the subway line with structures having other functions, these structures must satisfy the requirements in 5.21.
5.20 Protection of structures against the effects of a corrosive environment
5.20.1 Building structures, structures and metal equipment parts (equipment cabinets, metal structures, etc.) must be protected against corrosion under the influence of a corrosive environment arising from natural and technological sources.
5.20.2 Corrosion protection of escalators, fans, pumps, electrical equipment, cables, etc. must be carried out according to the technical documents corresponding to them.
5.20.3 Corrosion protection of building structures of the subway must comply with current regulations, taking into account the specifics of the structures and their operating conditions.
5.21 Protection of structures and equipment of the subway line against corrosion by current
5.21.1 The protection of structures and equipment of the subway line against corrosion by current (electrochemical corrosion) must comply with current regulations and the requirements of this regulation.
5.21.2 The reinforcement of reinforced concrete elements and steel structures of bridges and viaducts must not form a galvanic connection with the train rails and with the finishing shell of the tunnel.
5.21.3 On underground sections of the line, on bridges and viaducts, there must be measuring points for checking corrosion currents.
5.21.4 The effectiveness check of electrochemical corrosion protection must be carried out after the first 2 years of operation of the subway line.
5.22 Protective signaling
5.22.1 Automatic protective signaling must be available:
– at the entrances to passenger rooms;
– at the entrances to production rooms with equipment ensuring the operation of the line, passenger safety and train organization;
– along the perimeter of the fence of above-ground structures (depot, open sections of the line, etc.).
5.23 Administrative and production buildings
5.23.1 To ensure the functional division of the subway line, there must be:
– An administrative building of the line to accommodate management personnel, technical-administrative staff and other divisions.
– A building to accommodate the control rooms of the subway line, the technical management system of dispatching, the communication system, the computer center and other technical means related to the control of the subway;
– A building to accommodate technical personnel remotely directing the operating divisions of the line.
5.23.2 The building to accommodate the control rooms of the subway lines must be located at the intersection area between the subway lines, near the station or combined with the station lobby. The building must have a connection with the tunnels of the lines, used for the movement of personnel and cable laying.
5.23.3 The building to accommodate technical personnel must be available for each line and located near the station or combined with the station lobby.
5.23.4 The buildings to accommodate the control rooms and technical personnel must be included in the composition of the first starting track section of the first line.
For the first stage of operation, it is allowed to only build a building to accommodate the control rooms of the line, combining in it the functions of the administrative building and the building for technical personnel.
5.24 Industrial safety
5.24.1 The investment project for the construction of a subway line must have a set of specific organizational, technical and economic solutions to ensure safe work during construction and avoid negative impacts on the surrounding environment.
5.24.2 The technical characteristics of tunneling equipment, transportation, lifting and pressure vessels (including imported ones) used for construction, technological processes, materials and building structures must comply with industrial safety requirements.
5.25 Technical and protection zones
5.25.1 The structures of the subway line must be marked on the city’s topographic map at a scale of 1:500 with the designation of the boundaries of technical operation and protection zones.
5.25.2 Carrying out any work within the technical and protection zones is only allowed with the agreement of the design and operating organizations of the subway line.
5.25.3 At above-ground stations, there must be technical construction zones 20 m wide and at least 60 m long on each side to ensure the possibility of reconstructing and expanding the dimensions of the station building.
6. Construction
6.1 Preparation for construction must be carried out in accordance with current regulations on the organization of construction of works.
Subway structures related to tunneling, underground installation are classified as hazardous production facilities.
6.2 When preparing and carrying out installation work, it is necessary to organize and implement verification of compliance with industrial safety requirements, including:
– There must be standardized technical documents defining the rules for carrying out work and delimiting possible incidents.
– Monitoring the state of buildings and structures in the zone that may be deformed when tunneling through;
– Ensuring regular inspection of the state of the temporary support system for underground excavations and the state of the installed permanent tunnel lining;
– Carrying out forecasting, testing and certification of structures and technical equipment;
– Implementing industrial safety requirements for the storage of hazardous and toxic substances;
– Establishing and maintaining the operating state of the system for ensuring life safety, observation, notification, communication and support of activities in case of an emergency.
6.3 Underground surveying in construction must be carried out, ensuring the accurate transfer of benchmarks, axes of the structure and its parts to the outside with the allowable accuracy in order to achieve the required quality level of the construction product and monitor the deformation of existing buildings and structures in the construction area.
6.4 Before construction, it is necessary to establish a network of basic surveying benchmarks on the ground for construction purposes.
The root mean square error of the relative position of the points of the horizontal network of the basic surveying benchmarks should not exceed 15 mm, per 1 km of the leveling step – not more than 5 mm.
When tunneling, a system of underground horizontal-vertical basic surveying benchmarks must be established.
The relative error of the underground horizontal network should not exceed 1:20,000, the root mean square error per 1 km of the leveling step – 10 mm; orientation of the excavation pit by gyrotheodolite – 15”.
The orientation must be repeated after every 200 m of penetration.
6.5 Underground surveying during construction and installation work must ensure control of tunnel dimensions according to Appendix B and permissible deviations of the actual dimensions of the prefabricated and monolithic tunnel lining from the design position.
6.6 Engineering geological work during construction must ensure:
– Availability of actual engineering geological documentation of the structures under construction;
– Determining the compliance of the engineering geological data in the design documentation with the actual data established at the site;
– Forecasting engineering geological conditions in the tunneling area;
– On-site monitoring of the parameters of the surrounding environment and the technical-natural system;
– Ensuring the safety of tunneling work by assessing the stability of the ground in the excavation pit;
– Timely intervention in the construction process in case of danger caused by unfavorable geological conditions;
– Participation in the study of the foundation soil of the structure;
– Preparation of a report on the results of engineering geological work for construction purposes.
6.7 The construction technology must ensure minimal displacement of the soil mass and subsidence on the ground surface, not endangering the integrity of buildings, structures and underground urban utility systems.
It is not allowed to leave voids between the outer surface of the structure and the soil.
6.8 The construction site must be fenced according to the regulations.
6.9 It is only allowed to start the main construction work after the acceptance and commissioning of temporary administrative and living quarters and the system of technical support.
6.10 Before carrying out installation work in places where soil, groundwater are contaminated or the air is polluted with harmful chemical and biological substances, in places with excessive noise, places with vibration, radiation or other harmful factors specified in the construction organization project, it is necessary to check their contamination level in accordance with the recommendations of the health inspection authorities.
In places where soil and water are contaminated with radiation, the protection of construction workers must be ensured in compliance with radiation safety regulations.
6.11 The microclimate parameters, chemical and physical factors in production and administrative-living rooms at the construction site must comply with current regulations on occupational health and safety.
6.12 Artificial lighting in rooms and on the territory of the construction site must comply with current regulations on lighting.
6.13 In the area of the underground construction site, it is necessary to ensure the microclimate parameters according to Table 7. If it is not possible to achieve these parameters, then the necessary protective measures must be taken.
6.14 The chemical composition of the air in the workplace, the amount of dust and gas in the air must comply with current regulations on occupational health and safety.
6.15 The level of impact of physical factors (noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, etc.) in workplaces must satisfy the requirements of current regulations on occupational environment hygiene.
6.16 The construction of the above-ground structures of the line must be carried out:
a) When constructing by the closed excavation method – after completion and written acceptance of the part of the structure, waterproofing of the tunnel lining, pouring the concrete base under the track.
b) When constructing by the open excavation method – after backfilling the excavation pit and stabilizing the settlement of the tunnel lining.
c) When constructing on the ground – after completing the installation of underground utility systems and preparing the road base.
Table 7.
Microclimate parameters
Permissible values
Air temperature, oC
16 ¸ 19
20 ¸ 23
24 ¸ 26
Relative humidit, %
80 ¸ 30
75 ¸ 30
70 ¸ 30
Air movement velocity, m/s
0,1 ¸ 0,5
0,6 ¸ 1,0
1,1 ¸ 1,5
NOTES: 1. In waterlogged soil, the relative humidity of the air is allowed to increase by 10%; 2. The higher air movement velocity corresponds to the highest temperature.
6.17 The installation of contact rails is carried out after the rough completion of the tracks, switch sections and junctions.
7. Acceptance for commissioning
7.1 The organization of acceptance for commissioning must comply with the basic principles of acceptance of completed construction works.
The acceptance must cover all types of structures, equipment, constructions and work, including the hidden part.
7.2 Construction works are allowed for acceptance only after the elimination of the identified deficiencies and remarks, the completion of adjustment tests, tests of installed equipment and ensuring the specified technical parameters and operating modes of the equipment.
7.3 Construction works can be accepted and put into operation in full or in parts, or according to startup complexes, if specified in the design documentation.
The following items cannot be excluded from the startup complex:
– Buildings and structures serving subway workers;
– Structures and equipment ensuring health and safety conditions for subway workers;
– Structures and equipment ensuring fire safety;
– Measures to protect the surrounding environment;
– Connecting branches between subway lines and tracks in the common railway network;
– Communication lines;
– Measures to complete the site after the end of construction;
– Combined workshops for repairing equipment (escalators, transformers, electric motors, pumps, fans, …), as well as facilities for emergency response vehicles.
The following terms and definitions are used in this regulation:
A.1 Ventilation station – a separate structure or located in another structure on the ground, used in ventilation systems for air intake and exhaust.
A.2 Ventilation equipment – a set of ventilation equipment, electrical equipment, auxiliary equipment together with equipment rooms, horizontal, inclined or vertical ventilation ducts and air intake (exhaust) elements.
A.3 Line depth
A.3.1 Deep level – the line is located at a depth where stations and running tunnels are constructed by the closed method, without excavating the natural ground surface.
A.3.2 Shallow level – the line is at a depth where stations are constructed by the open method, running tunnels – by the open or closed method at the minimum allowable depth.
A.4 Collective passenger protection zone – a separate underground space for accommodating passengers when a situation dangerous to life or health of people occurs in the running tunnels; This zone is equipped with separate systems for fire safety, lighting, communication, ventilation and drainage.
A.5 Uninterruptible power supply – electrical equipment consisting of a battery, an electrical energy conversion unit and a distribution unit.
A.6 Subway line (line) – an independent part of the subway system with stations, running tracks and dead-end tracks, used for train operation along a route.
A.7 Subway – a type of electric passenger transport in a city (underground, at grade, elevated) not carried out on streets
A.8 Protection zone – a land area located above an existing subway structure and adjacent to it, the use of which for new construction, road construction, placement of utility systems, drilling wells, etc. must be agreed upon by the subway management authority.
A.9 Passenger conveyor – a transportation device: a surface consisting of plates or a continuous belt moving continuously used to transport passengers horizontally or from one level to another.
A.10 Passenger area – parts of the station (ticket hall, corridors, staircases, platform areas, etc.) used to accommodate and serve passenger movement.
A.11 Transfer structure – a structure located between stations, used to move passengers from one station to another, including passenger areas (corridors), escalators and staircases, production and living rooms.
A.12 Transportation capacity – the amount of passengers that can be transported (thousand passengers/hour) at the maximum possible train operation scale (number of cars in a train and number of trains per hour) in one or two directions.
A.13 Train capacity – the scale of train operation (pairs of trains) that can be carried out in a unit of time (hour, day) depending on the level of technical equipment and the method of organizing train operation; the calculated number of passengers for different line sections.
A.14 Startup complex – a section of a line, a part of a station, a depot or another item of a subway structure together with their utility systems, separated from the composition of the construction work, ensuring the temporary function of the structure during the first stage of operation.
A.15 Line tracks
A.15.1 Main track – a track for the operation of passenger trains on the line.
A.15.2 Station track – a track for turning, standing trains and servicing train cars;
A.15.3 Connecting track – a track for connecting line tracks with depot tracks or tracks of another line;
A.16 Depot tracks
A.16.1 Parking track – a track for gathering, testing cars, loading and unloading located outside buildings.
A.16.2 Depot track – a track for parking, servicing and repairing cars, located inside buildings.
A.17 Station – An underground or above-ground train stop used for boarding and disembarking passengers, including lobbies, escalators or staircases, platforms and intermediate spaces, spaces for passenger service, accommodating operating personnel and production equipment.
A.18 Technical zones
A.18.1 Construction technical zone – an urban land area for the construction of different sections of the subway line by the open excavation method, for the placement of the depot and other above-ground structures, as well as construction sites serving the construction of subway items by the closed excavation method.
A.18.2 Operation technical zone – a free land area adjacent to the subway structure used to ensure the normal operation of the structure (entrances, exits for passengers, placement of repair equipment, equipment and materials during the repair stage)
A.19 Dead-end track – a tunnel section with one or two electric tracks used for turning, stopping and servicing cars on the line.
A.20 Train power network – a power network that ensures the transmission of electrical energy from the substation to the train. The composition of the train power network includes contact networks and consumer networks.
A.21 Local ventilation equipment – equipment used to ventilate production, living, administrative and other rooms of underground stations and tunnel structures.
A.22 Tunnel ventilation equipment – equipment used to ventilate passenger areas of underground stations, running tunnels, dead-end tunnels and connecting tunnels.
A.23 Emergency exit – an exit to the outside or to an adjacent fire compartment.
A.24 Operating personnel (personnel) – people with specialized training who have passed a knowledge test for the type of work or position they hold.
B.1 The overall dimensions of the tunnel lining are the boundary lines of the cross-section (perpendicular to the track axis), within which, besides train cars and equipment, there must be no fixed structural parts or building structures, except for tunnel supports, taking into account permissible deviations in their manufacture and installation.
B.2 The space between the overall dimensions of the tunnel lining and the equipment is specified for arranging track equipment, electrical automatics, mechanical train control systems, communication, power supply, lighting, sanitary equipment, as well as small passages for service personnel, small bridges and platforms in tunnels between stations.
B.3 The overall dimensions of the tunnel lining must satisfy the indications in Figures B.1-3 (1-3) when arranging the contact rail to the left of the track axis.
B.4 The overall dimension Cmk (Figure B.1) is specified for straight and curved track sections with a radius of 200m or more, located in a circular running tunnel with a diameter of 5100 – 5200 mm.
B.5 On curved sections, the axis of the tunnel must be shifted inward from the curve relative to the track axis by a value q (mm) determined by the formula:
q = 1700(1670)tga
– 1700 (1670) – respectively, is the distance from the center of the overall dimension to the point located in the plane tangent to the rail tops in the middle of the track, when using rail types P50 and P65, mm;
– tga – the angle of inclination of the track relative to the horizontal plane.
B.6 For service branches on curved sections with a radius less than 200 m, the dimensions of Cmk should be increased to ensure the placement of equipment and cables in the space between them and the overall dimension Om.
B.7 The shape of the overall dimension Cmn (Figure B. 2) located above the level of the rail tops is specified for straight sections. For curved sections, the transverse dimensions of this overall dimension must be increased.
B.8 The shape of the overall dimensions Cmn (Figure B.3) located above the level of the rail tops (except for the overall dimensions of columns) is established for straight sections. The transverse dimensions of the right part of this overall dimension and the distance to the fence on the platforms located on curved sections must be increased.
Overall dimensions of the walkway for service personnel
Overall dimensions of the drainage channel;
Overall dimensions of the track base
1. * The dimension is increased by 30 mm when using P65 type rails for the track;
2. a – depending on the track structure, taken in the range of 450 – 550mm;
3. The axis of the overall dimensions is taken along the line passing through the center of the track perpendicular to the plane tangent to the rail tops;
4. The slope i for straight sections is taken equal to 0.03, for curved sections it is taken depending on the superelevation of the outer rail.
Overall dimensions of handrails on bridges, escalators and barrier walls on above-ground sections of the line;
Overall dimensions of the track base on the concrete layer;
Overall dimensions of the track base on the stone layer;
Overall dimensions of handrails on platforms;
Overall dimensions of the drainage channel when placing the upper layer of the track on a concrete base;
Overall dimensions for the column.
1. * The dimension is increased by 30 mm when using P65 type rails for the track
2. The dimension a, depending on the track structure, is taken in the range of 450 – 450 mm;
3. The slope i for straight track sections is taken equal to 0.03. For curved sections, the slope i is taken depending on the superelevation of the outer rail.
4. The dimension of 3150 mm is allowed to be used for the walls of working areas on passenger platforms, on a section with a length of up to 10m from their edge.
The shape of the overall dimensions Cmc below the level of the rail tops, as well as the transverse distance to the column overall dimensions are specified for both straight and curved sections.
B.9 The distance between the axes of adjacent tracks on straight sections, as well as on curved sections with a radius of 500 m or more, must not be less than, mm:
On main tracks in twin tunnels:
– without intermediate supports 3400
– on bridges and escalators 3700
On main tracks in above-ground sections and at grade separations, as well as on tracks for turning cars 4000
On parking tracks 4200
On parking tracks for passing 1435 mm gauge railway cars 4800
On tracks in the depot (indoors) 4500
For curved sections with a radius less than 500 m, the above distances, except for distances on parking tracks, must be increased.
C.1 Classification of building materials by fire properties
C.1.1 Building materials are divided into combustible and non-combustible materials according to the values of the following tested fire parameters:
a) Non-combustible materials, when simultaneously:
– the temperature of the furnace increases by no more than 50oC;
– the mass of the sample decreases by no more than 50%;
– the duration of the flame is no more than 10 seconds.
b) Combustible materials are materials that, when tested, do not satisfy one of the above 3 factors
NOTE: The test parameters are determined according to the standard TCXDVN 331:2004 (EN ISO 1182) “Test for non-combustibility of building materials” or equivalent.
C.1.2 Combustible materials are divided into 4 groups according to the values of the following tested fire parameters:
Table C. 1 – Sub-grouping of combustible materials by combustibility
Combustibility group of material
Fire parameters
Gas temperature in the chimney (T)[oC]
Degree of damage by sample lengthu (L)[%]
Degree of damage by sample mass (m)[%]
Burning time of the sample [seconds]
G1 – Low combustibility
£ 135
£ 65
£ 20
G2 – Moderate combustibility
£ 235
£ 85
£ 50
£ 30
G3 – Normal combustibility
£ 450
> 85
£ 50
£ 300
G4 – High combustibility
> 450
> 85
> 50
> 300
NOTE: The test parameters are determined according to the standard GOST 30244-94 – Method II “Building materials. Method for testing combustibility”.
C.1.3 Combustible materials are divided into 3 groups by ignitability, with the following tested fire parameters:
Table C. 2 – Sub-grouping of combustible materials by ignitability
Ignitability group of material
Limit surface heat flux density [kW/m2]
V1 – Hardly ignitable
³ 35,0
V2 – Moderately ignitable
greater than or equal to 20.0 and less than 35.0
V1 – Easily ignitable
< 20,0
NOTE: The test parameters are determined according to the standard GOST 30402-96 (ISO 5657-86) “Building materials. Method for testing ignitability” or equivalent.
C.1.4 Combustible materials are divided into 4 groups by surface flame spread, with the following tested fire parameters:
Table C. 3 – Sub-grouping of combustible materials by surface flame spread
Surface flame spread group of material
Limit surface heat flux density [kW/m2]
RP1 – Non-spreading
³ 11,0
RP2 – Low spreading
Greater than or equal to 8.0 and less than 11.0
RP3 – Moderate spreading
Greater than or equal to 5.0 and less than 8.0
RP4 – High spreading
< 5,0
NOTE: The test parameters are determined according to the standard GOST 30444-97 (ISO 9239-2) “Building materials. Method for testing flame spread” or equivalent.
C.1.5 Combustible materials are divided into 3 groups by smoke generation ability, with the following test parameters:
Table C. 4 – Sub-grouping of combustible materials by smoke generation ability
Smoke generation ability group of material
Value of the smoke generation coefficient of the material [m2/kG]
D1 – Low smoke generation ability
£ 50
D2 – Moderate smoke generation ability
Greater than 50 and less than or equal to 500
D3 – High smoke generation ability
> 500
NOTE: The test parameters are determined according to the standard GOST 12.1.044 “Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. List of indicators and methods for their determination” or equivalent.
C.1.6 Combustible materials are divided into 4 groups by toxicity, with the HCL50 toxicity index of combustion products as follows:
Table C. 5 – Sub-grouping of combustible materials by toxicity
Toxicity group of material
HCL50 index [g/m3], corresponding to the exposure time
5 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
T4 – Extremely high toxicity
£ 25
£ 47
£ 13
£ 10
T3 – High toxicity
25 to 70
47 to 50
13 to 40
10 to 30
T2 – Moderate toxicity
70 to 210
50 to 150
40 to 120
30 to 90
T1 – Low toxicity
> 210
> 150
> 120
> 90
NOTE: The test parameters and calculation of the HCL50 index are carried out according to the standard GOST 12.1.044 “Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. List of indicators and methods for their determination” or equivalent.
C.2 Fire resistance limit of building components
C.2.1 The fire resistance limit of building components is determined by the fire resistance duration (in minutes) at which one or more of the following limit state indicators specified for that component appear:
R: Loss of load-bearing capacity;
E: Loss of integrity;
I: Loss of insulation.
C.2.2 The fire resistance limit of building components is determined through testing according to specified standards and is denoted by REI, EI, RE, or R.
For example, a component required to have a fire resistance of REI 120 means that the component must simultaneously maintain all three capabilities: load-bearing capacity, integrity, and insulation for a period of 120 minutes; A component required to have a fire resistance limit of R 120 only needs to maintain load-bearing capacity for 120 minutes, with no insulation and integrity requirements.
C.3 Classification of building components by fire hazard: According to Table C.6.
C.4 Classification of fire-resistant components
C.4.1 Fire-resistant components are used to prevent the spread of fire and combustion products (heat, smoke, toxic gases) from a space with a fire to another space.
Fire-resistant components include fire-resistant walls, fire-resistant floors, and fire-resistant partitions.
C.4.2 Fire-resistant components are characterized by their fire resistance and fire hazard.
Table C.6 – Classification of fire hazard of building components
Fire hazard group of building components
Allowable damage dimensions of structures (cm)
Fire hazard characteristics of surface materials
Group by characteristic
Vertical structures
Horizontal structures
Thermal effect
Combus –tion
Combus –tion
Smoke generation
£ 40
£ 25
£ 40
£ 25
Greater than 40 and less than or equal to 80
Greater than 25 and less than or equal to 50
Greater than 40 and less than or equal to 80
Greater than 35 and less than or equal to 50
Not specified
CHÚ THÍCH: NOTE: Determination of damage dimensions and the appearance of combustion according to the standard GOST 30403-96 “Building structures. Method for determining the fire hazard” or equivalent. – NA: Not Allowedp – NS: Not Specified – It is allowed to classify the fire hazard group of structures without testing as follows: + classified as group K0 if the structure is manufactured only from non-combustible materials; + classified as group K3 if the structure is manufactured only from materials of combustion group G4;
C.4.3 Depending on the fire resistance limit of the enclosing part of the fire-resistant component, fire-resistant components are classified into types according to Table C.7. Door panels, hatches, covers, windows, shutters, and screens covering openings in fire-resistant components are classified into types as in Table C.8.
Table C.7 Classification of fire-resistant components
Name of fire-resistant component
Fire resistance limit of fire-resistant component, not lower than
Type of panels covering openings in fire-resistant components, not lower than
Fire-resistant wall
REI 150
REI 45
Fire-resistant partition
EI 45
EI 15
Fire-resistant floor
REI 150
REI 60
REI 45
REI 15
The fire resistance of a fire-resistant component is determined by the fire resistance of its constituent parts; which are:
The enclosing part of the fire-resistant component;
The components that provide stability to the fire-resistant component;
The components on which the fire-resistant component rests;
The connections between the constituent parts of the fire-resistant component.
Table C.8 Classification of components covering openings in fire-resistant components
Components covering openings in fire-resistant components
Fire resistance limit, not lower than
Doors, hatches, covers, shutters
EI 60
EI 30
EI 15
E 60
E 30
E 15
EI 60
C.4.4 Buffer compartments are classified into types as in Table C.9.
Table C.9 Classification of buffer rooms
Type of buffer room
Type of constituent parts of the buffer room, not lower than
Panels covering openings
C.5 Classification of buildings (structures) by fire resistance level
C.5.1 Fire compartment: A building (structure) or a part thereof that is separated from other buildings (structures) or parts by type 1 fire-resistant walls – called a fire compartment.
C.5.2 A building (structure) or a fire compartment is classified into fire resistance levels as in Table C.10.
Table C.10
Fire resistance level of buildings (structures)
Fire resistance limit of building components (structures), not lower than
Load-bearing components
Non-load-bearing exterior walls
Floors separating building stories (including attic and basement floors)
Roof components without an attic floor
Stairwell compartments
Trusses, beams, joists
Interior walls
Stair landings and flights
REI 60
RE 30
REI 120
REI 45
RE 15
REI 90
REI 45
RE 15
REI 60
REI 15
RE 15
REI 45
Not specified
C.6 Classification of buildings by structural fire hazard: According to Table C.11.
Table C.11
Structural fire hazard group of buildings
Fire hazard group of building components, not lower than
Load-bearing members (columns, girders, beams…)
Exterior walls from the outside
Walls, partitions, floors, and roofs without an attic floor
Walls of stairwells and fire-resistant components
Stair flights and landings in stairwells
Not specified
C.7 Classification of production by fire and explosion hazard
Buildings and spaces used for production and storage are classified by fire and explosion hazard of the substances and materials contained within them as in Table C.12.
Table C.12 Classification of fire and explosion hazard for buildings and rooms
Building fire hazard class
Characteristics of substances and materials present (formed) in the building, room
A Explosion hazard
– Contains flammable gases, flammable liquids with a flash point not exceeding 28°C, with a mass that can form an explosive gas-vapor mixture, which when ignited creates an estimated excess explosion pressure in the room exceeding 5 kPa. – Contains substances and materials capable of exploding and igniting when exposed to water, oxygen in the air, or each other, with a mass that creates an estimated excess explosion pressure in the room exceeding 5 kPa.
B Explosion hazard
– Contains combustible dusts or fibers, flammable liquids with a flash point exceeding 28°C, combustible liquids, with a mass that can form an explosive gas-dust or gas-vapor mixture, which when ignited creates an estimated excess explosion pressure in the room exceeding 5 kPa.
Table C.12 (Continued)
Building fire hazard class
Characteristics of substances and materials present (formed) in the building, room
C1 to C4 Fire hazard
– Contains combustible or low-combustibility liquids, combustible and low-combustibility substances and materials in solid form (including dust and fibers). Substances and materials that can ignite when exposed to water, oxygen in the air, or each other, but under the condition that the room containing these substances and materials does not belong to classes A or B. – The division of rooms into classes C1 to C4 according to the specific fire load value of the substances contained within them is as follows: C1 – Has a specific fire load greater than 22000 MJ/m2 C2 – Has a specific fire load from 1401 MJ/m2 to 2200 MJ/m2 C3 – Has a specific fire load from 181 MJ/m2 to 1400 MJ/m2 C2 – Has a specific fire load from 1 M/m2 to 180 MJ/m2
Contains non-combustible substances and materials in a hot, red-hot, or molten state, where the processing involves the generation of radiant heat, sparks, and flames; combustible solids, liquids, gases used as fuel.
Non-combustible substances and materials in a cold state
D.1 Permissible limit levels of airborne ultrasound at workplaces.
Table D.1
Geometric mean frequencies of one-third octave bands, kHz
Sound pressure levels, dB
12,5 16,0 20,0 25,0 31,5 ÷100,0
80 90 100 105 110
D.2 Permissible limit levels of contact ultrasound for workers.
Table D.2
Geometric mean frequencies of octave bands, kHz
Maximum values of vibration velocity, m/s
Vibration velocities, dB
16 ¸ 63 125 ¸ 500 1000 ¸ 31500
5.10-3 8,9.10-3 1,6.10-2
100 105 110
D.3 Permissible values of vibration in passenger compartments.
Table D.3
Geometric mean frequencies of the band, Hz
Permissible values along axes X0, Y0, Z0,
Vibration acceleration
Vibration velocity
2 4 6 8 16 31,5 63
10,0 11,0 14,0 28,0 56,0 110,0
80 81 83 89 95 101
0,79 0,45 0,28 0,28 0,28 0,28
84 79 75 75 75 75
Selected values, selected equivalent values and their levels
For non-stationary vibrations, the permissible level values in Table (3) are allowed to be increased by 10 dB, and for absolute values, multiplied by 0.32.
D.4 Permissible limit values of vibration at workplaces in production rooms with vibration sources.
Selected values, selected equivalent values and their levels
D.6 Permissible values of vibration at workplaces in healthcare rooms.
Table D.6
Geometric mean frequencies of the band, Hz
Permissible values along axes X0, Y0, Z0,
Vibration acceleration
Vibration velocity
2 4 8 16 31,5 63
4,0 4,5 5,6 11,0 22,0 45,0
72 73 75 81 87 93
3,2 1,8 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
76 71 67 67 67 67
Selected values, selected equivalent values and their levels
1. Daytime allowance in the rooms is 5 dB higher than the standard levels; 2. For non-stationary vibrations, the permissible level values in Table 6 are allowed to be increased by 10 dB, and for absolute values, multiplied by 0.32.
D.7 Permissible limit values of local vibration (Xl, Yl, Zl) in production.
Table D.7
Geometric mean frequencies of the band, Hz
Permissible values along axes Xl, Yl, Zl
Vibration acceleration
Vibration velocity
8 16 31,5 63 125 250 500 1000
1,4 1,4 2,8 5,6 11,0 22,0 45,0 89,0
123 123 129 135 141 147 153 159
2,8 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4
115 109 109 109 109 109 109 109
Selected values, selected equivalent values and their levels